Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 28 Actions of all parties

While waiting, Eric turned on the news.

"A week later, the United Nations Summit will be held in Ellis Island, Manhattan.

There will be more than 200 heads of state attending the meeting to discuss world peace and mutants."

Looking at the news, Eric smiled meaningfully.

"The summit is the best opportunity for mutants to rise!"

A dozen minutes later, a 1.9-meter-tall strong man walked into the office.

The other party has extremely developed muscles and a burly body, giving people a very strong sense of oppression.


The saber-tooth tiger's real name is unknown. Because he lost all his memories and even his language ability, he roared at Eric.

Eric is used to this.

"Go to Peking University and catch someone for me."



In the suburbs of Westchester, New York, there is a very hidden school called Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters.

The founder of this school is Charles Francis Xavier, nicknamed Professor X.

In the principal's office.

Charles was thinking about the news he had received in the past few days.

A mutant was suspected to have appeared in North Dakota, with extremely strong recovery ability and steel claws in his hands.

The other party was mixed in underground black boxing and bars, causing a lot of chaos.

So after thinking about it, he called Scott and Ororo.

After a while, a young man with red glasses and a beautiful woman with long white hair walked in.

"Coster, Ororo, I have a task for you."

"Professor, please speak."

"I want you to go to North Dakota to find someone and bring him back."

"Is it a mutant?"

"Well, this guy may have a bad temper, be careful."

"Okay, professor."

Watching the two leave, Charles felt an inexplicable sadness in his heart.

At this time, a TV news attracted his attention.

"A week later, the United Nations Summit will be held at Ellis Island in Manhattan.

More than 200 heads of state will attend the meeting to discuss world peace and mutants."

Seeing this, he became even more worried.

This United Nations Summit is not a good thing at first glance. It may be aimed at mutants.

In fact, if he is willing to take action, he can make all these heads of state brain dead overnight, and there is no reason to find out.

But the kindness and justice in his heart do not allow him to do so.

"Let fate decide."


At night.

In Robert's home in Washington, DC.

At this time, Robert is in the living room, receiving a special guest.

"Miss Luna, I haven't seen you for just one week, and you are more beautiful."

Luna smiled slightly and sat on the sofa very dignifiedly.

"Thank you, Congressman Kelly. After the last birthday party, our boss has always wanted to see you again to learn about fishing techniques."

"Haha, Mr. Li's fishing skills are also good. I was just lucky last time."

"That's because you chose a good location and the fish nest is very good. My boss is so jealous."

"Haha, I will definitely go fishing with him next time I have a chance, but I'm busy recently."

"Is it the mutant registration bill?"

Although the mass graves in the Gumira area have attracted most of the attention recently, the mutant registration bill has also been hot in the past few days.

On the contrary, the Stark Enterprises incident has not been as hot as it was at the beginning.

Therefore, the recent acquisition of Stark Enterprises shares has not attracted much attention, and the stock price is still around fifty dollars.

Robert saw that the other party finally officially entered the topic and began to speak in an official tone.

"Yes, I think we have the right to know if there are any aliens around us, and to choose whether to get along with them.

Mr. Li has always supported me, right? Is there something that needs to be done when you are sent here this time?"

"Our boss naturally supports you. This time, we want to discuss cooperation with you on the awakening project.

I heard that Congress recently intends to approve the project funding for the Billion-meter Blade..."

"Haha, Miss Luna, you are really well-informed.

But I'm very sorry, although I really want to help you, the awakening project has always been hosted by General Stryker, and I can't intervene.

If you want to get the project, you should go to General Stryker."

"But aren't you the biggest supporter of the project? If you ask, General Stryker will definitely give you face."

"I've been busy with the mutant registration bill recently. I plan to reach an agreement with many heads of state at the United Nations summit in a week."

Just after the two chatted for a while, there was a knock on the door.

"Knock knock..."

Robert stopped talking.

"Come in."

A middle-aged man in a suit and tie walked in with a document.

"Congressman Kelly, here is the list of countries that have chosen to participate in the UN summit."

"Thank you, Guy Ritchie, just put it here."

Guy Ritchie put the document on the coffee table and looked at Luna and the two bodyguards behind her calmly.

"Then I'll go out first, Congressman Kelly."

Seeing the other party leave, Robert was about to continue the conversation, but saw the bodyguard behind Luna coming to Luna's ear and whispering something.

Luna frowned slightly and looked at Robert with doubtful eyes.

"Miss Luna, what's the matter?"

Luna hesitated for a few seconds and said: "Congressman Kelly, don't you hate mutants the most? Why do you let mutants become your assistants?"

When Robert heard this, he was also stunned for a moment.

"What did you say? My assistant is a mutant?

Miss Luna, this joke is not funny. Guy Ritchie has been my assistant for more than ten years. How could I not know whether he is a mutant? "

Seeing that Robert really didn't know, Luna said: "It seems that you don't know yet. In order to capture...research mutants, our group has recruited a subordinate who has a special sensitivity to the X gene.

This is the guy next to me, Gernat, please tell Congressman Kelly what you just discovered. "

In fact, Gernut is a member of the Epsilon team and a T-3 virus enhancer. However, when he was enhanced, his sense of smell was specially enhanced and he could distinguish between ordinary people and mutants.

He just smelled the mutant scent on Guy Ritchie, and for safety reasons, he reported it to Luna.

Gernat, who is 1.8 meters tall and has a strong build, took a step forward.

"Dear Representative Kelly, the smell of ordinary people is simple, either fragrant or smelly, but mutants have a unique smell, a smell that is both fragrant and smelly, just like durian.

It smells stinky, but when you smell it carefully, it feels fragrant.

That's the smell on the gentleman just now. "

After Gernut finished speaking, Luna followed up and said: "By the way, Representative Kelly, I heard that there is a mutant who can transform into other people at will."


Robert's eyes became solemn.

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