Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 140 Black Light Deadpool

When Tony was assassinated by Hydra, in the Umbrella Building.

A research has also reached a critical moment.

So at this time, Li Feng was not interested in Tony and the others.

In the underground research institute of the Umbrella Building.

Li Feng looked at Filia who was busy, and the researchers around him.

"Filia, how confident are you in this Blacklight-2 virus experiment?"

A Blacklight-2 virus experiment had been conducted some time ago.

But as I said before, failure is the main theme of the experiment, and success is a very small number.

But he didn't expect that Filia would conduct a second experiment so soon.

Filia heard the question and put down the data of her subordinates.

"Boss, according to the calculation of Red Queen, there is about a 27% probability of success."

Don't look at it as only 27%, it is actually not low.

Many experiments often start with a probability of less than 10%.

"Let's start."


After a while, with all the preparations in the early stage ready, a white-skinned experimental subject was pushed over.

Looking at the other person's sturdy body, Li Feng immediately showed a slightly interested look.

"When did the quality of the experimental subjects become so good?"

Hearing this, Filia looked at the information in her hand and said, "We didn't buy this experimental subject, nor did we catch him, but he volunteered to participate in the experiment."

"Oh? There are such people?"

"Well, his name is Wade Winston Wilson, a Canadian special forces soldier. After resigning from the military, he joined the mercenaries. Later, because he was diagnosed with cancer, he volunteered to participate in the experiment, hoping to get a way to fight cancer."

Wade? Is that the chatterbox guy from Deadpool?

Yes, that's him.

After thinking about it, Li Feng looked at Wade in the laboratory, and then turned to look at Filia beside him.

"Didn't you tell him that we have conquered all cancers?"

Filia shrugged, put down the information in her hand, and showed an indifferent look.

"There are more than a hundred types of cancer. Unfortunately, we haven't launched his cancer drug yet. We expect to review it in three years."

Li Feng may not understand business, but he knows what hunger marketing is.

Just like someone in my previous life, I will release it bit by bit.

Let you scramble for it, the main focus is on the atmosphere.

After a while, Filia saw that the laboratory was ready, so she started to let her men start.


Wade, who was in the laboratory, looked at the three white walls and a reflector at this time, and began to feel a little anxious.

"Hi, I see you, what experiment are you going to do for me?"

Although he didn't see the researchers, he didn't need to guess, and he knew that the reflector was a one-way mirror.

Behind the mirror, there were researchers.

"Even if you don't say it, at least tell me when the experiment will start?

I don't want to wait here all the time."

But after he called for a while, there was no movement at all.

This made him a little disappointed.

At this moment, a mechanical arm suddenly stretched out from above.

Looking at the needle on the mechanical arm, Wade suddenly regretted it.

"Wait, this pillow is too big, change it for me..."

Seeing the needle getting closer and closer, Wade suddenly struggled hard.

But the iron handcuffs on his hands and feet seemed to be specially made, and no matter how he struggled, they did not loosen at all.

Soon, the needle was inserted into his arm.

Watching the blue liquid in the needle slowly disappear, he felt a chill.

This was a kind of coldness from the bones, as if he took off his clothes and ran into the ice and snow.

And it was cold from the inside out.

"It's so cold, what did you inject me..."

Still no one paid attention to him, and then all kinds of mechanical arms stretched down from above and injected him with all kinds of liquids.

He also went from cold to hot, then itchy, painful, comfortable, etc.

In round after round of medicine, he felt that his body seemed to be full of strength, but he felt like a puddle of mud and couldn't move.

But I have to say that his willpower is really strong.

In this round of torture, he did not cry out in pain. Even if it hurt so much that he lost control of his bowels and bladder, he just gritted his teeth silently, and had no intention of giving up.

Outside the laboratory.

Filia looked at these and immediately looked at Li Feng beside him curiously.

"Boss, how do you know that his willpower is so strong? You didn't even let me take a sedative in advance."

Li Feng smiled slightly.


Just kidding, the other party is Deadpool, a man who can survive in Francis' hands and successfully awaken the self-healing factor.

After a while, Filia began to look at the laboratory nervously.

"Begin to prepare to inject Black Light-2 potion!"

In front of him are various strength potions, awakening potions, nutrient solutions, etc., just to ensure that the experimental subjects can be modified in the most suitable condition.

In the laboratory.

When Wade saw another new mechanical arm appear, he was numb.

But when the black liquid was injected into his body, he still felt unprecedented uneasiness and fear.

The next second, a strong sense of suffocation came, as if he was about to drown.

At the same time, the pain nerves all over his body began to send radio waves to him.

But he was so clear-headed that he couldn't even fall into a coma.


This was the first time Wade cried out in pain.

The voice was so desolate and heartbreaking.

He felt that all the cells in his body began to divide and reorganize, and his internal organs were crushed and healed.

I don't know how much time has passed.

Wade felt that his body had changed.

It seemed a little different.

Suddenly, he raised his left hand.

The left hand immediately turned into a pool of black liquid, and then reassembled into his arm.

"Success? My cancer is cured?"

Soon, he got down from the laboratory table and looked at his limbs again.

And the next second, he raised his head and looked at the glass in front of him.

This time, from his perspective, he saw himself in the reflection, and also saw the busy scientific researchers behind the mirror.

Especially the man and woman in the lead, they left a deep impression on him.

One was the chairman of Umbrella, and the other was the woman who persuaded him to experiment.

"You all deserve to die!"

The pain during the experiment instantly gave him an extremely strong killing intent.

So he clenched his fist and rushed over.


The fist hit the bulletproof glass and he immediately pulled it back in pain.

Wade looked at his broken fist, but it soon returned to its original shape, so he turned around and raised the experimental bed and smashed it directly.


The powerful force instantly scrapped the experimental bed, but the bulletproof glass in front of him also cracked.

Seeing this, Wade smiled slightly.

"I'll be out soon!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

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