Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 115: Losing another line of defense

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

After a while, bursts of gunfire rang out outside.

If Tony heard correctly, it was those mortars.

It seems that the zombie wave should have appeared, but it is still some distance away.

After thinking about it, he was not in a hurry to go out and join the battle like everyone else.

After all, this armor without a shell has no combat effectiveness at all, and it can't help much if it goes out.

So he returned to the room and continued tinkering with his armor.

More than an hour later, gunshots began to ring out one after another outside.

Apparently those rip zombies had rushed close by.

After a few more hours, the sound of artillery fire and gunfire began to slowly decrease.

It seems that the battle should be over.

Just when Tony put down his worries and was about to turn off the lights and go to sleep, suddenly there was a scream outside.


The desolate sound made him feel uneasy.

Before he could go out to check the situation, the door was suddenly pushed open with a "bang!"

Banner appeared at the outer door panting.

"Huhu... hurry up, those slit zombies are coming in... Huhu..."


Tony was immediately confused.

Although he only took a quick look at it at noon, the military defense here was not weak.

The ten-meter-high city wall, mortars, tanks, armored vehicles, etc. are completely modern military equipment. How could zombies come in?

To put it bluntly, those zombies probably couldn't even climb the city wall.

"There's no time to explain, let's go!"

After saying that, Banner grabbed Tony's arm and walked outside.

But Tony grabbed Banner's hand instead.

"Have you forgotten my armor?"

When Banner heard this, he immediately looked at Tony in confusion.

You can tell at a glance that the opponent's armor is unfinished. Can he still fight?

"You want to kill yourself?"


Tony immediately coughed twice when Banner looked at him with doubts.

"Although I can't fight, I can still fly.

Come, I'll take you flying. "

After saying that, he grabbed Banner and wanted to fly up.

When Banner saw this, he immediately broke away from the opponent's arm.

"No, I can walk by myself."

After finishing speaking, Banner's whole body swelled and turned green.

After a while, the tall and strong Hulk appeared.

Nick glanced at Hulk's unbreakable pants and nodded with enlightenment.

"No wonder Natasha can't live without you. I guess you can fill it up."

Hulk touched the back of his head with his hand in confusion.


It has to be said that Banner's meditation and practice in recent years are not without merit. At least Hulk will not be so reckless.

Tony nodded, then the jets at his feet and shoulders emitted flames, and he flew up.

After a while, he flew out of the window and reached the sky.

As he flew higher and higher, he finally understood why this line of defense collapsed.

I saw hundreds of thousands of zombies densely packed outside the city wall.

And these zombies were like stacking Arhats, one after another, climbing up the city wall. The scene looked extremely shocking.

"Is this the Rift Zombie? No wonder Maria said that if this crisis cannot be prevented, the world will end.

They are stronger and more vital than the zombies on Kyushu Island. "

At this time, there were still soldiers resisting in the military camp.

However, the Rift Zombie does not need to fight in close combat. As long as it is two or three meters away from the target, it can spit out the tongue in its mouth and attack.

Moreover, this tongue spits out quickly and accurately, and the damage is very high.

As long as the sharp thorns on the tongue are scratched casually, several wounds will appear.

Tony even saw an armored vehicle being pierced directly by the tongue of a slit zombie, and then the soldiers inside screamed.

Another S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who came with him, wearing a Hammer Industrial steel armor, was directly pierced through the chest by a rip zombie.

However, the tongue of the slit zombie has no way to deal with the thick armor of the tank.

Although it can create a fairly shallow hole, it cannot be penetrated.

But soon zombies jumped on top of the tank, pierced the hatch with their tongues, and jumped in to kill.

For a time, the military camp felt like the end of the world, with killings and deaths everywhere.


At this time, Hulk also came out of the house.

When the surrounding rift zombies saw Hulk, they immediately rushed over.




Faced with the siege of rip zombies, Hulk was naturally not afraid. He punched the heads of these rip zombies one by one.

Don't look at the fact that he was just playing a role in the battle with Apocalypse a year ago, it was just because he couldn't fly.

To deal with these slit zombies, punching them one by one is no problem.

However, as more and more rip zombies were killed, he was also stained with a lot of black blood.

The virus in the blood suddenly caused Hulk's recovery ability to gradually weaken.

But it doesn’t turn Hulk into a zombie.

But there are more and more rip zombies appearing in the distance, and it is estimated that Hulk will not be able to kill them all even until tomorrow.

So Tony flew down.

"Hulk, follow me!"

Hulk glanced at Tony, then nodded.

"Hulk, follow..."

After running for more than ten minutes, the two finally ran out of the military camp.

At this moment, Tony suddenly remembered something.

"Wait, Hulk, where are Natasha and Maria?"

Hulk rubbed the back of his head and shook his head.


At this time, a helicopter took off from the military camp and flew towards them.

And Tony immediately discovered that it was Natasha, Maria, and some other SHIELD agents inside.

Maria also breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Tony and Banner.

"Let's go, it's not appropriate to stay here for a long time."

Two hours later, everyone arrived at the city of Lutbai in the south.

At this time, a large number of armed forces appeared outside Lutbai City.

But no matter how Tony looked at it, he felt that it was impossible for these armed forces to withstand the zombie wave.

After all, these are just the armed forces of the Silly Damu Kingdom. They use second-rate weapons and equipment, and their training and morale are not comparable to those of the previous American troops.

The only advantage is probably quantity.

But there is no wall to defend here. It is estimated that as long as the zombies charge, this line of defense will collapse.

Fortunately, he saw a large number of citizens in Lutbai City driving south.

Obviously the people in power knew that it was impossible to stop the zombie wave with the troops here, so they let the civilians leave first.

After a while, they landed in a military camp.

When Hulk saw safety, he also began to shrink his body and slowly transformed back into Banner.

Seeing Banner shaking a few times and about to collapse from exhaustion, Tony immediately caught him.

"Are you okay?"

Banner shook his head weakly.

"It's okay, just a little tired."

At this time, Natasha stepped out of the helicopter, quickly came to Banner's side, then took out a needle from her waist and inserted it.

"There is a special nutrient solution here that can quickly help you recover from weakness."

Banner nodded gratefully after hearing this.

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