Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 76 Banner: Damn, This Is Not Working Hard, This Is The Ultimate Dream Of My Life!

After receiving the news, Xu Dan took the initiative to go downstairs to meet Bruce Banner.

After going through various things, Banner has been curious about this mysterious person for a long time.

But when he saw Xu Dan with his own eyes, he was immediately surprised.

He didn't expect that the man who became more and more mysterious in his mind would be so young!

Judging from his way of doing things, Banner often thinks that this person looks like a middle-aged rich businessman!

With money, ability, and a powerful subordinate like Gonitz, perhaps, this is fate!

"Nice meeting, Dr. Banner." Xu Dan said politely.

Banner looked up at the majestic Antarctic Game Building, was a little dazed, and replied after a while: "Oh! Oh hello, Mr. Xu Dan!"

"this way please!"

Without talking too much, Xu Dan already knew a lot about Bruce Banner.

He took Banner directly into the company, and then went straight to the basement.

When he bought this building, it was because there was an underground base abandoned by the United States in the early years of the building. Although he didn't know what it was for back then, the construction of the base was strong enough.

I didn't think too much about it at the time, I just thought it was awesome to have such a secret place, eh!

Now, we can invite Banner in first.

No 033 has other meanings, it is safer.

And in the past few days, he has secretly arranged a lot of top-notch equipment in this basement.

Banner walked in, looked at the experimental equipment he had dreamed of, and was suddenly ecstatic.

For a scientific researcher, this place is a paradise! Just like the temptation of a 2080 graphics card for a gamer!

" the price you want to talk about?" Banner scratched the back of his head, hiding his excitement with embarrassment.

Xu Dan nodded and said: "Work for me, and I will send you the specific project in the form of a file later. As for the remuneration, whatever you need can be directly recorded in the financial account! Definitely, apart from money, I will Will give you a seven-day 'drug'.

Na could not refuse this condition.

It is even said that this condition has far exceeded Banner's imagination!

He originally thought that when he ran to find Xu Dan, he was probably working hard for him, just for that little black card that would let him live with peace of mind.

But he didn't expect that he worked hard here and there, and this was the realization of his ultimate dream in life!

Some (cjfj) do research, spend money and directly record the finances, and don’t have to worry about turning into a monster!


Banner pinched himself indiscriminately, and after realizing that this was not a dream, he quickly said gratefully: "Thank you very much, I don't think I will spend much except for the materials needed for research...

"There is no excuse, it will be needed sooner or later."

Xu Dan smiled slightly, how much Bruce Banner can spend, even one million a month, in his opinion is a drizzle!

The important thing is the material, and the high-end materials needed to develop the game helmet are the big ones.

As long as the research goes well, you can save tens of millions of Ding by sacrificing a few pieces of materials!

After communicating some basic things with Banner, Xu Dan left the underground base.

In one month, the development process of the virtual game helmet has reached 1%. Although this number is extremely small, the development speed is actually very fast!

Fortunately, Banner is an all-round genius. If it were someone else, I'm afraid he wouldn't even be able to fart for a month!

The completion of "Prototype" and "Cross Fire" has been announced.

"Prototype" is just a stand-alone game, after trial play without any bugs, it can be put on the official mall directly.

But "Cross Fire" is different. This is a multiplayer online shooting game, and a new server needs to be prepared.

The server purchased at Stark Industries last time has been filled with more and more Warcraft players!

Therefore, he needs to run Stark Industries again!

At the same time, I need to discuss with Tony about the core of the virtual holographic game...……… Brain!

The second time I walked into Stark Building, I felt like I hadn't seen him for a while, and the atmosphere here had changed a lot.

It's just that those changes were too subtle, and he didn't pay much attention to them.

Tony came out to greet him in person, and led him directly into the exclusive reception room.

"Hmm, is it still time to buy a server this time? Or, can we develop some other cooperation? For example, you give me a "World of Warcraft" privilege account..."

Xu Dan hastily interrupted Tony's words, "This time we really need to buy a batch of servers.

"Okay, let's go with the price we negotiated last time, you know me, I'm a very committed person.



"Then, I want to talk to you about cooperation."

"You still want to cooperate with me!" Tony laughed happily, took a sip of the foreign wine in his glass, and said, "What cooperation? Representing your new game or something?"

"What kind of online game are you an arms dealer?" Xu Dan cast a blank look and leaned back on the sofa.

"What you say hurts."

Xu Dan ignored Tony's acting as a demon, and asked directly: "Tony, have you ever thought about a game that allows you to bring a device and enter another new world spiritually?"

Tony's eyes lit up, "You mean schizophrenia?"

"Fuck you!"

"Okay, okay, I'm just joking, but you know, I'm just an arms dealer. If I'm not wrong, this technology should require talents in the field of biological sciences, and they are still very top talents. According to me As far as we know, there are not many in this world, and many of them are controlled by the government. After all, such talents are rare.

"You don't need to worry about this. In fact, I have already overcome this biggest problem. What I want to cooperate with you now is the construction of this game."

"Please tell me." Tony also became interested. What he didn't expect was that Xu Dan, a game developer, would have the channel to get such a talent!

"This game is still in the development stage, but it is foreseeable that it must require a very powerful server. I think the whole world can only find it here!"

For some reason, Tony can always hear praise from Xu Dan's words, and immediately smiled proudly, "Yes, I can help you! To be honest, I am also looking forward to the game you imagined, whether it is successful or not , I want to invest some money for you, but... can you give me a privilege number after the server is opened, hehe!"

"This, it's totally fine, how about giving you ten times the attack speed?"

"Whoa, that's great! Dan, you're such a good god for gamers!"

"However, there is still a problem—the brain!".

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