Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 65 Bruce Banner Gasps

Just to make this helmet, he also needs a helper who is very, very, very good in biological sciences!

Or a bunch of helpers!

Engaging in such things as neuronal links has never been a security research, and you need to take risks!

In case of failure, the game helmet is a nerve killer! Either die! Or hemiplegia!


"The Marvel universe is so big, is Wei Cai the right candidate?"

Xu Dan kept patting his forehead, thinking hard.

Nerve import...  

When he mentioned this, he couldn't help but think of Ultron. Ultron also wanted to introduce himself into a new body, which was Vision's body...


This is not the key.

It should be the later plot, Tony asked Dr. Banner to import J.A.R.V.I.S into that Vibranium body......

It seems that related technology was mentioned at the time!


Bruce Banner!

The man with seventeen doctorates, one of the most intelligent people on earth.

"Find Banner!!"

Xu Dan almost jumped out of his seat in surprise!

An epic problem in front of him was suddenly solved by such a mere film and television plot!

Sure enough, it is beneficial to watch more movies, for example, little Spider-Man is on the spaceship of Ebony Maw, and it is by virtue of a single-handed "tribute" and Iron Man that the powerful Ebony Maw is counted!

"Although finding Banner is also a difficult problem, it is easier than this game!

Xu Dan sat back on the seat and tapped lightly on the keyboard with both hands.

Through his unique method, he searched for the information of 'Mr. Green' and 'Mr. Blue'.

After Banner ran to Brazil to hide, he used an encrypted method to become "Mr. Green" and communicate with a person named "Mr. Blue" on the Internet, discussing how to completely eliminate the monster in his body.

However, all the encryption in this world, in Xu Dan's view, is like an open door, he pushes it open if he wants to, and closes it if he wants to close it!

After countless layers of screening, he finally found some chat records.

Judging from these chat records, this 'Mr. Green' is the Bruce Banner he was looking for!

After Banner turns green and stronger, once he loses control of his emotions, he will turn into a green titan and destroy everywhere.

In order not to hurt the innocent, he ran to that remote place to find a way to control his emotions.

After locking the sending coordinates of the information, he quickly called up the map of South America. As far as he knew, Banner should be hiding in a small village in Brazil.

The location of the coordinates shows——Hecinia slums!

This is not a small village, at least the small village is clean and peaceful, and the houses in this slum area look like a garbage dump from a height!

After turning off the map, a smile appeared on the corner of Xu Dan's mouth.

Dr. Tangtang Banner, what a mess!

He reopened the 'Mr. Green and Mr. Blue' chat room.

And forcibly added a chat account below, tentatively named 'Penguin

Coincidentally, at this point in time, Mr. Green and Mr. Lan are communicating.

[Mr. Lan]: You must send me some more samples of your blood.

[Mr. Green]: Why?

[Penguin]: Banner, Mr. Lan above is a liar, he can't cure your disease at all!

[Mr. Green]:!!! Who are you?

[Mr. Lan]: Mr. Green, have you told others about our secret?

[Penguin]: I have a way to effectively seal the monster in your body. If you want to rely on the technology of the one above, you will suffer in vain!

[Mr. Lan]: What do you mean, Mr. Green, is he another partner of yours?!

[Mr. Green]:...

[Penguin]: Hulk can't be killed, at least he can't. What you want to do is to suppress forever. You wait, I will send you a express mail tomorrow, pay attention to check

After saying this, Xu Dan canceled his id, and (cjeh) guaranteed that there was no trace of him on the Internet.

Only Mr. Lan was left screaming frantically.

No one is in a good mood to be criticized like this by a sudden person!

Why talk to yourself, say that he can't do this, that can't do it, if you have the guts, you can do it!



In a dilapidated house, Bruce Banner stared at the words that suddenly appeared on the screen.

These few words seem abrupt and exaggerated.

Most people even think of it as drinking too much and sending it to the wrong place, but Banner doesn't think so.

Because there is too much information revealed in that short sentence!

His and Mr. Lan's secrets, his position, his 'disease'!

Who on earth is the other party, who knows so much!

Banner has the uneasiness of being watched by the eyes of God.

Suddenly, he thought of a terrible possibility—could it be someone from General Ross!


As soon as he thought of this, Banner's antique mobile phone on the table rang, and there was a text message with an unknown number.

"Banner, first of all, I have no malice, and I have no interest in the monster in your body. If you believe it, you can continue to read. Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, a courier will be delivered to you, definitely, provided that you will not escape Your current slum area. There will be two things in the express mail, one is my personal business card, oh, this is not important, and the other is a good medicine for temporarily treating your illness. After you use it, you will understand my sincerity , If you still want to cooperate at that time, you can find me according to the location on the business card.”


Bruce Banner gasped.

He walked to the window with a restless expression, and looked out cautiously.

Looking east and west, there is nothing unusual, which means that no one is watching him at all!

However, this feeling is like being under surveillance!

Who the hell is the other party!

Banner picked up the phone again, looked at the text message repeatedly, his eyes were cloudy and uncertain.

Should he trust such a person he has never met?

Do not believe.

A person who came out of the blue revealed his secret just like that, and even knew his location.

If the opponent is General Ross's man, if he doesn't run away now, the next thing he will do is to be caught!

letter also.

Mr. Lan is also a person on the Internet, and he has never met.

But don't you also trust Mr. Lan?!

After much deliberation, he finally decided to take a gamble!

After communicating with Mr. Lan for so long, I still haven't come up with a solution to his 'illness'!

But now, that person who is tentatively called "Penguin" has boldly and boldly given the medicine first!

Anyway, he wants to gamble on the efficacy of this medicine!.

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