Master Devil Don’t Kiss Me

Chapter 381: [381] Kissed by a pig

The lower abdomen was suddenly hugged with one hand, and then Han Qilu's right hand hooked her neck to hook her, a gorgeous turn, she was hugged to a rock. The foot just fell on the rock, and the water level fell on her collarbone again.

Drops of transparent seawater falling down the collarbone is just the right temptation.

"You bastard!" Stunned, surprised, and surprised, a series of expressions kept changing on her face. When she saw Han Qilu's face clearly, anger came to her heart and turned into a curse.

However, this curse was crying.

"I'm sorry!" Han Qilu's eyes were full of touch and joy. He didn't expect An Chuxia to really care about him so much. I have always felt that her love for herself is seldom very vague, but now it seems that it is not like this...

With a long arm, she rushed into her arms. But as soon as she swarmed into her arms, she drank several more mouthfuls of sea water.

"Cough cough cough cough!" She coughed violently as her nose entered the sea. But the instigator laughed unscrupulously, bent over and hugged her.

This day, it was so magically passed...

A few days later, when An Chuxia finally adjusted the time difference between China and the United States, she came back alive and well. I woke up before five o'clock in the morning to write a manuscript. After an hour of writing, I pressed the publish button and rushed to Han Qilu's room.

"Dead pig, you hurry up and get me up!" Exhausted all the strength of milking, had a quilt tug of war with Han Qilu who was half asleep, but this guy really slept like a pig. However, he is asleep, but he can hold the quilt tightly with one hand and not let go.

Do you think he is asleep or awake?

This is not a proof question, we cannot prove it. The point is that a certain woman was kissed by a dead pig who was seriously lacking sleep early in the morning.

After pushing away Han Qilu with a blushing face, she turned her head and asked calmly, "How long has it been for Ba Tian to take a bath?"

"Yeah..." Han Qilu shook his forehead bangs and said scornfully, "Give me another kiss and I'll tell you."

"Die, you!" He took the pillow beside him and threw it to Han Qilu, but he caught it firmly and gave An Chuxia a grimace.

Angrily, she turned and left the room. Han Qilu hurriedly took her hand and continued: "It's just a joke! Why take it seriously... Okay! Batian has someone to take a bath almost two days. But...what do you suddenly ask this for?"

An Chuxia rolled his eyes and replied: "Did you forget? The day after tomorrow will be a great adventure in the wild. Tomorrow the school will be on holiday, and give us something to prepare for the great adventure in an instant, I decided..."

Han Qilu couldn't help shivering: "You won't be..."

After snapping his fingers gorgeously, An Chuxia showed an angelic smile: "You guessed it! I'm going to take Batian! I heard that looking for a small red flag, Batian should be able to come in handy, right? Haha..."

"Whatever you want." Han Qilu glanced at her faintly, without giving her face: "That little red flag..."

"It's all right!" An Chuxia waved his hand a little impatiently: "Let's go down and give Batian a bath now!"

Speaking of it, she used to be particularly afraid of dogs, but after a few days of jet lag, she stayed at Han's house without adjusting. Gradually, she was no longer afraid of bullying. And can play very well with Batian.

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