Master Devil Don’t Kiss Me

Chapter 380: 【380】Tension 1

This afternoon can be described as one after another...

Because she is a natural land duck, she dare not go into the water at all. But the **** Han Qilu deliberately dragged her into the water, and he dragged her into the depths of the sea...too scared An Chuxia was shocked.

You must know that even in the third year of junior high school, she chooses swimming and running, but she chooses running. Everyone knows that as long as you learn to swim, it is much easier to get a perfect score in the PE exam than running. Despite this, she chose to run because she was afraid of water.

When she was scared, she clung to Han Qilu's waist tightly, and her legs were also tightly clamped between him. Han Qilu had to drag her to the shore again little by little.

There was a burst of fear, probably because of the entanglement of Han Qilu's body, and the sense of fear gradually faded as he was about to reach the shore. As the closed eyes gradually opened, he felt that he was in a gentle sea. The rippling sea lightly hit the skin, and the feeling of the little fish pecking at the soles of the feet and palms of the hands gave a strange warmth.

Seeing An Chuxia's eyes revealing the magic of joy, Han Qilu's eyes flashed a sly, taking advantage of a few seconds when she was staring at her palms dreamily, he suddenly released the hand holding her.

"Ah—" An Chuxia screamed, thumping herself hard, and drank several mouthfuls of sea water in one breath.

"Tsk tusk tusk, how can I be my woman who can't swim?" A certain man shook his head and stretched out his hand to embrace her.

After coughing violently, after almost coughing up the water in the nose without the spicy feeling, An Chuxia reached out and pinched Han Qilu vigorously: "Are you murdering?!"

"Killing?" Han Qilu snorted disdainfully: "Miss, please stand up your legs and try?"

Although very angry, An Chuxia did. The foot can just step on the bottom without drinking water.

"Huh!" An Chuxia snorted a few steps away from Han Qilu, and then rushed a few steps forward to push him down. Han Qilu fell into the water suddenly.

"Deserve it!" She burst into laughter, and the turbulent sea slowly returned to calm, but there were no people from Han Qilu, and no shadows. The nerves in her brain tightened, and she panicked.

"...Han Qilu?" tentatively shouted, but only the sound of distant sea hitting the reef came from her ears, and no one responded to her.

what happened? Isn't he... impossible! He obviously knows how to swim, and the water is not deep, it just reached his chest. Must be playing with yourself!

"Hey-Han Qilu! If you don't come out again, then you are dead!" An Chuxia walked a few steps in place, the resistance of the water made her walking in the water uneasy. She did not dare to swim. After such a tossing, her nerves finally tightened again.

"Han Qilu! Where are you? Don't scare me! I'll ignore you if I don't come out again, I really ignore you!" She shouted towards the calm sea like a lunatic, but no one responded to her. .

The sea in the distance was almost in line with the sky, and occasionally a few seabirds flew past, and the sound of seabirds came. The sea breeze blows, and the sea is slightly swaying.

"Han Qilu!!!" An Chuxia was anxious, raised her foot and walked into the sea, without taking a step, her mouth was a little closer to the surface of the water, and at the end when her nose was about to **** in water...

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