Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 11 Video Leak

Next, Obadiah conducted some simple tests on his men.

Including strength, agility, reaction speed, defense and more.

He found that his subordinate's attributes in all aspects had improved a lot, and his strength had increased more than ten times, making him almost the same as Superboy.

And I heard that Umbrella's T-virus strengthening potion will not exert all its effects immediately, and will continue to gradually strengthen in the future.

This also made him more and more satisfied.

"But it's a pity that Umbrella's strengthening potions are too expensive, otherwise I would give each of my subordinates one."

After finishing speaking, he picked up the syringe and prepared to give himself a shot.

But at this moment, a subordinate came to the conference room.

"Boss, Pepper came to the company and went to Stark's office."

Hearing this, Obadiah could only put down the injection for the time being and then walked out of the conference room.

Although he was actually wary of this woman, he mostly wanted to take her under his wing.

After all, the other party's ability and vision are indeed very good.

Moreover, most of his contacts with the military were through this woman, so he didn't want to break up with Pepper unless he had to.

On the top floor of Stark Tower is Tony's office.

At this time, Pepper was carrying her handbag, as if she was a guilty thief, walking towards the computer desk, looking back at the office door from time to time.

After arriving at the desk, she immediately turned on the computer, and then the interface for entering her password appeared.

So she inserted the USB flash drive Tony gave her into it without hesitation, and as the password was cracked, she began to check the files.

As she looked through the documents one by one, she suddenly saw a mecha drawing and information.

"District 16? Obadiah, what are you doing?"

After opening the next folder, she watched a video.

It was the video of the dark men kidnapping Tony.

But the dark elements inside spoke the language of the Middle East, so she couldn't understand it.

But after the dark elements kidnapped Tony, they did not release the video or demand ransom.

So she immediately entered the command and started real-time translation.

"You didn't say that the person we asked to assassinate was Tony Stark."

Upon hearing this, Pepper was immediately shocked.

"Oh my goodness!"

At this point, the video continues.

“Obadiah, you must pay for your lies and deceit.

The price of assassinating Tony Stark has now gone up. "

Hearing this, Pepper quickly started copying the video.

Including the 16th area just now and all transaction records and so on.

"Oh, how should I handle this?"

Hearing the sound, Pepper suddenly shivered with fright, and then looked at the door in horror.

I don't know when Obadiah stood outside the door, and then walked in.

When she saw that Obadiah didn't have a fierce look on his face, but just looked calm, she immediately came back to her senses and knew that the other person didn't know that she had discovered the video.

This made her sigh in relief, and at the same time, she looked at the file being copied in front of her, and various thoughts flashed through her mind.

First of all, he must not be discovered, otherwise he will definitely die according to Obadiah's methods.

Secondly, be sure to copy this document and give it to Tony.

At this moment, Obadiah slowly came to the wine cabinet, poured the wine by himself, and then smiled at Pepper.

"I know how you feel, Pepper.

Tony is just so selfish, causes a lot of trouble, and then leaves you to wipe his ass. "

When Pepper saw this, while the other party was pouring wine and not looking at her, he carefully covered the USB flash drive with a newspaper, and then smiled in response.

At this time, Obadiah poured the wine and walked towards Pepper. When Pepper saw that the file was copied, he quickly clicked on the computer to sleep.

Then the computer screen instantly jumped to the screensaver screen.

When Obadiah saw the screen saver on his computer, he didn't think much about it and just continued with a deep look on his face: "You don't know how happy I was when Tony first came back.

It's like seeing light in the darkness. "

Listening to the other party acting in front of her, Pepper felt a chill in her heart.

It turns out that the person who has worked with him for so long is actually such a sinister villain.

No wonder Tony had to come to the company to look for documents himself, otherwise he wouldn't know what would happen if he was betrayed by such a villain.

"But I understand now that Tony never really came back.

His other half stayed in that cave and he broke my heart. "

After he finished speaking, he looked heartbroken.

What he said made it obvious that he wanted to break with Tony.

And in his mind, he already had plans and ideas to kill Tony, so he wanted to explore Pepper's tone and reaction.

If the other party's answer satisfies him, he doesn't mind leaving the other party to continue working after killing Tony.

But if the other party's answer dissatisfied him, then after killing Tony, the other party would have to be driven away.

If Pepper had been in the past, she wouldn't have thought much about Obadiah's words, but after watching the video, waves of fear flashed through her heart.

He's going to attack Tony!

However, as a strong woman, she still forced herself to calm down and show a smile.

"He is a man with multiple personalities. He has been through a lot. I believe he will get better."

Hearing this, Obadiah's eyes flashed coldly.

The other party's meaning was very clear. He rejected his invitation.

But this is a society ruled by law after all, and many people saw Pepper coming here, so now is not the time to take action.

After quickly weighing the pros and cons in his mind, Obadiah took a sip of wine and nodded.

"You are a rare good woman. Tony doesn't know how lucky he is."

Hearing this, Pepper was relieved.

Because she knew that she survived.

"Thank you, thank you..."

The first thank you was the other party's grace of not killing, and the second thank you was the other party's compliment.

"I think I should go back."

After saying that, Pepper took the newspaper and unplugged the USB drive, then left his seat and walked towards the door.

And Obadiah looked at Pepper's back as she left, and always felt something was wrong.

So he asked tentatively: "Is that today's newspaper?"

Hearing this, Pepper was stunned for a moment, but her good psychological quality and memory made her answer immediately: "Of course."

Obadiah walked over in doubt and looked at Pepper carefully, but it seemed that there was no problem.

"Lend me the newspaper,"


Picked up the newspaper and read it, and found that there was nothing suspicious. Obadiah suddenly felt that he was too suspicious and anxious.

But watching Pepper walk out of the door, he was still a little worried, so he warned: "Be careful."

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