Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 119 Mental Suggestion

When the mutated zombies and the Hydra special team were fighting, SHIELD immediately discovered the anomaly.

In Baghdad, the S.H.I.E.L.D. branch.

A group of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were sitting in front of the screens and instruments, watching the changes above.

"Strong energy fluctuations were discovered 50 kilometers south of Anai City."

"Move the satellite to check immediately!"

"According to the system display, a laser appears."

"The probability of suspected mutated zombies appearing is over 90%."

"It seems that mutated zombies are in battle, and a lot of lasers appear."

"The satellite has adjusted its angle and you can see the battle footage."

Although the satellite could not see clearly due to the clouds, the lasers that flashed from time to time above were obviously mutant zombies.

Seeing this, one of the SHIELD agents turned to look at the man behind him.

"Chief Pierce, what should we do?"

The person commanding here is Alexander Pierce, the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Alexander saw the agents looking at him, so he said coldly: "Continue to investigate and make sure the target is correct. We will notify the Avengers on the front line."

It was still 2009, SHIELD was not the Snake Shield of 2014, and Alexander did not dare to work for Hydra openly.

"Yes, sir."

Looking at the scene of a fierce fight, Alexander hesitated for a moment, then picked up his phone and sent a message to an unknown number.

However, he has not received a reply for a long time, and his subordinates continue to report information, making him a little unable to control the situation.

"Sir, the laser has been strengthened again, and a fierce battle seems to be breaking out!"

"Wait a moment, we're 100% sure it's a mutated zombie."

Alexander wiped the sweat from his forehead.

On the front line of Lutbai city.

Lorna has returned to camp.

Because of Eric's order, all the mutants gathered in a tent to listen to Lorna speak.

"Why do we mutants sacrifice our lives for humans?

The sins caused by humans themselves and the zombie viruses they developed require us mutants to work hard and wipe their butts.

Isn’t the life of us mutants not life?

Do you think you should sacrifice your life for mankind? "

Hearing this, the dozen or so mutants immediately looked at each other, not knowing what Lorna meant.

After all, this person was known to be kind-hearted before, but this sudden change made it a little difficult for them to adapt.

And when Lorna saw that no one in the crowd spoke or came out to cooperate with her, her face suddenly became gloomy.

So she looked at Jiaoshi, hoping that the other party would cooperate with her.

But Jiaoshi didn't know what he was thinking, he just lowered his head and remained silent.

Just when the atmosphere was awkward, a mutant suddenly spoke.

"Miss Lorna is right, why should we be thugs for ordinary people?

They also introduced a mutant registration bill that is extremely discriminatory against us. "

As people responded, mutants started to speak out one after another.

"Yes, I won't do it. Whoever wants to go can go!"

"That makes sense. Anyone who wants to sacrifice his life for mortals should go alone and don't get involved with me."

"Miss Lorna, tell us what we should do, we listen to you!"

Seeing that everyone's emotions were finally aroused, Lorna looked at the first mutant who spoke with admiration.

"I have a plan to get us mutants out of our current problems, but it might cost someone a sacrifice!"

Upon hearing the sacrifice, the originally fiery crowd suddenly became quiet.

This put Lorna into embarrassment again.

After a while, the mutant was still the first to stand up and speak.

"If you want reform, there will definitely be sacrifices. There is no conflict in the world without bloodshed!"

As these words fell, everyone was also inspired and began to agree one by one.

"Yes, if we want to improve our status, how can we not make sacrifices?"

"Support Miss Lorna!"

"It's all about the mutants!"

In ten minutes, Lorna's first meeting finally came to an end, and everyone reached a consensus.

It is to capture mutant zombies and use them for your own use.

The only thing that made Lorna unhappy was that Jiaoshi never spoke out to support her, and even watched the whole process coldly.

After a while, everyone dispersed.

Lorna was also about to go back, but she saw the mutant who had been setting the pace for her walking towards her when no one was around.

Moreover, as he walked, the other party also changed his body.

Soon, the other party turned completely blue.

"Rui...Aunt Ruiwen?!"

"You are too impulsive. You start things rashly without any consultation. If I hadn't cooperated with you, you probably wouldn't have been able to control these mutants."

"Thank you...Aunt Raven, why are you here?"

"My master asked me to lurk in the mutant team and help you at any time."

"Mr. Li, he is so kind to me..."

Not knowing what she was thinking of, Lorna's face turned slightly red, and she was infinitely moved.

"Compared with Mr. Li, sharing food is so useless. I must break up with him."

Speaking of this, a strong sadness suddenly arose in her heart.

This sadness appeared without warning or reason. It seemed that she was losing something, which made her feel uncomfortable.

Even a little heart-wrenchingly uncomfortable.

"Lorna? Miss Lorna, are you okay?"

After a while, Lorna finally came to her senses and found that the Raven in front of her had changed back to her previous appearance, and was looking at her with a worried look.

"When did you change back?"

"Miss Lorna, what did you change back? What are you talking about?"

Lorna was about to say something, but she found that Jiaoshi appeared beside her at some point.

Strange, didn't he push his father out just now?

How did he come back so soon?

"Lorna, are you okay? I just found you here motionless, did something happen?"

It was Jiaoshi who spoke, and the other party's words made Lorna puzzled.

What did she just do here motionless?

What happened just now?

Just when she wanted to understand more, she suddenly felt that the mutant zombies seemed to be more important.

"It's okay, by the way, what do you want to talk to me about?"

At this point, she showed a cold look again.

The Jiaoshi in front of her disappointed her too much, so she decided to confront the other party and try to get the other party's support.

After all, they are boyfriend and girlfriend, and no matter what happens, they have to face it together.

"Just now, SHIELD received news that mutant zombies were found 50 kilometers south of Ana City, and we are required to go out in full force.

What do you think we should do now?"

"Found the mutant zombie? What are you waiting for? Go and capture it immediately, and then control it!"

"Didn't you say that you have to find Professor Charles first?"

"Professor Charles? Why find him first? No matter what, let's go and find the mutant zombie first."

Jiao Shi wanted to say something when he heard it, but after thinking about it, he shook his head.

Thank you very much for the monthly tickets of Weiwuxiongzhuang, book friend 201909280040363agicGod, Mengmengdong444, and book friend 20220730191922685.

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