Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 138: SHIELD Crisis (Happy Chinese Valentine's Day)

In the living room.

After a while, Tony learned from Maria and Nick what happened.

This made him bow his head in silence, and began to think about countermeasures in his heart.

Obviously, he didn't want to get involved in this incident.

Although his palladium poisoning was temporarily relieved, he was unable to carry the Ark reactor with him at all times and was unable to deal with dangers that might arise at any time.

To put it simply, if the enemy sets up a sniper rifle in the distance at this time, his fate will be no different from that of ordinary people.

Nick saw Tony's concerns and stood up with a solemn look on his face.

"Tony, the safety of SHIELD is related to the order of all mankind.

If SHIELD is controlled by bad guys, the entire human society will lose control. "

Hearing this, Tony's eyes changed slightly.

At this time, Maria lowered her head and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I didn't listen to the director and didn't send someone to assist you the night before yesterday."

Following the movement in the living room, Banner also walked downstairs.

"Who is here so early?

Maria? Director Nick? Why are you here? "

So he explained the situation in detail again.

Banner's reaction was much more excited than Tony's.

"We must not let those bad guys take control of SHIELD, otherwise who knows what they will do."

Tony smiled bitterly after hearing this.

Just as he was about to say something, Jarvis's voice suddenly sounded.

"Mr. Stark, there are three cars driving quickly outside."

Tony's expression changed, and a sense of crisis suddenly appeared in his heart.

"Banner, protect Pepper!

Jarvis, my armor, and the Ark Reactor! "

As he finished speaking, Tony removed the wires from his chest, then took the Ark reactor handed over from the robotic arm and placed it on his chest.

Then he ran to the basement to put on his armor.

Banner also didn't hesitate at all and immediately ran upstairs to protect Pepper.

Nick and Maria reacted quickly, pulling out their pistols and hiding behind the counter.

After a while, there was an explosion of "Boom!"

A big hole was blown into Tony's villa, and bullets were shot into it.

Outside the villa.

Three cars can be seen parked outside, and a man wearing a metal mask and his left arm covered in metal drops a portable rocket launcher, then picks up a rifle and pulls the trigger.

"Da da da..."

As the gunfire continued, the man walked forward expressionlessly and approached the villa.

At this moment, a golden-red figure flew out.

It was Tony in armor.

After Tony flew out, he immediately fired his palm cannon at the smallest enemy.


The man with the iron arm, Bucky Barnes, nicknamed the Winter Soldier, immediately raised his left hand and blocked the attack.

When the other boys saw this, they immediately raised their individual rocket launchers and aimed at Tony.



"Understood, sir."

Jarvis, who had preliminary artificial intelligence, instantly activated the decoy bombs on the Mark 7 and continuously fired them around.

But these rockets are not ordinary rockets, but the latest products of Hydra.

You know it from the fact that it was able to blow up the door and walls of the villa with just one shot.

After all, Tony's villa is no ordinary villa. In the plot of Iron Man 3, it could even withstand the attacks of more than a dozen missiles from armed helicopters before it collapsed.

So in Tony's disbelieving eyes, these missiles ignored the decoy bombs and all hit him.


In a burst of explosion, Tony was knocked away and fell towards the seaside cliff not far away.


At this time, Pepper just walked out of the room and saw Tony falling, and immediately let out a heartbroken cry.

But the next second, Tony controlled the armor and flew up again, without even a scratch on his body.

The rocket's damage could only knock him back, but it couldn't harm the Adamantium alloy at all.

Next, it can be said to be a one-sided crushing battle.

Neither bullets nor rockets could harm Tony, so many of the men brought by the Winter Soldier were quickly killed.

When Bucky saw that the situation was not good, he immediately ran away with the remaining men.

After the battle, Tony looked at the villa that was almost in ruins, and turned to look at Maria and Nick.

"You must compensate me."

When Maria and Nick heard this, they naturally would not object and nodded immediately.

After all, they have always paid for it at public expense, and even the compensation money is not their turn.

"Tony, we're going to..."

While Nick and Maria were discussing how to find the mastermind and then destroy the enemy's conspiracy, Natasha and Barton already felt something was wrong.

In a secret room.

Natasha looked outside cautiously, and after making sure no one was there, she said, "Director Maria is missing."

Patton nodded and began to check the pistol on his body.

"We have to leave SHIELD."

"Well, let's go now."

"Do you want to call the others?"

“There’s no one else.

Sam is on vacation, and Logan and Victor left last night. "

"Where's the new Zhenbo girl?"

When Natasha heard Zhenbo Girl, she looked at Barton in confusion.

"A new guy, are you sure he's not a spy?"

"I have a feeling... but forget it. The situation is unclear now, so let's not involve her."

Neither of them was a hesitant person. After making a decision, they immediately began to avoid the sight and surveillance of SHIELD agents and left SHIELD.

When the two of them stepped out of SHIELD and drove on the streets of New York, a truck quickly hit them.


The violent collision immediately sent the car flying.

Their car was just an ordinary car, not a special car for the director, and it had no bulletproof ability.

So it was soon deformed by the collision, and even the glass was shattered.

But the physical fitness of the two was also good. Although they felt severe pain all over their bodies and had a lot of wounds, they still took out their guns, unbuckled their seat belts, kicked the glass open and ran out.

Sure enough, as soon as they ran out of the car, a rocket was fired.


The shock wave brought by the violent explosion instantly made the two fall to the ground.

If they had reacted a little slower just now, they would have been buried with the car.

But the enemy's attack was very fierce. Before they could get up, more than a dozen men in black surrounded them.

"Da Da Da..."

Countless bullets were fired, and they had no chance to fight back.

Just when they were about to be beaten into a hornet's nest, several black shadows suddenly appeared around them.



"There's a monster!"

These black shadows shot out their tongues and killed several Hydra agents in an instant.

The Hydra agents were also stunned by the sudden enemy and began to retreat.

Only two Hydra agents with cold expressions were not afraid of the terrifying enemies at all, and they directly picked up their rifles and kept shooting.

"Da Da Da..."

Because they are the winter soldiers of Hydra, they have no feelings at all.

Thank you very much for the monthly tickets of book friends 20220112191847707 and Bai Ze Ruishi

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