Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 67 Antarctica Leads The Trend, Warcraft Culture Is Popular

Now, Xu Dan gives him a chance!

Banner couldn't refuse such an opportunity. Because for him, there is no harm at all!

But just when he was about to say yes, he suddenly realized something.

Thinking of this incident makes him feel like falling into an ice cave!

"Mr. Xu Dan, I'm sorry, actually, I may have something to do with the United States military, I..."

Banner's mood suddenly fell from the peak to the trough.

He knew that some people were chasing him, and he also knew that the general father of his ex-girlfriend would not let him go easily!

He was very pleasantly surprised just now, but now, he really can't be happy!

Even a little desperate!

However, Xu Dan's voice pulled him out of despair, "I definitely know this, don't worry, since I dare to use you, I have Ability to deal with your troubles!" "One Seventy"

How could Chen Dan not know about General Ross's nonsense that can't be put on the table!

Capital still has some influence on the United States military!

Banner thought about it, and finally decided to trust Xu Dan again.

The only person he can rely on now is Xu Dan!

"Okay, I'm ready to go and find you!"

"very good."

That's the end of the conversation.

Xu Dan put down his phone, and cast his eyes on the clean Liwa.

In fact, the things he sent to Bruce Banner were mysterious and mysterious, and neither mysterious nor mysterious.

That is a skill card redeemed from the system point mall.

Similar to the ninjutsu device in Naruto Boruto, skills can be stored in a small card.

And in the card for Banner, the dark ranger's silent magic is stored.

If the process of transforming the Banner into a green titan is regarded as a status-type skill that reads a larger size.

Then Silence Magic can perfectly stop this skill!

That's why Banner felt that no matter how angry and impulsive he was, he would not transform.

The body fell silent, the skill boxes were all gray, and pressing the keyboard frantically didn't help. It makes sense to write.

For outsiders, this may be the power of the gods, who can solve the ultimate problem of Banner, but in the eyes of Xu Dan, it is just a few million points!

Now the points provided by "World of Warcraft" every day are huge enough, and it costs less than three million points to acquire the talent of Bruce Banner. He feels that this investment is very profitable!

After these few days of fermentation, the influence of "World of Warcraft" in the whole world is more than just a word of surprise.

On the Internet, regardless of whether it is in the game circle or not, the Warcraft term has become popular.

The forums opened under the official website of Antarctic Game Company have almost become the world's number one interactive platform!

Network interaction is the general trend of the whole network. Xu Dan who has experienced that era is still very clear about this.

For example, Xiao Ma, who worked with him, used to be a women's clothing boss who developed an online chat room. Ten years later, who dares to say that he is not the number one trafficker?!

But as of today, the largest interactive platform on the Internet still belongs to the 'Warcraft Forum'.

Regardless of whether you are a Warcraft player or not, you will try to make it fun, make the World of Warcraft forum a label, and become a must-see once a day.

Now it is outdated to discuss where "World of Warcraft" is doing well.

Because now players all over the world, and even netizens know that it is impossible for Anji Game Company to produce bad games, it is a company that is more picky than them!

Eight out of ten posts in the forum, among the best posts, are fan fictions about "Warcraft"!

This year, fan fiction has not risen yet, but the influence of World of Warcraft is too great, and the traffic of the forum is too large, which makes those "tie bar articles" quickly become popular.

Many forward-thinking netizens have smelled business opportunities, posted articles in the forum, set up a coin to read articles, and can easily make money!

And the operation department of Anji Company also saw an unstoppable trend—the explosion of Warcraft culture!

Therefore, an advertisement on the top of the forum came into being.

"Looking for the best Warcraft works, the best reward of the year is 100,000 US dollars!"

With $100,000, many people can’t earn so much without eating or drinking for a year!

There are still a few rich people, and most people are working hard for a few dollars a month.

As soon as this announcement appeared, it aroused shouts from netizens.

Antarctic company is giving away money!

This is just a development on the Internet. In reality, Warcraft culture is also affecting people's lives...

I still remember a long time ago, when Antarctic Studio was just starting up, and the first game "King of Fighters" was launched at that time.

"The King of Fighters" was put into the game hall at the beginning, and in order to attract attention, Xu Dan specially found some beautiful women to cosplay the characters in "The King of Fighters".

But now, there is no need for anyone to organize. Enthusiastic players are spontaneously buying costumes to cosplay the characters in "World of Warcraft"!

This is especially evident in the island countries, where the level of development of the two-dimensional culture of the island countries can definitely be said to be the first today.

Cosplay has long become a habit. Every year, the exhibition will cause a craze. Countless dead houses come out of the house for an unprecedented time, holding various shooting equipment, and shooting non-stop at those cosplay beauties.

Akihabara, the world-famous place of two-dimensional culture, does not need anyone to promote it, and its originality has already taken shape.

It's just that, now there, between the buildings and the streets, there are no longer those anime girls who owe pornography.

But the overwhelming 'Warcraft'!

This does not require the Antarctic company to do thrust, it is entirely out of the needs of those dead house players in the island country.

As big as a super-large model, a female elf straddles the tramway, and the tram just passes through the crotch of the female elf. It has to be said that the islanders have an advanced level of 0.8 in terms of perverts, which is unmatched by people all over the world.

Cosers as small as the streets are full, and they wear specially customized cos clothing.

Even an ugly orc was turned into a mother by the ghostly island country dead house!

Not to mention, the girly look is also very good-looking!

Many tourists who came here for the fame had no choice but to take a set of beautiful pictures and upload them to the World of Warcraft forum.

In the city of New York, there are still many cosplayers.

Akihabara is a relatively small place, and people regard it as a special area.

And the fanatical players in New York, even regardless of other people's strange eyes, directly put on ¢s clothes and took to the streets!

Many people think that it is a brain problem to dress like this on the street, but it is not the case. Under the influence of "World of Warcraft", this is a trend!.

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