Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 113 The World Needs You

Although the first generation of Blacklight virus is available, Li Feng is not satisfied.

The infected people of the first generation of Blacklight virus can absorb and strengthen, but they do not have the ability to evolve and transform.

Moreover, the first generation of Blacklight virus has a huge demand for energy. If the food cannot keep up with the strengthening, it will soon starve to death.

Therefore, the first generation of Blacklight virus has not been used in actual combat.

It depends on whether Blacklight-2 can solve these problems.

When he thought of Blacklight-2, he quickly thought of Tanigawa Masanobu.

After a year of research, he still did not find the cause of mutation in the other party.

More importantly, the genes of the other party are completely the same as those of humans, and no changes in viruses or genes have been found.

It seems that human arms are originally in the shape of tentacles.

This is the biggest problem.

Li Feng thought it was a mental problem at first, but modern technology cannot observe mental power at all.

Therefore, the research on Cthulhu virus has not made any progress.

However, now we have begun to collect patterns and develop related technologies.

I believe that in a few years, it is estimated that mental power can be discovered by scientific means.

Time came to the second day.

The news that the army of Shadamu failed to blockade and the rift zombies spread to all areas in the west soon appeared all over the world.

This instantly sounded the alarm for the world.

You must know that Shadamu is not Kyushu Island.

Even if Kyushu Island is out of control, it only needs to blockade the entire Sakura Country, and it will not affect other countries at all.

And Shadamu is in the Middle East. Once it gets out of control, the virus of the rift zombies can spread to the whole world.

So the Security Council quickly reached a consensus again, sending troops and providing resources.

In just a few days, the western part of Shadamu and the area east of Yulia were completely blocked by a million troops.

Of course, a million troops is a nicer term, and in fact many of them are construction workers.

The kind that builds walls around the surrounding areas.

In a villa on the beach in New York.

Tony, who was conducting experiments, soon had guests.

"Mr. Stark, this zombie crisis is related to the safety of the world, please join us."

The speaker was Maria.

Nick was dismissed from his position as director by the Security Council yesterday, and was replaced by Deputy Director Maria.

The first thing Maria did after becoming director was to find Tony and rebuild the Avengers.

Facing Maria's invitation, Tony just sat on the sofa, lowered his head, and didn't speak.

Because Pepper was sitting next to him.

He had promised the other party that he would ask for the other party's opinion if there was anything dangerous.

The zombie crisis in front of him is definitely the biggest crisis in the world at present.

Pepper certainly respected Tony's ideas, so she turned her head and looked at Tony.

"Tony has not been feeling well recently, you can see the wires on his chest.

So I'm afraid he can't go this time."

Maria ignored Pepper's words and continued to look at Tony.

"This crisis concerns the safety of human life around the world. If we can't kill the mutant zombie leader, there will be more than 7 billion people in the world. It is estimated that only North and South America will be spared in the end.

But no one knows whether these zombies will eventually cross the ocean or even fly."

When Tony heard more than 7 billion people, he immediately raised his head with a firm look in his eyes.

"Pepper, this time..."

Looking at Tony's expression, how could Pepper not know what her man was thinking?

So she sighed.

"I understand. I won't stop you. Although I love you very much, the world needs you more."

Seeing Pepper agreed, Tony immediately held Pepper's hands emotionally.

"Thank you for your company and understanding."

"But can you leave tomorrow?"


Pepper blushed and lowered her head.

"I can't let the Stark family have no descendants..."

Hearing this, Maria, who was sitting opposite, immediately stood up consciously.

"Then I'll come to see you tomorrow, and then we'll set off with the other superheroes."

After a while, Tony and Pepper ended their tenderness and came to the underground laboratory.

"JARVIS, what happened to Mark VII?"

"Mr. Stark, Mark VII is only halfway done because of the lack of enough adamantium and vibranium."

"Ask SHIELD for adamantium and vibranium."

"Okay, sir."

After solving the problem of adamantium and vibranium, Tony came to the model of Mark VII.

Mark VII is his most proud work, which can be recalled remotely, automatically worn, holographic laser cannon, and multi-dimensional tracking mini missiles.

And in order to ensure the flight capability, it is also equipped with four sets of jet devices, and the double shoulder push on the back is more conducive to the control of the armor.

In order to increase the defense and resist increasingly powerful enemies, he used adamantium and vibranium more delicately.

It can be said that the combat effectiveness of this set of armor is far beyond the past.

After making the final adjustments to the Mark VII armor, it was already evening.

As soon as he returned to the living room, he saw Banner coming back.

"Huh? Didn't you go to find Elizabeth?"

Banner touched the back of his head and smiled innocently.

"I won't go to find her anymore. I promised Natasha that I would go to the Middle East to save the world."

When he talked about Natasha, he showed a look of wanting more.

Obviously, he was very satisfied with the service.

Tony nodded and immediately understood that the woman was using the honey trap again.

In fact, Natasha had come to his company and worked as an assistant to seduce him.

If it weren't for Obadiah's betrayal and Pepper's confession, he would probably become a fellow traveler with Banner.

After chatting for a while, Banner went to bed.

And Pepper suddenly appeared mysteriously in the living room and took Tony back to the room.

That night, Tony realized that he was a little too conservative before.

The next morning.

Tony and Banner came to the headquarters of SHIELD together.

At this time, many people have gathered here.

Eric and Max, who were sitting in wheelchairs, and a group of people wearing metal armor.

After asking, I learned that these people were wearing armor newly produced by Hammer Industries.

Then a group of people got on a transport plane and headed to the Middle East.

At the same time, in the basement of a luxury villa in the suburbs of New York.

Ophelia, wearing a green tight leather jacket and high heels, walked quickly in a secret passage made of all metal.

The sound of "Da Da Da..." sounded in this quiet passage.

After a while, she came to the end of the passage, entered a string of passwords on the wall, and opened the door.

After entering the door, she saw the lights inside light up instantly, and then projections appeared on the chairs of the conference table.

These projections formed a human shape.

And Ophelia sat in an empty seat.

Thank you very much for the long and slow road, Yi Ren Du Xing, Qiznayastin, Gaishi Langmie, Book Friend 20200102133831484, Dior*Wuhen, Book Friend 20200624142052783, Jiuvyu, Diving YY, Shining Dragon in the Dark, and Mao Mengmeng's monthly ticket

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