Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 66 A Card Suppresses The Green Titan!

the next day.


A worker in the uniform of the Antarctic Company, carrying a silver-white box in his hand, drove to the slum area of ​​Hecinia alone.

He purposefully went directly to the house where Bruce Banner lived, knocked on the door, put the suitcase in front of the door, and then turned around and left without waiting for a response from inside.

Banner opened the door suspiciously, only to see a silver-white suitcase safely placed in front of him.

He wouldn't think it was a box containing hundreds of thousands of banknotes, because on the front of the box, the Antarctic company's logo was spray-painted, and it was obvious at a glance that it was not a box for official use

He looked around, and after confirming that no one had noticed, he immediately picked up the suitcase and closed the door carefully.

After he entered the house, he opened the box cautiously.

The interior of the box is quite luxurious, as if riding some royal treasure.

However, there are no treasures inside, only two cards!

One is Xu Dan's business card, and the other is a black card that is completely black without a pattern!

Banner first picked up the business card and looked at the information on it.

“Xu Dan……Antarctic Game Company….”

After staying in this slum for a long time, I have lost too much contact with the outside world.

But despite this, he has heard of this Antarctic game company!

Because the reputation of this company is really too big now!

Even this backward slum area often hears the name of that company!

Definitely, the places that are backward, the points that people care about are different.

They only know that there is a very powerful game called "World of Warcraft", which is called a cross-age masterpiece by the world, and they have a deeper understanding, and they only stop at the game development company.

So, this is the first time he knows Xu Dan.

In the chat room, is that mysterious person named 'Penguin' really him?

Accepting the business card for the time being, Banner turned his attention to the dark card.

"With all due respect, what the hell is this thing?"

Banner held the black card in his hand, and he remembered Mr. Penguin saying that the 'medicine' would be delivered to him.

Could it be that this card is actually for eating?

Just when he was at a loss, a piece of white paper suddenly leaked out from the interlayer of the suitcase.

Banner immediately reached out and took out the white paper.

Frowning and looking, I saw some words neatly written on the white paper.

[Bruce Banner, the brother you are holding in your hand now has mysterious and unpredictable power. As long as you hold it in your hand and crush it, it can guarantee that within seventy-two hours, no matter what happens, you will be angry or impulsive Forget it, I won’t transform! If you still want a follow-up, then come to me!”


Banner slowly leaned against the head of the bed, unexpectedly, the other party knew exactly about his transformation!

Simply horrible!


With an attitude of giving it a try, he held the black card in the palm of his hand, and then used all his strength!

The card that looked like a solid rock was actually very fragile. He just squeezed it like this, and it shattered into a little bit of starlight, which sank into his body!

With that magical power entering his body, his mood seemed to relax all of a sudden.

Ever since his body mutated, he lived in fear every day.

Never has it been so easy!

This change of mood may not matter at all to others, but it is extremely sensitive to Banner.

This is a subtle change that cannot be described in words.

In short, under that magical force, his heart actually believed what Xu Dan said!

Really, I feel that no matter how fast my heart beats and how angry I am, I won't turn into a green titan!

This is just an intuition and has not been tested.

So, he plans to go outside to test it now!

The slum area is backed by a mountain, and there is no one in the mountain. He plans to set off immediately and run to the mountain to test it!

The result of the test made Banner laugh like a madman in the middle of the night.

No matter how fast his heart beat, no matter what kind of stimulation he received, he didn't transform!

In other words, that card actually helped him suppress the Hulk!

Now he doesn't have to worry about turning into a green state all the time!

Now he is a normal person!

He is what he is, Bruce Banner!

Turning back to a normal person is something Banner has always dreamed of!

And now, it has come true!

But soon, the smile on his face slowly disappeared again——this state can only last for three days, and after three days, he still has to live in fear!

Find Xu Dan!

Must find Xu Dan to get this magic 'drug', no matter what the price is, must eliminate that monster forever!

...asking for flowers......

Banner ran all the way back to his kennel, couldn't wait to take out his old antique cell phone, and dialed the phone number on the business card.

beep beep...

"Hello?" A young male voice came from the phone.

"Uh, that, are you Mr. Xu Dan?" Banner was a little taken aback, he didn't expect such a mysterious person to be so young!

In his original fantasy, Xu Dan might be a middle-aged man with a very deep city background.

But listening to the voice now, he should be less than thirty years old!

"Oh~ are you Dr. Banner?" Xu Dan on the other end of the phone quickly reflected.

"Yes, I am... Bruce Banner!" Banner replied very modestly.

"You used what I gave you? How did it work?"

"I used it, and it really suppressed it for a while, I am very grateful!"

"That's good."

"Excuse me, is this thing long-term?"

In fact, even if it is only three days, Na is already very content.

After such a long time of research, he didn't even have a clue, let alone successfully suppressed that monster!

On the other end of the phone, Xu Dan smiled lightly and said, "Long-term? Yes. Do you want a month's, a year's, or a Jiazi's?"

A Jiazi is sixty years!

Sixty Years Effect!

This thing, for Banner, is more attractive than mountains of gold and silver!

His heart beat unscrupulously, and the heart rate monitor on his wrist was beeping and beeping, but he didn't need to worry about it now, and he simply threw away the annoying heart rate monitor.

Banner couldn't restrain the enthusiasm in his heart, but he was not stupid, knowing that there is no free lunch in this world.

So he asked, "Then what will I pay for it?"

"Hehe, the price? You don't need to pay any price! Don't be so serious, I just need you to help me do one thing."

"What's up?"

"You'll know it when you arrive, something that makes Bruce Banner prove his worth."

The green titan Hulk and Banner are actually different. The world only knows how awesome the green titan is, but they don’t know that Banner is actually a ghost!

His existence value was almost covered by that brute force green titan!.

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