Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 150 Network Base Station

The time to harvest the fruits was earlier than Li Feng expected.

It seems that he wants to show that he is not coveting this power.

Banner came to Umbrella Tower alone the next morning.

"I am willing to seal this power."

Li Feng put down the coffee in his hand and looked at the other party calmly.

"Are you sure? Once your gamma ray gene is neutralized, it will be difficult to restore it.

It may even be impossible for you to recover in your lifetime. "

Hearing this, Banner felt confused again.

Although he hates the existence of Hulk, it has to be said that he has been saved by Hulk several times.

"Are you sure Hulk will never recover?"

Li Feng nodded.

"Yes, I am still very confident about this."

What I want is not your confidence.

Of course, Banner didn't say this, he just frowned and thought.

Seeing this, Li Feng thought for a while and continued: "If you don't want to give up this power, go back and think about it carefully."

When Banner heard this, he immediately said without raising his head, "No, I've thought about it, please help me."

"Okay, then follow me."

After a while, Li Feng took Banner to the underground laboratory, and then began the gamma ray neutralization experiment.

Half an hour later.

Li Feng looked at the data in front of him and frowned slightly.

"It's strange. There is no change in genes or gamma rays, but why does it turn into the Savage Hulk form?"

The reason why he induced Banner to do the experiment was, of course, to carefully check how the other party turned into the Savage Hulk form last time.

But he really didn't expect that compared with the previous genes, there was no difference between the two.

"Is the difference between the ordinary Hulk and the Savage Hulk just because of anger?

No, Elizabeth died last time and she didn't see Banner turn into the Savage Hulk, which meant that there was something else that he didn't know. "

After thinking for a while, he suddenly had an idea.

"Is it because of energy issues?

Banner hasn't turned into the Hulk for a long time, so he has accumulated more energy. Has he met the innate conditions to become the Savage Hulk?

It seems more experiments are needed. "

After a while, Banner slowly woke up from the experimental table, and the anesthetic effects on his body began to wear off.

"Is the experiment over?"

Li Feng put down the information in his hand, turned his head, and showed a smile.

"The experiment was very successful. Now you can try to see if you can transform into the Hulk."

When Banner heard this, he immediately raised his hand and slapped himself.

A "pop..." sound resounded throughout the laboratory.

One can imagine how much force he used.

But looking at his unchanged hands, Banner smiled.

"I haven't changed..."

After he finished speaking, he slapped himself a few more times.

"Didi..." The heartbeat monitor on the watch already showed more than 200, but he still didn't transform, which made him feel happy.

"Haha, I'm finally free."

Half an hour later, Banner left Umbrella wearing thick clothes.

At this time, it started to snow lightly outside.

But Banner's mood was extremely hot.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the top-floor office, Li Feng watched the other party drive away excitedly, showing a meaningful smile.

At this time, Filia suddenly came to him.

"Boss, I have stored all Banner's blood."


Li Feng nodded, and then said: "Queen Bai, how is the base in the North Bear Country?"

The next second, a little girl wearing white clothes and long brown hair appeared.

Compared with the Red Queen, the White Queen looks more pure and cute, and her voice is gentler than the Red Queen.

"Master, the base in Khabarovsk has almost been completed, only the last few defensive weapons and equipment are needed."

While talking, Queen Bai's figure flashed from time to time.

Li Feng knew that this was due to poor signal.

Although it has been 10 years, the world is still using 3G networks, because the replacement of base stations by major operators is a big project.

"I understand. Let your sister transport weapons and equipment for you. Remember, safety is the most important thing."

The White Queen was born later than the Red Queen, so she was naturally the younger sister.

"I understand, Master."

After saying that, Queen Bai disappeared.

Li Feng continued: "Red Queen, how is Luna's mission going?"

Next to the disappearance of the white queen, the figure of the red queen appeared.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Li Feng felt that the Red Queen seemed to dislike the White Queen a little, and even where she appeared, she deliberately avoided her.

"Master, Miss Luna has convinced the major network operators that Umbrella will provide us with ten years of free use of our patents to allow them to replace their 4G networks with our standard."

At present, the largest network company in the United States is Qualcomm, and Qualcomm was very active in promoting 4G networks to the four major operators in the United States last year.

But as mentioned before, the replacement of network base stations is a huge project, and the cost is also a lot of money.

Therefore, the promotion of 4G network is very slow.

Even when the 5G era comes later, there are still many places in the United States that do not have 4G networks.

This is an inevitable trend in capital countries.

Capitalists are not fools. If they build 4G base stations in places with few people, it is estimated that they will not be able to recover their investment in a hundred years. Who would build them?

Li Feng, on the other hand, started to compete for the standard rights of 4G with the right to use the patent for free for ten years.

Although he could not collect patent fees, he should never underestimate the rights of the 4G standard.

This is a huge invisible income.

"Not bad."

Li Feng nodded and started to deal with other things.


An hour later.

After a traffic jam, Banner finally drove to Tony's large flat in Manhattan.

Tony was dragging the wires at this time, watching TV at home with a bored look on his face.

After seeing Banner come back, he immediately asked curiously: "Seeing you are so excited, where did you go so early in the morning?"

Because the villa was destroyed, he could not continue his research, so he could only watch TV to pass the time.

Banner patted the snow on his body, then took off his coat and entered the room.

"Haha, I am finally free, I got rid of Hulk, I am free..."

As he said this, he excitedly went forward and hugged Tony.

"Hey, be careful, there are wires on my chest."

"Ah, sorry, I didn't mean it."

After putting Tony down in a panic, Banner apologized repeatedly.

After a while, Tony finally remembered what the other party said.

"You just said you are free? Get rid of Hulk? What do you mean?"

Hearing this, Banner immediately told him what happened in the morning.

After listening, Tony frowned.

"That is to say, Mr. Li has already obtained your genes, and secretly researched a way to remove it."

Then the anti-Hulk armor that he had studied for two months, wasn't it a waste of research?

When he thought that his two months of hard work had gone to waste, he suddenly felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

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