Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 50 Ivan joins

"Dong dong..."

After a knock on the door, there was a long wait.

Not sure whether the owner inside was absent or not heard, Luna knocked on the door a few more times before it was opened.

A very slovenly man appeared behind the door.

The other person had long hair, which was full of oil stains and stench because it had not been taken care of for a long time.

At the same time, he was wearing clothes full of holes and smelled strongly of alcohol.

The sloppy man looked at Luna up and down, then asked coldly: "What's going on?"

"I'm here to see Mr. Anton Vanke."

"My father is dead."


After saying that, the other party closed the door.

Maybe when other people see a beautiful woman like Luna, they can't help but chat more.

But for him, beautiful women are not mechanically interesting.

If you have time to chat with women, you might as well do more research.

"Dong dong..."

Luna knocked on the door again.

Then the door was opened again, revealing the other party's impatient look.

"Anything else?"

"In addition to your father, we are also looking for you, Ivan Vanko."

Ivan frowned immediately when he heard his name.

"What do you want from me?"

"On behalf of Umbrella, I would like to hire you as the chief engineer of the Engineering Department."

"Not interested."

Seeing that the other party was about to close its doors again, Luna immediately said: "We have shares in Stark Enterprises."

Hearing this, Ivan paused and then looked at the other party coldly.

"What do you mean!"

"Since we are here to find you, we naturally know about your grudges with Stark Enterprises.

And it just so happens that we also have a grudge against Stark Enterprises. "

When Ivan heard this, his expression finally improved slightly, and then he looked at the other person carefully up and down.

"What grudges do you have?"

Luna smiled slightly, and then told what happened to Obadiah.

After hearing this, although Ivan's attitude improved a little, he did not reply to Luna immediately.

Instead, he said, come back tomorrow, and closed the door again.

It wasn't that he didn't believe what Luna said, but he wanted to check it online before making a decision.

After all, he had no idea what kind of company Umbrella was.

After returning to the car, Luna began to report the situation to Li Feng.

After hearing this, Li Feng just asked her to go there again tomorrow, without any new instructions.

For him, Ivan Vanke can hire the best, and it doesn't matter if he can't.

After all, he already has the Ark reactor technology, and with his own scientific research team, he will be able to develop the miniaturization technology sooner or later even without anyone's guidance.

So there is no need to waste too much time and resources on this.

As for why he didn't find the other party before, it can only be said that he couldn't get close to Ivan Vanke before cooperating with the North Bear Country.

The Northern Bear Country will not let a top scientist escape like this.

Even if this scientist's reputation is already bad, he still doesn't have much scientific research ability.

Time slowly came to the next morning.

Luna came to visit No. 1375 again.

But this time Ivan's attitude was obviously much better, and he even took the initiative to invite Luna to sit in.

However, Luna was obviously not interested in this messy place and just invited the other party to join Umbrella again.

Ivan agreed happily, but it took some time to pack his things.

So Luna left a few people at her disposal, and then left.

After all, she still has a lot of things to do, and she can't waste time here with him.

Construction of the base in Khabarovsk has already begun, and she will personally keep an eye on the excavation of the underground base.

This is an important project related to future human cloning research, so we must not be careless.

There are also recruitment of workers, negotiations with material suppliers, road maintenance, etc.

A week later.

In an aircraft carrier over Sakura Country.

At this time the sun began to disappear in the west and the sky slowly became dark.

Suddenly a red and white figure landed on the deck, and then opened the mask, revealing Tony's figure.

After taking off his armor, Tony held the Mark 5 in his hand and walked inside.

When he arrived at the conference room, he found that everyone was already here.

"Tony, do you have any clues?"

Seeing Tony shaking his head, Nick was not disappointed and just continued: "It seems that the hyena is probably dead. Then our next step will be to focus on Mariko Yashida and the Hand."

"Mariko Yashida?"

Tony was confused.

After all, he understood that this was an evil force, and it might be related to the zombie virus.

But what does this have to do with Mariko Yashida?

In his impression, the other party was a weak-looking little girl, and she was also quite good-looking, so she didn't look like a bad person.

Seeing everyone's confused looks, Nick nodded.

“We all seem to despise this woman.

After his father's death, the other party quickly took control of Yashida Company with iron-blooded tactics.

Those executives and shareholders who disobeyed her all had accidents, either car accidents or being infected with the zombie virus.

I suspect she may be related to the person behind the zombie virus.

Otherwise, it cannot be explained why the zombie virus leaked out of Yashida Company in the first place. "

After hearing this, everyone fell silent.

But soon, everyone turned their eyes to Charles.

After all, the other party can read other people's memories. Whether this Yashida Mariko is related to the zombie virus or not, the other party will know it by reading the memory.

But Charles just nodded slightly in the face of everyone's gaze.

"I will find a chance to approach her tomorrow and take a look at her memory."

"Okay, that's it, the others will look for clues about the Hand tomorrow."

Nick nodded, and just as he was about to announce the end of the meeting, a ring rang.


Tony smiled apologetically and immediately took out his mobile phone.

"Sorry, answer the phone."

"Hello, Pepper, what's the matter?"

"Let me go back, what's wrong?"

"Hold a shareholders' meeting? Oh, I see."

It turned out that almost a month had passed without realizing it.

It was time for Stark Enterprises to hold a shareholders' meeting again to decide the future of Stark Enterprises.

After hanging up the phone, Tony looked at Nick.

"I need the support of your equity."

Nick would naturally not refuse Tony's request.

"Okay, I'll let Coulson go with you.

Leave it to us here."

After more than ten days of siege, the zombie virus on Kyushu Island has been effectively controlled.

All roads and bridges are firmly guarded by the US military and the Sakura Self-Defense Force to ensure that no zombie escapes.

As for how to deal with the millions of zombies on Kyushu Island, we have to wait for the United Nations General Assembly to discuss a result.

After all, no one knows whether these zombies can be restored to human beings.

If they can be restored, then the person who ordered the shooting will be a sinner in the future.

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