Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 118 Good and evil go unpunished

The figure eating food slowly appeared from behind Eric.

Lorna saw her boyfriend appear, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

"Well done."

Jiaoshi looked hesitant and confused at this time.

When Lorna told him the plan, he was very resistant, but he couldn't stand that the other party was his girlfriend.

So in the end, I chose to stand on the other side.

After knocking Eric out, he felt depressed and uneasy, so he walked towards Lorna, wanting to seek psychological comfort.

But Lorna suddenly took a few steps back, and then took out a small red metal spider.

"Now let's get him under control first."

After saying that, she pressed on the red metal spider, and then the little spider started and aimed at Eric.

This is the official version of Umbrella controlling the spider, the same one that controlled the heroine's friend in Resident Evil.

However, the disadvantage of this spider is also obvious, that is, it is easy to be discovered and then removed.

After a few seconds of scanning, the little spider jumped up and jumped onto Eric's chest.

Then several spider legs stabbed into the chest to hold on tightly, and tubes protruded from the abdomen and penetrated deeply.

After a while, the little spider's back lit up with a faint red light, indicating that the control process had been completed, which also made Lorna breathe a sigh of relief.

In fact, if Eric was willing to cooperate, she would not want to use this method at all.

But unexpectedly, my father was still too stubborn.

"Lorna, would it be bad if we did this?"

Hearing her boyfriend's words, Lorna gave him a confused look.

"We are doing this for the mutants. Father will understand us."

"But, is this plan really feasible?"

"Look, isn't my father being controlled now?"

Seeing Lorna's indifferent face, as if she didn't care at all, Jiaoshi felt a chill in his heart.

"Lorna, I don't recognize you..."

"Don't you know me?"

"Yes, you were so kind before and would never do such a thing..."

"Kindness? What's the result?

Because of my kindness, I could only escape to the Kingdom of Pharaoh to survive, and then I met Apocalypse.

Because of my kindness, I have been helping humans, even secretly disobeying Apocalypse's orders.

Because of my kindness, I turned against him and stood with mankind to deal with Apocalypse.

In that battle, my father and I contributed the most and were the ones who paid the most.

But what about the results?

Mutant Registration Act, you must tell me your superpowers and weaknesses. If you don't join SHIELD, we have to wear a positioning anklet or bracelet!

What is the meaning of this kind of kindness! "

"But isn't SHIELD very good to us?

The people here do not discriminate against us, they treat us very well, and we always live in peace.

I think this model will be extended to ordinary people sooner or later. "

Upon hearing SHIELD, Lorna suddenly showed a mocking smile.

"SHIELD? Haha, they do not discriminate against us on the surface, but secretly, they have been guarding against us.

Why else would they make vibranium pistols and bullets? Don’t you just want to deal with me? "

"They make vibranium pistols and bullets? Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, the information he showed me personally recorded everything in detail."

"who is he?

Who did you meet the night you went to SHIELD?

Why did it become what it is now? "

"You don't have to worry about who he is, he will definitely not harm me anyway."


But we can’t sacrifice so many ordinary people..."

"Otherwise? Without feeling pain, will humans give in?

Okay, don't argue with me. You take my father back and order all mutants to obey my orders. "

Seeing Lorna's eyes shining like a pilgrim, Jiaoshi knew that it would be useless to say more.

So he lowered his head and pushed Eric away.

Looking at Jiao Shi's seemingly decadent back, a look of disdain flashed in Lorna's eyes.

This man is too ordinary, too lacking in courage and ambition, and is simply not worthy of me.

I didn't know why I was blind before, but I actually felt that the other person was very nice, gentle, considerate, and masculine.

But now I find that compared with Li Yi, he is simply a bed bug in the gutter.

But now he still needs to cooperate with him.

After thinking about it, she flew out of the camp, even outside the blockade.

After a while, several rip zombies appeared in front of her.

If you look carefully, you will find that these slit zombies are the mutants killed by mutant zombies last night.

And these mutant zombies have a small red metal spider firmly attached to their chests, controlling their thoughts.

"Use your super powers."

As Lorna's order was issued, several mutant zombies immediately began to use their superpowers.



But after looking at it for a while, Lorna's brows frowned deeply.

"That's not right. Not only has the superpower not been enhanced, but it has been weakened a lot.

But the mutated zombie leader's superpowers were more than a hundred times enhanced.

Is it because there is no replenishment of energy? "

In order to keep these zombies from losing control, she kept them following her without a chance to replenish their energy.

After thinking about it, she gave a new order to let them go out to replenish energy.

Lorna then returned to camp to prepare a new plan.


As the sky gradually brightened, the situation in Rutbai City became more and more urgent.

Because according to the intelligence sent back by the reconnaissance aircraft in front, the zombie tide was only a dozen kilometers away from them.

In other words, if nothing unexpected happens, the zombie tide will come here in the next few hours.

And this news immediately made everyone nervous.

Just when everyone was preparing for war.

At the same time.

In the desert of Anai City.

The mutant zombies wandered aimlessly among a group of zombies.

Although the mutant zombies have a little wisdom, of course the wisdom is not high, and it is not enough to make it think about what to do in the future.

And it can only control some zombies, not all zombies.

So those zombies that rushed out actually rushed out because they had no food.

Just when the mutant zombies were still wandering, suddenly more than a dozen robots flew out from under the surrounding quicksand.

"Da Da Da..."

These robots fired at the mutant zombies.

But ordinary bullets can't break the mutant zombies' defense at all. In the next second, a laser flashed, and all the robots were cut in half in an instant.

Although the robots died, the sneak attack was not over yet.

Soon, more than a dozen people wearing green tight leather jackets emerged from the ground and sprayed green venom at the mutant zombies.

The venom dripped on the desert, and even emitted a "sizzling..." chemical reaction.

But these venoms shot on the mutant zombies and penetrated through them.

Then, the figure of the mutant zombie appeared in another place.

The mutant zombie used the principle of light refraction to make its figure appear in other places, deceiving the enemy's attack.

The next second, another laser flashed, and these people were instantly dismembered.

But soon, other sneak attackers appeared.

Thank you very much to the monthly tickets of Fenyu, Super Bookworm, Book Friend 201909280040363B, I fell in love with each other and cried, Yiwei_Cb,_Mee, Fengyan Crazy Words, and Huahua.

Thank you very much, Mo Chuyan

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