Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 139 Assassination

The Winter Soldier is a super soldier developed by Hydra according to Captain America's super soldier plan.

And each Winter Soldier will undergo the most brutal training and brainwashing of Hydra, thus losing emotions and memories.

After seeing that the bullets of the rifles could not cause damage to these monsters, the two Winter Soldiers threw away the rifles after running out of bullets and rushed over.

"Bang! Bang!"

The two Winter Soldiers were knocked away faster than they rushed out.

Because they were facing the second generation of Lickers.

Although the second generation of Lickers was very powerless against the Hulk, it was the Hulk, not the Winter Soldiers who were only two or three times stronger than ordinary people.

Then the two Winter Soldiers were pierced by the tongue of the Lickers and their bodies were torn apart.

Seeing this, other Hydra agents around them immediately fled.

After seeing the enemy disappear, the Lickers also disappeared into the streets.

Seeing this, Natasha and Barton looked at each other.

"It was Umbrella who saved us."

"Why? Why did they save us?"

"I don't know, maybe we should go find them."

Just then, a Licker ran up to them, threw down a note and left.

"Maria and Nick are with Tony."

Looking at the words on the note, the two were confused.

But after thinking about it, they knew that the most important thing now was to find Maria and Nick, so they borrowed a car on the street and started to go.


In an underground base in the Middle East.

Baron Zemo looked at the picture sent by his men with a gloomy face.

These suddenly appearing Lickers completely disrupted his plan.


A few days ago, he sent someone to try to contact the Umbrella Group, but the management of the Umbrella Group was very strict and did not give him a chance to get close.

"Since we can't cooperate, let's destroy it!"

After thinking about it, he picked up the phone and started calling some of his cooperative congressmen.

But after more than ten minutes, Baron Zemo put down his phone with a gloomy face.

Most of the congressmen rejected him.

Because Umbrella offered more, they were unwilling to offend Umbrella for him.

And some of the congressmen who agreed were marginal types, without any real power.

"Since it is not possible politically, it can only be solved with material force!"

Thinking of this, Baron Zemo looked at the monitor next to him.

On the screen, there was a boy and a girl.

The boy was about twelve or thirteen years old, with silver hair, and his body appeared here and there in the room.

It can be seen that the other party was very fast.

The girl was a little girl about ten years old with long red hair.

At this time, a magic cube was floating in her hand, and there were dark red energy flashing from time to time in her hand.

These two people were the reason why Baron Zemo was not in the United States in the past few years and came to the Middle East for research.

"Their abilities will be used by me!

At that time, no one in the world can stop me!"


At night.

The seaside in New York.

Tony brought Pepper, Banner, Nick and Maria to another villa of his.

The original villa was destroyed, so they had to move to another place.

After putting down the things in his hands, Tony took off his helmet.

After wearing the armor all day today, the energy of the Ark reactor made him feel extremely full, but he felt that the palladium poisoning began to worsen.

"This is my secret villa, and the enemy will not be able to find it for a while."

After saying that, he took out the monitor and checked his palladium concentration.

Sure enough, it was 0.3 percentage points higher than before.

So he immediately took off the Ark reactor on his chest and connected the wires.

At this time, Pepper and Banner had already started to go upstairs and decorate their rooms, while Nick and Maria were observing the surroundings, and then occasionally put a few pistols and rifles in the corner.

Half an hour later, the five people gathered together again.

"Dong Dong..."

There was a knock on the door.


Maria and Nick immediately took out their pistols and held them tightly, then looked at Tony.

Didn't they say that they would not be found in a short time? How come someone came so quickly?

Tony shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't worry, since the person knocked on the door, he must not be an enemy."

But he still put on the gloves of the armor and walked to the door.


"It's us."

Hearing the familiar voice, Tony breathed a sigh of relief and opened the door immediately.

It was Natasha and Barton outside the door.

And after hearing the voice, Nick also put down his pistol and hurried over.

"How did you find this place?"

"Director, it was someone from the Umbrella Group who asked us to come here."

Then Natasha told him what happened this morning.

After listening, Nick nodded and walked into the house.

"Come in."

Maria next to him also said at this time: "It seems that Umbrella is at least not an enemy."

Next, several people exchanged some information and customized tomorrow's action.

A few hours later, seeing that it was late, they began to rest.

Until midnight.

Suddenly, Jarvis' voice sounded above everyone.

"There are seven cars coming this way, everyone be careful!"

Hearing this, Natasha, Barton, Nick and Maria got up immediately, picked up their pistols and went outside the window.

Tony, Pepper and Banner woke up soon after.

But Pepper and Tony went to the basement immediately.

Pepper hid, while Tony changed to the Ark reactor and put on the armor.

After waiting for a long time, there was no movement outside. The enemy seemed to know that they had been discovered. The car just stopped far away and did not take the initiative to attack.

Just a few minutes later, a "rumble..." sound suddenly sounded in the sky.

Natasha and Barton's faces changed instantly.

"Be careful! Helicopter!"

The next second, several rockets fired.


In an explosion, the villa was instantly engulfed in flames.

After the helicopter hovered for a while, just as it was about to leave, a green figure jumped out of the ruins, crossed a distance of 100 meters, and lay directly on the helicopter.

This immediately made the helicopter unstable.

Hulk grabbed the helicopter, ripped the door open with brute force, grabbed a few men in black and threw them down.

"Ah! Ah!"

A scream rang out instantly.

After a while, the helicopter crashed, and the other two helicopters saw it and immediately started firing rockets at Hulk.


But Hulk ignored the damage of the rockets and jumped over again.

But this time, a net suddenly shot out from the helicopter and covered Hulk.

Then the helicopter began to fly to the seaside and released the net.


Soon, Hulk fell into the sea and couldn't come back for a while.

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