Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 64 Goal, Create A Virtual Game, The Second World!

"Hidden strength?"

Xu Dan couldn't help laughing, if it's okay to deal with a gangster like Sabretooth, then how can he talk to the top bosses in the Marvel universe in the future?

Moreover, this is still a virtual battle, and the characters in it are all synthesized through relevant data, not real people.

If it's the real Sabretooth, I'm afraid it will be a bit stronger!

"Wow, Dan, you look even cooler now than before!" Phoenix stared at Xu Dan and said quietly.

She is a Mutant and an X-Men, and she "definitely appreciates men with strength more than natural people."

Her current boyfriend, Cyclops Scott, is a green fur turtle with impressive strength, oh no, the team captain with strength.

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

While the two were talking, Cyclops walked towards them with his special tactical goggles.

Cyclops is still unable to control his super ability. When he opens his eyes, he will definitely emit powerful laser energy. He must rely on the assistance of tactical eyepieces to control it perfectly.

Once he loses the 29 tactical eyepiece, he may not even dare to open his eyes!

It was precisely because of this that everyone couldn't see his At the moment eyes clearly.

It can only be judged from the expression on the lower half of his face that in his heart at the moment, there should be ten thousand muddy horses galloping past!

Yes, he really likes Phoenix Jean Grey!

However, this girlfriend really made him worry. Although this country is relatively open, and the contact between women and men is relatively open, Phoenix always looks at other men with that strange look.

Who can resist this!

Cyclops coughed twice uncomfortably, and finally, definitely chose to forgive her.

"Hey, Mr. Xu Dan, this virtual training room has been completed, where did you just now?"

Listening to Cyclops' reluctant question, Xu Dan replied clearly: "Well, it's officially completed now, I just went to check it myself, I can ensure that there is no problem with the system, if something goes wrong , I must bear the relevant responsibilities! Then I won’t bother you any more, and it’s time for me to leave.”

Everyone would say that taking responsibility is such a thing, but the works that come out of his hands have really never had any mistakes!

Such a promise also slightly eliminated the greenness in Cyclops' heart.

There is no need to create unnecessary enemies, this is a common sense of business.

"Wow, I, Mr. Xu Dan, are really amazing. I finished the virtual training room so quickly. To be honest, I have always wanted to experience it, but are you going back now? It's getting late now, why don't you stay here first , let’s leave tomorrow!” Cyclops politely asked to stay.

When a wise person hears this sentence, he knows it means seeing off guests.

Xu Dan smiled slightly, shook his head, and cast his eyes on Professor X.

Professor X is the master here!

"Professor, as you can see, there is nothing wrong with the virtual training room, so it's time for me to leave."

"Yes, I saw it, Dan, you are great!" Professor X praised from the bottom of his heart, "Then I should also take out the reward that belongs to you.

"Hey, yes." Xu Dan smiled lightly, talking to people with developed brains is easy!

There is never a good thing in the world, and from a businessman's point of view, any helping hand needs to pay a corresponding price.

Therefore, he did not refuse.

It was already late at night when I got home, Liwa was not in the villa today, but returned to her shared room.

Her current salary is actually enough to buy a house in New York, but because of her busy work, she has no time to look at the house.

Although he was already a night god, Xu Dan didn't feel sleepy at all.

After returning home, he took a comfortable bath and went straight to the third floor.

The third floor of the villa is his chassis alone, and outsiders are never allowed to enter.

After passing the iris verification, he walked into the 'paradise' that he carefully built for himself.

Here, all kinds of equipment are arranged very carefully.

Walking up from downstairs is like stepping into a high-tech world.

Having acquired Xavier's School's virtual technology from Professor X, he can't wait to conduct a series of studies.

Virtual online games, this is the ultimate dream of a game developer!

With a helmet or other adapter equipment, you can enjoy the second world, not to mention the developer's own sense of pride, even a player, will be so excited that he can't sleep!

However, from Xavier's School's virtual training room, he summed up some difficulties.

The first point: the virtual training room is not connected to the neurons of the human body, but the relevant combat environment is forged through the special reaction boards arranged around the circle.

The second point: if you want to make a virtual holographic game like the one in online game novels, it is not as simple as a VR game. The game is as old as 'Contra'! A game like that needs hardware support.....too far away!

The third point: If the previous point is true, then he also needs to make related game equipment, that is, game helmets. The game helmet must be connected to the 463 nerves of the human body, otherwise how could it be possible to bring a person into the world he created!

The above three points are more difficult than the other!

He admires Kayaba Akihiko very much now, that person, shouldn't he be an alien!

What a genius!

Not only has the virtual game been completed, but it also has the ability to lock players into the game world!

At this point, Xu Dan bowed down!

"emmm... Regarding the second point, you can take your time. It's just that the amount of engineering is too large and the cost of research and development is too high. You can solve it with hard work, take your time! It can be reversed, and start the game first. The making of the helmet!"

First create a simple world, such as a small house with 3D modeling is enough, there is no need to pursue any sense of reality or beauty, as long as the player can connect into it is enough!

Such a helmet is considered a preliminary success!

This is Xu Dan's vision!

How to enter the virtual game is the crux of the whole problem.

Everything else can be solved with manpower and money!

If a problem can be solved with money, is it still a problem?

"Hiss... But, there are still some technical blind spots in making this gaming helmet..."

Xu Dan has indeed worked hard in the game industry for many years, but those are 'ordinary' games, completely different from virtual games!.

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