Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 51 Blacklight Virus Experiment

United States, New York, Umbrella base.

Li Feng looked at the palm-sized small Ark reactor in his hand and nodded with satisfaction.

However, Ivan had basically no other black technology except the miniaturization of the Ark reactor.

He had no interest in plasma whips.

Although plasma whips could cut through most substances, it was better to use so much energy to provide two whips for close combat than to launch electromagnetic cannons.

That power was definitely greater than plasma whips.

Now that the small Ark reactor was available, the Sentinel Project could be launched.

However, Mystique's genes had not been fully analyzed, and the first generation of Sentinels might not have the ability to absorb and transform.

"Da Da Da..."

At this moment, the sound of high heels rang out.

I saw Filia wearing a white sterilization suit and walking quickly in high heels.

"Boss, the experiment of the blacklight virus is ready."

Li Feng put down the Ark reactor in his hand.

"Then let's get started."

After a while, he followed Filia to the door of the laboratory.

There are already more than a dozen researchers waiting here.

"Good evening, Dr. Li."

"Dean Li, Dr. Filia."

"Hello, boss."

Li Feng looked at this group of researchers who had followed him for nearly ten years, and he was also slightly moved.

When he first crossed over to the Marvel world, he was penniless. Not to mention starting a company, even eating was a problem.

Although Umbrella was established later, there were no high-level talents willing to follow him, so he could only recruit these students from the university.

Although their abilities were not good enough to independently develop a project, they were still competent for some ordinary research work.

"Let's start the experiment."


Soon, everyone began to enter their respective positions.

Some people recorded the experiment, some prepared nutrient solution, some pushed the experimental body, and some prepared the black light virus.

There was also a group of fully armed security personnel around to ensure that there would be no accidents in the experiment.

However, Li Feng did not have much hope for this experiment.

When the T virus was first developed, with the support of the mature data of the Red Queen, it still failed several times before it succeeded.

After all, failure is the norm in biochemical experiments, and success is only a coincidence.

"New York time, 9:34, the experiment begins."

"9:35, subject No. 1 is ready."

"9:37, start injecting high-grade nutrient solution into the target subject to ensure the subject's physical strength and nutrition."

"9:49, the subject's physical value reached its peak."

"9:50, start injecting blacklight virus."

"10:02, the subject opened his eyes, it should be the blacklight virus swallowed the sedative."

"10:05, the subject's body temperature began to rise rapidly, it should be the subject's antibodies working."

"10:14, the subject's body temperature reached 63.8 degrees, my God, this is far beyond the limit that humans can bear."

"10:17, the subject began to struggle hard, and a black substance appeared all over his body."

At this point in the experiment, Li Feng suddenly said: "Stop delivering nutrient solution."

Filia hesitated when she heard this.

"Boss, this may cause the experimental subject to die without enough nutrition."

Li Feng glanced at the other party coldly.

"I don't want to say it a second time."

This is one of the reasons why Luna can become an assistant, while the other party can only stay in the laboratory.

Filia couldn't bear the gaze and lowered her head obediently.

"Yes, stop the nutrient solution."

As the nutrient solution stopped being delivered, the struggle of the experimental subject immediately began to weaken, but the black substance coming out of the body became more.


"Bring ten little white mice here."


After a while, ten little white mice were pushed into the laboratory.

Li Feng threw the little white mice on the experimental subject without hesitation.

The next second, the black substance on the experimental subject covered the little white mouse as if it were alive.


After struggling for a few times, the little white mouse stopped moving.

After swallowing the little white mouse, the experimental subject began to grow a little white hair all over its body, and its palms and feet also became a bit like little white mice.

Soon, as ten mice were devoured, the change became more obvious, and even the experimental subject grew a tail.

"Oh my God, after devouring a creature, it will move closer to the devoured creature!"

"If he devours a cheetah, won't he become a cheetah?"

"What's a cheetah? If those things are devoured, won't they be even better?"

"You mean those lickers?"


After observing for a while, Li Feng suddenly said: "Bring all the first-level X genes."

He wanted to see if the black light virus could devour the X gene.

The first-level X gene is those ordinary super powers, such as increasing strength, increasing speed, etc.

After a while, the test tube containing the X gene was brought in, and Li Feng threw it on the experimental subject without hesitation.

As many X genes were absorbed, the experimental subject suddenly mutated all over.

All the black matter was absorbed back, and then the muscles all over the body began to swell.


With a roar, the special iron handcuffs were immediately broken free.

Seeing this, the researchers around ran out of the laboratory without hesitation.

The security guards around stepped forward, opened the safety buckle, and aimed at the experimental subject.

Since the establishment of Umbrella, countless biological studies have been conducted.

It is also normal for the experimental subject to lose control, so everyone is very skilled.


After the experimental subject roared, he rushed to the nearest security guard.

Seeing this, the security guard pulled the trigger without hesitation.


The bullet shot at the experimental subject at ten times the speed of sound, but it shot out from the other end in an instant and hit the wall.

The injuries on the experimental subject were instantly healed, and he continued to rush over.

After absorbing many X genes, this experimental subject has the strength to surpass the third form of the G virus.

These security guards are definitely not opponents, but will be absorbed and become nutrients for the experimental subject.

Thinking of this, Li Feng stepped forward and asked his men to stop shooting.

As his eyes lit up with blue light, a strong mental force surged out, covering the experimental subject, trying to lift him up into the air.

No matter how strong the physical strength is, as long as there is no leverage point, it is just meat on the chopping board.

But the next second, the black substance on the experimental subject emerged again, absorbing all the mental power covering the body.

"It can actually absorb mental power, interesting."

It seems that the actual effect of this black light virus is beyond the expectations of Red Queen and himself.

Seeing the experimental subject rushing towards him, he raised his left hand and then opened his palm.

"Broken, broken."

A dark purple light appeared from the center of his palm and instantly submerged the experimental subject.


The extremely powerful energy instantly submerged the experimental subject and even destroyed the three-meter-thick reinforced concrete wall of the laboratory, disappearing in the soil and rocks, and it is unknown how far away.

This is an underground laboratory, surrounded by soil and rocks.

Thank you very much for the monthly tickets from Mo Lu Fan Chen, book friend 161030211823559, Hai Tian 666, and book friend 202208180554122692

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