Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 13 Iron Man vs. Iron Monger


When Pepper and the SHIELD agents blew up the door, Obadiah, who was debugging Iron Monger in Area 16, also heard the explosion immediately.

He immediately knew that the enemy had come.

"Damn it, hurry up..."

So he hurriedly climbed up the ladder and put the Ark Reactor No. 2 he got from Tony into the chest of the more than three-meter-high Iron Monger.

When he came to Area 16 to check on Iron Monger at noon, he found that his scientists had no way to miniaturize the Ark Reactor, so he could only go to Tony's house and take the Ark Reactor from Tony's chest.

As for Tony, he should have died at this time because he didn't have the Ark Reactor.

So the enemy who came now would definitely kill him.

Thinking of this, he jumped down the ladder directly, then entered the command on the computer, and then climbed up the ladder again and climbed into the Iron Monger.

In fact, according to the original plot, he should have had plenty of time to debug Iron Monger.

But when he came back from Tony's house in the afternoon, he was delayed for a while to use the T-2 virus, so he was a little tight on time now.

When Obadiah just jumped into the Iron Monger and started the robot, Pepper had already walked in with the SHIELD people.

After seeing the Iron Monger, Pepper immediately pointed at it nervously and excitedly.

"This is it, shut it down!"

Coulson raised his pistol without hesitation.

"Mr. Obadiah..."

Before he finished speaking, Obadiah drove the Iron Monger forward and slapped Coulson away with one palm.

The other four agents saw this and immediately pulled the trigger.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

But with only a 9mm caliber Glock 26, how could the bullet penetrate the 30mm armor made of gold-titanium alloy of the Iron Monger.

The bullet didn't even have the qualification to leave a crater on it, and those agents were knocked away by the Iron Monger controlled by Obadiah.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Pepper immediately ran away.

Because Iron Monger was too big, he was soon stuck in the door, so Pepper escaped.

At the same time.

Over New York, a golden and red figure was flying quickly.

It turned out that Tony had changed into the Ark Reactor No. 1, put on the Mark III armor with a crack on his chest, and flew towards the Stark factory.

In fact, after Obadiah took away the Ark Reactor from his chest at noon, he was really about to die.

However, he still relied on his tenacious willpower to go to the underground laboratory to get the first generation of Ark Reactor and installed it on his chest, which prevented the metal fragments from flowing into the heart.

When he was assassinated by the Ten Rings Gang in the Middle East, a bomb produced by Stark Industries fell not far from him.

Although the violent explosion did not kill him immediately, it also left hundreds of tiny metal fragments in his body.

Because there were no conditions for surgery at the time, Dr. Ethan, who treated him, only used a magnetic field device to firmly absorb these metal fragments and prevent them from flowing into his heart.

This is also the reason why he installed a small Ark reactor on his chest. In addition to providing energy for the armor, it is to absorb these metal fragments.

"Jarvis, how long can the energy of the first-generation Ark reactor last?"

The first-generation Ark reactor was made in a cave in the Middle East. The craftsmanship was very rough, the utilization rate of palladium was not high, and the energy recovery was very slow, so it had been eliminated by him.

"Currently, its energy is less than 48%, which is not suitable for long-distance continuous flight."

It only flew a few dozen kilometers, or even less than a hundred kilometers, and the energy was consumed so much, which made him worried.

You know, he used the second-generation Ark reactor and flew directly to the Middle East without rest.

"I know, continue to report.

Connect me to Pepper."

After a while, he dialed Pepper's phone through the built-in access system.


At this time, Pepper, who had already run to the gate of the energy plant, picked up the phone and was delighted when he heard Tony's voice.

"Tony! Tony, are you okay?"

"I'm fine..."

Before Tony finished speaking, Pepper immediately said anxiously: "Obadiah, he's crazy!"

"I know."

"He made a big robot."

"It's dangerous there, leave there immediately!"

At this time, a cracking sound came from the ground behind Pepper.


I saw the Iron Overlord, which was more than three meters high, crawling out from the ground.

Pepper turned his head and saw this, and was stunned for a while.

Obadiah, who was driving the Iron Overlord, looked at the woman in front of him and said coldly: "Pepper, I originally wanted to let you go, but you disappointed me too much!"

As the words fell, he raised his right hand, and the Gatling gun above began to turn slowly.

At this critical moment, Tony finally arrived and rushed towards Obadiah from high in the sky.


Obadiah, who heard the voice, naturally turned the gun without hesitation and pointed it at Tony.


A burst of dense gunfire hit the Mark III, but it did not cause effective damage.

Tony immediately rushed to the street outside with Obadiah's Iron Overlord.

So the two began to fight continuously.

But they didn't notice that six fully armed figures wearing devil masks appeared around them at some point.

However, looking at the two robots fighting, they did not act immediately, but began to report to their superiors.

"Boss, this is the Omicron team. We saw two robots fighting."

Yes, for professionals like them, Tony and Obadiah were fighting rather than fighting.

After all, one was a company manager and the other was a scientific researcher. They didn't have any combat skills and relied entirely on the armor on their bodies to fight, or fight.

The captain of the Omicron team expressed contempt for this.


At the same time.

In Umbrella's office.

Li Feng also received the news from the Omicron team, so he asked Red Queen to start projecting the battle scene.

After watching for a while, he shook his head and turned off the projection.

It was indeed a fight, but it didn't look like a fight at all.

Obviously, if they just attack the weak points of the joints or the energy point of the chest, they can make the opponent disabled or even dead, but the two of them chose to attack the strongest defense of the opponent.

In this regard, he can only say that professional matters should be left to professionals.

At this time, another voice sounded from the headset.

"Boss, this is the Alpha team. We have arrived at the door of Tony's villa, but we met some people."

Hearing this, Li Feng immediately asked Red Queen to start the projection.

Three people appeared at the door of Tony's villa, one black and two white.

It turned out to be them.

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