Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 68: The Game Critic Who Holds Antarctic Dad's Thigh Tightly

game reviewer.

It can be said to be the most salty profession in the world.

Which online games the players like the most can be directly proved by traffic and word of mouth.

But this kind of workers still cannot be idle.

In order to make eye-catching topics, they racked their brains and immersed themselves in the continent of Azeroth all day long, trying to find any fresh points.

World of Warcraft is too big for today's gamer!

That's almost really a world!

After all, in the previous game market, there was still a popular story about Dragon Quest. The game map was pitifully small, and players were almost forced to go by the so-called plot!

But now it's different, "World of Warcraft" will not force players to do anything at all.

It doesn't even matter if they don't upgrade!

There is nothing wrong with being an honest scenery party!

After all, the painting style of World of Warcraft is really scary, playing the game is like traveling through time!

Chen Li is a Chinese game reviewer.

In these 29 thoughts, as a professional game reviewer in China, the pressure on him is huge amounts of.

The lack of support from family members and the incomprehension of friends.

For that, childish?

Does anyone pay you a salary?

The thing that lingers in Chen Li's ears the most every day is the sentence - besides playing games, can you do something serious? Your second uncle is short of xx on the construction site, so go and help!

Every time he encountered such a conversation, Chen Li wanted to cry but had no tears.

He has loved games since he was a child. When he was a student, he was the game leader in his class. No matter what games his classmates discussed, he could become a master figure.

Even if it is a dress-up game that female classmates like to play, he has a lot of experience!

After graduating, he went straight to a weird job as a game reviewer.

Definitely, those rubbish games on the market don't have any big money-absorbing abilities at all. He just talks about hype, and no one pays for it.

Therefore, he took on the title of "Needing the Elders" again, and his former friends kept a distance from him.

However, he still did not give up the obsession in his heart, and no one could realize how heavy a burden he was carrying.

To live in this society, to be realistic, you need money!

Chen Li can't make any money at all, no matter how persistent he is, he will eventually become the laughing stock of others.

He can't stand it any longer!

I once thought about suicide!

But on the night when he was about to commit suicide, a game appeared in front of him. It was his special channel, and he immediately knew about an arcade game that was suddenly popular in North America.

King of Fighters!

From the first second of seeing the video, Chen Li's originally dull eyes suddenly ignited a flame of hope!

His keen game sense allowed him to come to a conclusion immediately, this game must be popular!

Sure enough, "The King of Fighters" is still a big hit in the end!

With "The King of Fighters", Chen Li finally got his first pot of gold in life!

This first sum of money alone will get him out of trouble immediately!

However, smartly, he chose to make a fortune silently, and there is no such thing as Zhang Yang.

In the eyes of outsiders, he is still that trash who can only play games, already in his 27th or 18th grade, and can only chew old trash!

No one wants to communicate with him!

Only after experiencing pain can we understand how strong a person's heart is!

Yes, Chen Li has worked out!

If it is an ordinary person, when he earns money and proves himself, he will definitely prove to those around him who look down on him that he can do it!

But Chen Li didn't, he chose to ignore it.

People who look down on him are laymen after all!

He actually disdain to be with it!

This is his second year doing reviews.

Now the era of "King of Fighters" has gradually dimmed, but the Antarctic game company he followed really did not disappoint him, and released new games in succession.

He also has a considerable degree of gratitude for this company that is like a reborn parent.

The moment he saw "World of Warcraft", Chen Li couldn't even believe his eyes.

That kind of mood is ten times more exciting than a beautiful woman lying in front of him for a month!

As a game reviewer, I understand the difficulty of developing a game, and I understand the development of a good game in the future.

However, it was too late for him to comment!

Because of this game, he, a person who relies on games for a living, became addicted to it!

He has loved games since he was a child, so he is naturally a great manipulator. He has loved PK since "The King of Fighters", and it is still the same in "World of Warcraft".

Perhaps out of some long-repressed emotions, he wanted to gain some psychological comfort from the process of defeating others.

After playing "World of Warcraft" for several days, the floor was full of functional drinks such as Red Bull, Jianlibao, etc. Chen Li was about to die suddenly in the game, when he suddenly remembered that he didn't even have a job!

This sudden awakening made him refreshed!

He is not willing to close "World of Warcraft", if the community does not have power, he even wants to log in online forever!

After all, the products produced by Antarctica are full of black technology and sincerity. The computer can run large-scale games for a long time, and it will not freeze!

Finally, he finished the work.

Sleepiness surged up like a tide, Chen Li looked at the computer screen, and said silently: "Daddy Nanji..."

As we all know, game reviewers must remain neutral, and cannot deliberately fan one and black one. 253

But now, Chen Li just feels that the work of Anji Game Company is very conscientious, it is a masterpiece of the century, and other games are rubbish!

The next day, when he put his mind to shelving the game for the first time and devoted himself to the evaluation circle, he still found some bad rumors.

"There are still people hacking my Antarctic dad's game, Ma De, if you don't need your eyes, you can directly donate them to the blind!"

While cursing angrily, Chen Li quickly checked the spokesman's information.

Out of his keen sense of the industry, he discovered from the cobweb traces of the spokesperson's previous remarks that this so-called peer is just a babysitter for other game companies!

Chen Li's eyes turned cold, "The lackeys of Fengxue Company dare to blackmail me, Great Antarctica! I don't even look at the garbage that Fengxue makes! The works that imitate other people's "King of Fighters" are all rejected by players. It’s sprayed like a dog, and the game data is a mess! Let’s not talk about it, I dare to imitate other people’s "Warcraft"! I don’t even look at how many catties I made, it’s like a mosaic children’s game !"

After browsing in the circle, he found that there was more than one such situation!

He decided that these people should not be allowed to act recklessly like this.

So, he's going to break his own update rule, even though he did a review just yesterday, and now he's going to do another one!.

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