Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 47 The Server Is About To Be Overwhelmed!

"This! What's going on!!"

The police officers looked at Jin Bin lying on the ground, the stinky blood flowed from the 'fat pig', forming a large pool of blood on the ground.

Countless sharp knife wounds left a dense web on his body through his clothes!

Who can do such an assassination?

"Sheriff, could it be that someone cut up his body first and then put on clothes at the end?"

The police chief looked back at Chen Duxiu's speech in surprise, frowned and said, "Are you a pervert, think about the picture of this fruit man?"

"oh oh!"

The sheriff stood up slowly, took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and walked out of the office silently.

He took out his mobile phone, hesitated for a long time, and decided to make a call.

beep... beep...

"Hello, Mr. Xu Dan."

"Well, hello, what does the sheriff want me to do?"

The sheriff smiled stiffly, "Well, did you do that Jin?"

"Ah? What happened to Jin Bin? Did something happen? I'm still working in the company. If I need help, I'll send my assistant there."

Xu Dan didn't admit it at all, pretending that there was no flaw.

Now, he's hacking into Faith's corporate security system and deleting all footage!

Definitely, whether to delete or not, someone knows that he did it.

But as long as everyone is clear about this matter, it's fine, you can't say it, you can't say it!

The sheriff showed a slight smile, and he immediately relaxed, "Haha, then Mr. Xu Dan doesn't have that kind of luck anymore, that dead pig like Jin Bing has been dissected now, think about the sins he committed, this is a great revenge !"

"Oh? That's such a pity."

"I feel sorry for you too! Well, let's not talk about it. After I deal with this matter, I will treat you to dinner."

"Hehe, that's not necessary. As long as the police chief upholds more justice, especially the justice of Anji Game Company, then I will be grateful. Many people are going to kidnap me these days!"


"OK, bye."

After the conversation between the two, they both got what they wanted and were satisfied.

The next step is to take the money and collect the corpse, and confiscate the Faith Ke enterprise that buried a lot of illegal goods under its ass!

He couldn't even imagine what kind of reward he would get for such a contribution.

I'm afraid it will be publicly commended in front of the whole people, and the federal councilors will personally present some important medals!

That is a glorious thing!

As for that shitty old bureau chief, he doesn't even bother to talk about it now!

Even if he sent people up to catch them, it would be futile!

Jin Bing has already been arrested. Although it is a pity that he was not caught alive and cannot reveal more black material, this is enough for them!

If you are greedy, you can't eat more!


After dealing with Jin Bin, Xu Dan can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Otherwise, kidnapping and assassination every three days, who can stand it!

Now, he can finally start refining his game!

In just two days, "Warcraft" created a new global record, breaking 250 million online at the same time!

What a huge amount of data this is!

It also declares the success of "Warcraft"!

The original company's server can no longer handle the swarm of so many players, it is almost overwhelmed!

As a last resort, he could only send Liva to buy a new server.

In this year, the server technology is not as developed as in the previous life, not only is it bulky, but the workload is far inferior.

The servers on the market look like this!

He had no choice but to go through the channels and found the majestic Chief Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The technology used by the government is always higher than the high level used by the civilians. There is nothing wrong with finding someone.

But Nick Fury's old silver coin presented a problem!

They, S.H.I.E.L.D, refused to sell it, saying that it was strictly controlled.

Strictly speaking, with Nick Fury's means, how could it be impossible to get a few servers!

However, because of Xu Dan's face, he thought about continuing to cooperate in the future, and recommended him an even better supplier—Tony Stark!

Who is Tony Stark, a famous playboy, but also a genius inventor!

The military industry is one aspect, but he is not weak at all in terms of electronic technology!

It is said that when he was a teenager, he invented a robot. Think about what he was doing when he was a teenager? Recite and silently write the full text?

Closer to home, the average person would not be able to date Tony Stark, that prodigal son.

Fortunately, with Nick Fury on the bridge, Xu Dan drove directly to the most luxurious building in New York City, the Stark Industrial Building!

When he came here, it was actually Tony Starka's personal bodyguard, Happy Hogan, who came to receive him.

"Hi, Mr. Xu Dan, welcome to the Stark Industrial Building, Mr. Stark is already waiting there!"

Seeing the smiling face of the bodyguard, Xu Dan also nodded politely.

In "Iron Man", he admired this bodyguard more, he was as careful as an old butler in doing things.

And very loyal, even the cannons offered by Tony Stark are checked clean!

Follow Happy all the way, take the special elevator, and soon see Tony·Stark who is barking his teeth and claws in front of the computer from a distance!

Ben San's person, playing a game is still like this!

Happy coughed helplessly, then deliberately knocked on the door.

Benedict! Benedict! Benedict!

"Whoa! Look who's here!" Tony·Stark finally came to his senses, quickly threw the game aside, and enthusiastically won towards Xu Dan, "Xu Dan, first time meeting, I'm Tony· Stark! You should have heard me!"

Xu Dan looked at this person calmly. It was the first time he met the famous 'Tony Stark', but he was not so excited.

After staying in this world for a long time, my mentality is normal.

But he found that Tony Stark looked at him very strangely, that look was as eager as a primary school student seeing a horse painting vine Uncle!

It's over!

This man is crazy!

"Admiration for a long time!" Xu Dan said.

"Whoa! Whoa! I still want to sigh! Whoa!"

"Mr. Stark, let's talk business!"

"Just call me Tony!"

"Okay, Tony, let's get down to business!"

"Don't worry! You don't know, I'm actually your fan! Since your first game, I've been a fan of you! Really!"

Tony made a 'please' gesture and said as he walked.

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