Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 27 Mutant Registration Act

At the same time.

In Washington, D.C., in the U.S. Capitol, a public meeting is taking place.

A woman in a red suit and glasses is looking at the congressmen around her and the ordinary people who come to watch.

"Ladies and gentlemen, men and women, we are witnessing another stage of evolution.

Mutants are more likely to mutate during adolescence, and they change due to emotional ups and downs."

At this time, Robert, who is in his sixties and has white hair, couldn't help but interrupt the other party.

"Thank you Miss Grey for popularizing, but you have deviated from the topic of the meeting.

In other words, are mutants dangerous?"

"Your question is inappropriate, Congressman Kelly.

Some people will have accidents when driving, so should we cancel cars?"

"So you need a driver's license to drive, right?"

"But there is no license to survive.

In fact, if mutants appear in public, it will cause panic, hostility, and even violent tendencies.

To prevent mutants from suffering such unfair treatment, I plead to cancel the mutant registration bill and not force them to disclose their identities."

At this time, a subordinate in a suit came to Robert.

"Sir, this is the information."

Looking at the documents in his hand, Robert interrupted Grey again.

"Why do they hide if they reveal their identities? Why do they live in the dark?"

"They are not hiding."

"No? Now I know where they are hiding.

I have a list of mutants living in Mi."

At this point, Robert stood up excitedly, waving the information in his hand.

"If a girl has the superpower to pass through walls, and she is your neighbor, but you don't know, and then there are often things missing at home, you can only blame yourself for your bad luck.

I also heard that there is a mutant who can sense and control other people's thoughts, depriving us of our free will.

If he controls us, or even controls all mankind, where should we go?

I think we have the right to decide whether our children should be teachers or classmates with mutants, or stay away from them."

Hearing this, the congressmen around applauded.

"Pa pa pa..."

"Ladies and gentlemen, mutants do exist, and they are right next to us.

We must know who they are, what superpowers they have, and study them to prevent them."

At this time, even the ordinary people watching clapped their hands and spoke in support.

"That's right, Congressman."

"We have the right to know."

"We support you."

Seeing this, Grey could only say, "But mutants won't massacre, Congressman Kelly.

As far as I know, Gumira discovered the mass grave.

Compared to mutants, some humans are more terrifying."

As these words fell, the people around him fell silent.

Compared to the invisible mutants, Gumira's massacre is actually happening in front of us.

For this statement, even Congressman Robert didn't know how to refute it, so he could only return to his seat.

An old man watching in the crowd looked at Congressman Robert, who seemed to be unwilling to give up, and his face was gloomy, and his mind was more determined.

So he quickly left Congress and walked out.

When he walked to the corridor, someone called him from behind.

"Eric, why did you come to this meeting?"

Hearing the voice, Eric immediately knew who was calling him.

"Charles, you are asking even though you already know the answer."

Turning around, he saw a bald old man sitting in a wheelchair.

"Don't hate humans, they just haven't thought it through yet."

"Don't waste your breath, I've made up my mind."

"Eric, put aside your prejudice.

Humans in the past didn't know, but now they have evolved."

"Yes, they have evolved into mutants."

As these words fell, the two of them were silent for a while.

A few seconds later, Eric raised his finger and pointed at his temple.

"You are using telepathy to enter my mind, what are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for hope."

"I will give you hope, old friend.

But I have a request, don't stop me."

After that, Eric turned and left.

"We are the masters of the future, and humans can only be dominated by us mutants!"


A few hours later.

Eric came to an unnamed island in Lake Ontario, with a huge cave hollowed out inside the island.

Walking into the cave, you can see that it has been modernized. Not only electricity and water, but also rooms and other mutants are there.

When these mutants saw Eric, they all nodded and bowed to show respect.

"Hello, Mr. Magneto."

"Dear Magneto, good afternoon."

"Chief Magneto, you are back."

Eric's full name is Eric Lansheer. He is the leader of the Brotherhood, and this is the secret base of the Brotherhood.

And Eric's superpowers can be seen from his nickname. Magneto has the ability to control magnetic fields.

At this time, he came to a huge cave and saw a strange object more than four meters high, made of all metal, which looked full of high technology.

And a man wearing goggles was constantly adjusting the metal ball.

"How is the conversion equipment prepared?"

The man in goggles heard the sound and said without turning his head: "It's done, I'm painting it."

Hearing this good news, Eric smiled with satisfaction.

"Okay, I'll try the effect.

You go and bring an ordinary person over."


A few minutes later, an ordinary person with a terrified face was brought over.

"No, please don't kill me... I don't want to die..."

Eric glanced at the ordinary man, then controlled the metal to fly himself to the top of the instrument and stood in it.

He then held the two energy-absorbing instruments with both hands, and immediately felt a sense of weakness all over his body.

As his energy continued to be absorbed, the instrument soon began to rotate, and a white light slowly spread around.

"No! No!"

The ordinary person looked at the white light and screamed in fear.

After a while, the white light enveloped the ordinary person, and then the energy was taken back.

Eric on the instrument looked weak and tired, panting heavily.

"Hoo hoo... I can't refuse to admit my age."

Then he looked up at the ordinary man with an expectant look in his eyes.

The mutant wearing goggles immediately stepped forward and extracted the other person's blood and some cell tissue.

"I'll take it for testing, and the results will be available in about an hour."

Eric nodded and went to the office to rest.

An hour later, the test results came out.

The ordinary person became a mutant.

After getting this result, Eric immediately laughed heartily.


"Go call Sabertooth Tiger over, I have a task for him!"

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