Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 12 Ark Reactor

After walking out of the office, Pepper looked at the USB flash drive in her hand and breathed a sigh of relief.

But it was not safe yet, so she quickly walked down the stairs.

In the office.

Obadiah opened Tony's computer, exited the screen saver, and saw the copied files.

This immediately made him angry.

Pepper must have known everything.

So he immediately walked out of the office, came to the corridor, and saw Pepper leaving anxiously.

Just when he wanted to call his men to stop the other party, he saw a SHIELD agent appear and walked with Pepper.

He remembered that the other party's name seemed to be Coulson, and his level in SHIELD was not low.


After a low curse, he immediately walked towards the laboratory.

Tony and Pepper may not know about the SHIELD department, but as the actual manager of Stark Enterprises, how could he not know with his extensive network of contacts.

SHIELD is a department of the Security Council that specializes in dealing with extraordinary things. Its strength and power are so strong that even the US military has to give it some face.

Now the only chance is his own mecha, Iron Monger.

As long as Iron Monger succeeds in research, the military will definitely protect him.

Even if Iron Monger fails in research, he still has one last way out, which is Umbrella.

However, when he thought of the conditions Luna proposed last night, he felt embarrassed.

Forget it, I won't go to Umbrella unless it's absolutely necessary.


In the top floor office of Umbrella.

At this time, Li Feng was holding a coffee cup, sitting in the boss chair, leisurely looking at the report projected in front of him.

At the beginning of the morning, Red Queen began to sell orders in the stock market, and a large amount of funds naturally came into the account.

This time, Red Queen used almost 1 billion US dollars to short Stark Enterprises, and leveraged it 5 times.

Now the stock price of Stark Enterprises has dropped to about one-third of the original price.

In other words, if all the short orders on hand can be sold at the current price, he can make about 3.5 billion.

Yes, although it is only the price of 350 C-2 viruses, this money is equivalent to picking up for free, and C-2 viruses cannot be sold at any time.

With this 3.5 billion US dollars, the plan to acquire Starship can go one step further.

But after thinking about it, he is not in a hurry to acquire Starship's shares, because he has a better idea.

That is to take advantage of the low price to acquire Stark's shares and become a shareholder of Stark Enterprises.

Because he knows that after Stark Enterprises' Ark Reactor is officially put into use, the stock price will usher in a reversal, and it will even rise better than before.

In other words, now is almost the lowest point of Stark Enterprises' stock price.

"Dong Dong..."

At this time, a knock on the door sounded.

"Come in."

As the door opened, Luna twisted her hips and walked over step by step in high heels.

"Boss, the information about the armor has been brought."

After saying that, she placed a stack of printed information in front of Li Feng.

Li Feng ignored Luna's proud weapons, put down the fragrant coffee, picked up the information and began to look through it carefully.

This is the design drawing of Mark I that Tony made with some scrap copper and iron when he was trapped in the Middle East. Although there is something here, it is not very profound.

After all, it does not solve the problem of overspeed and overload, and there is no technology about freezing, shock absorption, energy, palm cannon, etc.

Of course, there are some technologies here that he does not have, and he can let Red Queen learn.

After reading for a while, he nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, as long as the energy problem is solved, we can build an iron army.

What does Obadiah say about the data and design drawings of the Ark Reactor?"

Since he knew that Iron Man appeared, he would naturally not do nothing.

But he also knew that Tony was not easy to contact, so he let Luna contact Obadiah.

Although it requires some cost, it is better than Tony, a guy who is destined to be impossible to cooperate.

Hearing about the Ark reactor, Luna could only shake her head helplessly.

"I'm very sorry, boss, Obadiah takes the Ark reactor very seriously and has no intention of negotiating."

Li Feng didn't say anything after hearing this, but just picked up the coffee that had cooled on the desk and drank it slowly.

Then he raised his head and looked at Luna, who looked unwilling, and said confidently: "Don't worry, he will agree to it in the evening, you can go down."

Luna didn't doubt Li Feng's words at all, just nodded and went out.

As the office returned to silence again, Li Feng turned his chair and looked out the window.

At this time, the sun outside was gradually setting and it was about to enter the night.

He knew that the decisive battle between Obadiah and Tony would soon begin.

"Red Queen, dispatch the USS Second Action Team to the Stark Energy Plant to stand by."

USS stands for Umbrella Rapid Response Security Force, a secret force formed by Li Feng. All members are retired special forces from various countries. At the same time, they have all been strengthened by the T-3 virus. They are stronger and more professional than security personnel.

Even within the Umbrella Enterprise, only a few people know about this secret force.

And the highest person in charge of this force is naturally Li Feng.

"Yes, Master."

After a while, Li Feng stood up and looked at the people leaving get off work below, with a slight smile on his face.

"Things are getting interesting."

"Red Queen, after selling the short orders, buy all the shares of Stark Enterprises for me."

"Yes, Master."


As the sun slowly sets, it is night.

In the Stark Energy Plant.

At this time, Pepper, Coulson, and four other SHIELD agents are entering the factory.

This factory is equipped with a new large-scale Ark reactor, which is the new energy plant of Stark Enterprises. The daily power generation is expected to be around 1 billion kilowatts, which is almost the same as the Three Gorges Dam.

The reason why it is said to be expected is that the large-scale Ark reactor has just been installed and is still in the testing stage, and has not yet been officially put into use.

The Ark reactor is also the reason why Tony dares to close the weapons research and development and production department, and even dares to say that he will no longer sell weapons in the future.

As for why it is a large-scale Ark reactor, it is because Tony will not hand over the technology of miniaturization of the Ark reactor.

"Area 16, Area 16, here."

After walking for a while, Pepper led everyone to Area 16 in the factory.

According to the information she saw at noon, Obadiah was preparing to manufacture a battle armor in Area 16.

But when she stepped forward and swiped her work card twice, she found that the access control was all lit red.

"Obadiah has revoked my authority! The door can't be opened."

Hearing this, Coulson just nodded calmly and stretched out his hand.

And his men immediately understood, took out a small bomb, and then stuck the bomb on the door.

"Please step back."

Amid a sound of "beep beep...", a slight explosion soon occurred, blowing open the door lock of Area 16.

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