Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 75: Braunski Begins To Doubt Life

However, things are not what Rose thought at all.

Bronski was still closely following Banner, and the target was obviously exhausted during the hour-long stalking in the dense forest!

Just ten more minutes and they could have taken Banner alive!

Moreover, there is an open field ahead, if Banner is driven there, these people can shoot!

Banner is a little desperate, and now he even wants to transform into a green titan to get out of this predicament!

However, the 'medicine' that Xu Dan gave him was too powerful, his current heartbeat is almost 120 per minute, but there is still no sign of transformation!

"My God! What should I do! What should I do!"

Although Xu Dan has said that it's okay to be caught, he doesn't want to be caught at all!

But now he really has no strength, his footsteps feel like he is stepping on the clouds, he is powerless!

He took a deep breath, turned his head and glanced at the back, and those people were getting closer!

Those people are the source of despair, every time they get closer, Banner becomes more desperate.

"Stop! Or I'll shoot, don't suffer, buddy!" Bronski, who was following behind, seemed at ease. He had received various trainings in the army, and this kind of long-distance tracking was child's play for him. Now he is still full of energy!

Hearing this, Banner didn't dare to linger, and now he is running away based on his beliefs, his legs have already been on strike!

Bronski noticed this slight change, he is a veteran after all, he dropped the gun in his hand, and accelerated rapidly!

This speed surpassed the team in an instant, and quickly approached Banner!

Hearing footsteps behind him, Banner had no time to react, and was kicked to the ground!

The strength of that kick is usually nothing, but now his footsteps are weak, he can't hold it at all, and suddenly fell to the ground and rolled two or three meters away!

"Dude, I told you, don't ask for trouble~"!"

Bronski sneered condescendingly, comparing physical strength with a soldier, I'm afraid I'm losing my mind!

Banner glared at him. If it was normal, he would have torn up the Dogecoin by now, and even dared to ridicule, his head would have been ground to pieces!

It's a pity that he can't change even if he wants to change now!

The 'drug effect' is too strong!

"What, you want to kill me with your eyes?" Bronski laughed again, and then waved to the team behind him, "Come, carry him back!"

However, when he looked back, he found that his teammates were holding their guns and aiming at... him?

"Hey, what are you guys doing?"


Hearing his teammate's reminder, Bronski hurriedly turned his head, and at some point, not far in front of him, a man in a long robe appeared with a book in his hand, who looked like a priest.

But he sure isn't a priest!

How could that kind of person run into such a deep mountain and wild forest?

Bronski was immediately on the alert.

With one hand behind his back, he gestured towards the team behind him.

The next moment, dense anesthesia bombs all shot towards Gonitz!

The anesthesia bombs they equipped can anesthetize an adult male quickly with one shot, and such a number of anesthesia bombs is a lethal dose!

Unfortunately, their mistake is that they don't know Gounitz!

That is a man who controls the wind!

He raised his hand and waved it lightly, and there was a strong wind, blowing those anesthesia bombs back one after another!

clap clap clap!!

Those narcotic bombs that were originally shot at Gounitz are now returned to their original owners, knocking down these ignorant soldiers to the ground!

Bronski widened his eyes, looking at this scene beyond his own understanding!

He has always known that this world is a scientific world, no matter how strong a human being is, he can't catch a bullet!

Having a gun in your hand means strength!

But what is the situation now?

A human being can control the wind by waving his hand?

Is this really magic?

Bronski began to doubt life.

"Go away." Gonitz said lightly.

However, Bronski's feet looked as heavy as if they had been filled with lead. At the moment, he completely forgot how to act!

When Gonitz saw that Bronski "did not listen to dissuasion", he waved his hand again with calm eyes and helplessness.

That was the wind pressure like an air cannon, directly blasting Bronski head-on.


Bronski's body flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, and smashed heavily into the deep forest, life or death is unknown!

At this time, Gonitz looked down at Bruce Banner on the ground.

"Mr. Banner, I would like to come to the rescue according to the order of the Lord."

For Super Ability, Banner has already learned about it.

Isn't his transformation a kind of super ability!

However, the "Master" that Gonitz said surprised Banner.

It is not difficult to guess that the so-called master is actually Mr. Xu Dan.

In this day and age, what kind of person is there who can still be honored as "Lord" by others?

What's more, let a person like Gonitz with super Ability be honored as the master!

Could it be that Mr. Xu Dan is also a person with super abilities?

If you think about it this way, it makes sense.

How could that black card-shaped 'drug' be something that science can produce today!

Suddenly, a sense of intimacy welled up in my heart.

Birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups, even if you can get 'drugs' to suppress the monster in your body, he is still a monster in essence!

Being able to come together with this group of people has an inexplicable sense of belonging!

Banner regained some strength, stood up quickly, and smiled politely at Gonitz, "||Thank you! Thank you for saving me!"

"Mr. Banner does not need to thank you, everything is arranged by the Lord.

So loyal?!(Yes?)

Banner is a little envious!

"Okay, then let's hurry to see Mr. Xu Dan, oh, right, we can't go that way, General Ross' convoy is still there!"

Gonitz glanced in that direction with disdain, and reached out to touch the Banner casually. An invisible wind force actually suspended the Banner, which weighed nearly 60 kilograms, like this!

" this?" Banner looked at his body in surprise.

If this is the super Ability of Gonitz, it is really too enviable!

He wants to use his transformation to exchange with him!

Definitely, that can't be done.

Gonitz didn't explain, but controlled the wind, took Banner and passed Lin Hai at low altitude, and flew in the direction of the United States!

Who said you have to fly across borders?

Need a passport?

Gonitz never cared about those towels!

As long as he flies fast enough, no one can stop him on the national border!.

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