Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 151 S.H.I.E.L.D. Meeting

"I'm back to normal, aren't you happy for me?"

Seeing that Tony seemed a little unhappy, Banner suddenly felt confused.

If he knew that the person he considered his best friend was suffering from the pain of dying before the Hulkbuster was deployed, he probably didn't know what he would think.

When Tony heard this, he immediately waved his hands.

“No, I’m glad you’re free.

So what are you going to do next? "

"I'm going to find Elizabeth, I'm going to propose to her, and live an ordinary life with her."

"It's a good idea, but are you sure she likes this kind of life?"

Speaking of this, Tony showed a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Although he had not been in contact with Elizabeth for a short time, he could see a look of unwillingness to be lonely in the other person's eyes.

Just like Pepper, she seems to like a peaceful life on the surface, but she has a restless heart.

If he really became ordinary, Pepper would probably not love him that much.

But Banner obviously didn't see this clearly. Faced with Tony's question, he nodded firmly.

"Of course she wants a peaceful life, she's always told me that.

And her father would not allow a person who might go berserk at any time to be with his daughter.

Now that I'm better, her father doesn't use it to stop me. "

Seeing Banner's determined expression, Tony could only shake his head helplessly.

"When are you going to find her?"

"I'll pack my things and leave in the afternoon."

After finishing speaking, Banner walked directly to the room.

When Tony saw this, he didn't know how to persuade him, and suddenly he didn't want to persuade him anymore.

Perhaps, only when Banner faced reality did he realize that some things could not go back.

After a while, he sat on the sofa again and watched the TV news.

"Big news, the Middle East Alliance announced that it has canceled the head of state electoral system and changed it to a hereditary system!

This is a regression of civilization and a challenge to human freedom!

Cassandra Nova even declared that she would become the first queen of the Middle East Alliance. "

Seeing this news, Tony suddenly felt a little worried.

"The Middle East is getting more and more chaotic. I just don't know if SHIELD can handle it."

TV news continues.

“Umbrella Pharmaceuticals announced the development of a new anti-cancer drug, which is the second anti-cancer drug of the Umbrella Group this year.

According to statistics, the number of people who have recovered from using Umbrella's anti-cancer drugs in recent years has reached more than one million, which is simply a light for mankind. "

After hearing this, Tony's sense of Umbrella improved a little, but it was also extremely limited.

As the chairman of Stark Enterprises, he naturally knew that this data was not false.

However, Umbrella will fund the news from time to time and then let it report these data, which is inevitably suspected of being a show.

"Umbrella Starship Company announced that it has hired a newly graduated college student and appointed the person in charge of the new project.

As a technology company, it should follow the example of Umbrella Group and give young people more opportunities. "

Looking at Reed's picture on the news, Tony didn't know why, but he always felt vaguely numb in his head.

It was like someone opening the Tianling Cap.

After a while, he shook his head and looked at the TV news.

"The Life Foundation announced that the new rocket recovery technology cooperated by Blue Origin and Umbrella Starship Company has achieved new breakthroughs.

It is expected that within two years, satellite launch costs of one million dollars will be achieved. "

"The chairman of Osborne Enterprises was reported to have murdered a shareholder and board member and has now been charged."

"Pioneer Technology announced that it has found an antidote for mutants and is expected to develop an antidote that can return mutants to normal next year."

Tony took a deep breath when he heard the news.

Recently, he has been delayed by matters involving Banner and SHIELD, and has not researched new products for Stark Industries for a long time.

Moreover, Stark Industries' new energy projects are deeply tied to the Umbrella Department of Energy.

It can be said that the whole world is currently filled with news about Umbrella.

"We can't go on like this, otherwise all the limelight will be taken away."

the next day.

The sun is rising slowly in the east.

SHIELD's aircraft carrier arrived at the western border of Elephant Country.

Because to the west of the Elephant Kingdom, there are already countries in the Middle East Alliance, or countries that are affected.

Although the Baba Sheep Kingdom has not joined the Middle East Alliance, it is also a natural ally of the Middle East Alliance because of its faith and religion.

So Ma Yali did not rush into the Baba Sheep Kingdom, but stopped in the Elephant Kingdom.

When SHIELD arrived here, they immediately contacted the local American garrison and asked about the recent situation.

But what she learned made Maria very uneasy.

Because today is the third day, the troops from the Middle East Alliance began to surround the American garrison.

Depending on the situation, you need to use force to drive them away.

However, although the United States has been very tough on words and has been calling for force to suppress it, there has been no actual action.

This made Maria frown even more.

Because the US military did not take action, all the pressure from the Security Council was put on her side.

Coupled with the SHIELD crisis the day before yesterday, the Security Council has already questioned the necessity of SHIELD's existence.

If he can't handle this matter well, SHIELD will probably be disbanded.

Even if it is not disbanded, it will be divided.

In the director's office.

Natasha, Barton, Sam, Coulson, Daisy, May, and a group of senior agents are all here.

It can be said that almost all the senior executives of SHIELD are here, even if they are on vacation or on assignment.

Maria looked at the group of people around her and said solemnly: "The current situation is very unfavorable to us. We must find Cassandra Nova and arrest or kill her before the situation gets out of control!"

Hearing this, May, as an old agent, took the lead and asked: "What's the intelligence? Do you know where Nova is? Who is protecting her? What abilities does she have?"

Maria nodded to Natasha immediately after hearing this.

Natasha understood, so she turned on the projector, and photos of Cassandra appeared one by one.

"Everyone, please look, she is Cassandra Nova, her age is unknown, her birthplace is unknown, and we don't even know if her name is real.

She suddenly appeared from the Sunset Empire about a week ago. No one knows who she is or how she appeared, because we urgently investigated all the files around the world and there is no person who matches her.

However, according to the testimony of witnesses in the Sunset Empire, some people tried to assassinate her a week ago, but they were all killed in return.

And according to the investigation, she lingered in various gourmet restaurants and bars after she appeared, either eating delicious food or drinking.

But for some reason, she suddenly appeared in Baghdad, the Middle East, and controlled Lorna and a group of mutants."

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