Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 114 Hydra's Conspiracy

As the projection gradually became clear, Ophelia also saw the other five people clearly.

Baron Helmut Zemo, one of the leaders of Hydra, has genius wisdom, certain scientific knowledge, and is also a sharpshooter and hand-to-hand combat expert.

The other party wears a red hood that can destroy and manipulate circuits. He also has a moonstone in his hand, which can obtain various superpowers.

Including manipulating energy, light, gravity, strong strength, endurance, and can also become three heads and six arms, perform time and space distortion and flight, etc.

Arnim Zola, one of the leaders of Hydra, has a super IQ, and is also a biochemical expert and robotics expert.

The other party is a robot with a purple metal body and golden metal arms, and the head is a camera, and the belly is a screen for the face.

Dr. Faust, one of the leaders of Hydra, is a psychiatrist and has the ability to hypnotize.

The other party wears a black suit, a tie, and a shiny red short hair.

Baron Strucker, one of the leaders of Hydra, was infected with the death spore virus, making his body almost indestructible and extremely resilient.

But because of the death spore virus, he became a bald head, and his face was very scary and hideous.

The other person was wearing a black tights, and his left eye was a red mechanical eye.

The last person was a non-human.

There were a lot of white tentacles on the other person's head, no hair and nose, and blood-red eyes.

This is a hive, a parasite collection. Because the first host was a Hydra agent, after devouring the host's memory and power, a new unified consciousness was formed and served Hydra.

Because of the strong strength, even if he is not a leader, he was made an exception to attend various meetings.

In fact, Hydra has been in a fragmented situation since the death of Red Skull.

However, for the same great dream, and all of them were born in Hydra, they gathered together and began to cooperate with each other for the sake of interests.

After a while, Baron Zemo spoke first.

"Dr. Zora, what's going on with your branch in the Middle East? Why did the zombie virus get out of control?"

Dr. Zora's face changed slightly when he heard this.

"It was just a mistake, but it also gave me a surprise.

A leader-type mutant zombie, so powerful, can actually launch laser attacks.

If we can collect its genes, clone and create a mutant zombie army, then the world will be mine...ours."

Hearing the other party's mechanical voice, the faces of several people present changed slightly.

Although the word "we" was added at the end, everyone could hear that they didn't want to take them with them.

But at this time, Hydra was not a unified organization, so it was hard to say anything.

At this time, Dr. Faust stretched out his hand to loosen the tie around his neck, revealing a profiteer's smile.

"But now it is surrounded by millions of troops, and SHIELD has reassembled the Avengers. I'm afraid your idea will fail."

"That's why I called this meeting.

As long as you can help me capture the mutant zombies, I'm willing to share all the research results afterwards."

Hearing this, Baron Strucker's ferocious face turned slightly cold.

"Don't write these empty promises, say something practical."

"I'm willing to give the virus research results of the rift zombies."

"Not enough."

"And the latest robot technology."

As these words fell, everyone fell into silence.

After a while, Ophelia took the lead and said, "I'll give you three Viper teams."

With Ophelia's words, others also gave their support.

Dr. Zola smiled when he heard this.


Middle East.

Because of the time difference, the time here has come to noon the next day.

After Tony and others got off the transport plane, they immediately saw the high wall being built in the distance and the soldiers stationed around.

At this time, the atmosphere of preparation for war here was extremely serious.

Fully armed soldiers can be seen everywhere, and armored vehicles and tanks are driven from time to time.

There are even mortars and rocket launchers.

Maria quickly took the initiative to lead everyone to leave the military airport and came to the temporary camp of SHIELD next to it.

Because the personnel and carrier-based aircraft of the space carrier suffered huge losses, they temporarily returned to the rear for supplies.

After arriving at the camp, Maria opened the map and introduced the situation.

"This is the north of Lutbai City, in the west of Shadamu Country, and in the south of the Rift Zombie outbreak area.

At present, the Rift Zombie crisis has broken out, many areas have fallen, and we have lost the trace of mutant zombies.

When we find the mutant zombies, we will go and kill them as soon as possible.

Do you understand?"

At this time, everyone knew that Nick had resigned, and the woman in front of them was the director of SHIELD, so no one objected to her words.

"Okay, if there's no problem, everyone go down and have a rest."

At this time, Tony suddenly pointed at the armor on his body and said, "I want to know when the adamantium and vibranium I want will be given to me."

"I'll arrange for someone to give it to you as soon as possible."

"That's going to have to be quick. Without a new armor, I dare not participate in the battle with this half-finished armor."

"Got it."

After a while, everyone retreated.

Tony and Banner left together.

"Although the enemy's strength this time is smaller than last year's Apocalypse, the danger level is no less than that of Apocalypse."

"Indeed, if we can't control the zombie crisis, we humans will be destroyed sooner or later."

"Have you noticed that there are more and more crises recently?"

"Well, I hope that after this zombie crisis is over, I can live a stable life."

But at this moment, Natasha appeared in front and came to Banner.

"Banner, you haven't chosen a room yet, I'll take you to choose a room."

Hearing this, Banner immediately looked at Tony with an apologetic look.

"Well, I'm leaving first, I won't accompany you..."

Tony immediately rolled his eyes and waved his hand impatiently.

"Let's go, let's go."

What room to choose, isn't it just living with Natasha?

What a guy who forgets his loyalty for the sake of beauty.

After randomly choosing a room, Tony was about to take off the armor that didn't have a shell on him when he heard a series of alarms.

"Woo woo woo..."

"What's going on?"

Tony immediately came out of the room and saw many people walking out of the room.

"Are zombies coming to kill us?"

"It's possible. Let's get ready first."

"Yes, put on the steel armor of Hammer Enterprises first."

As they spoke, everyone looked at Tony with contempt.

After all, Tony's armor didn't have a shell at this time, and the exposed wires and chips looked shabby no matter how you looked at it.

Thank you very much for Huoyeshu's monthly ticket

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