Master Lu, Madam, She Became Popular In the Entertainment Industry By Live Broadcasting

Chapter 1454: The first person in the entertainment industry

Ye Wan was woken up by the arch.

As if wearing a cotton hat in summer, she couldn't help scratching the top of her head when it was hot.

The thorn felt on the back of his hand, and it was still wet. Ye Wan was stunned for a moment, opened his eyes, and saw the fluffy head of the big cat.

Ye Wan sat up eagerly.

The wound on his stomach did not collapse, and the big cat's spirit was several times better than yesterday.

Ye Wan couldn't help but sighed and patted its head, "Take care of the injury, the injury is healed, let's get the smashed place back!"

? ? ?

"What do you mean? Why didn't I understand?"

"I seem to understand, but I don't seem to understand!"

"This is the famous nonsense literature recently, right?"


The barrage is giggling.

After rubbing her eyes, Liang Jingjing woke up and rushed up to hug the big cat's neck and rubbed it, "Hello, big cat, that's great! It scared me to death yesterday!"

Xu Jiahao couldn't help but come over, leaned over and glanced at the big cat's wound, and then gave Ye Wan a thumbs up.

Liang Jingjing came back to her senses, "Sister Wan, what did you just say to find a place? What kind of place are you looking for?"

"The big cat was besieged by a group of bad guys!"

Ye Wan's face was sullen, and she glanced at the cloudy sky above her head.

No one else knew about the big cat's injury, but she stitched it up by herself, so she could see at a glance that it was torn apart by the teeth of a beast.

Only a ferocious and hungry animal would dare to attack a tiger in search of its own death.

And the fact that the other party has this courage means that it is not one, but a group.

Such an interesting place has come.

Even with her little three-legged cat skills, she was able to catch wild-chicken rabbits in Wufeng Mountain, and she was lucky enough to catch Second Senior Brother, and she ate a feast for a few days.

Those ferocious beasts guarding such a treasure as Wufeng Mountain would be so hungry that they would attack the king of beasts?

Is this science?

Not only is it unscientific, it is also unreasonable.

Then, there is only one possibility.

Someone artificially sent a beast to Wufeng Mountain.

It's still the kind of beast that has been hungry for a long time.


Obviously, the show crew will not do such a self-defeating thing.

Who else could there be?

Thinking about it, but couldn't think of why, Ye Wan let out a breath and decided not to think about it anymore.

The other party is a group, can't she be a group?

The big cat who bullied her, don't care who it is, it's guaranteed to beat you all over the place!

"Go to sleep well!"

Rubbing the big cat's head, Ye Wan got up and waved to Liang Jingjing and Xu Jiahao, "Let's go, get the big cat a nutritious meal!"



Go! "

How distressed yesterday was, how excited UU reading is today.

Liang Jingjing and Xu Jiahao went out after Ye Wan with a toolbox and bows and arrows.

Walking and stopping all the way, Ye Wan could see Ye Wan looking at the ground and then looking at the sky.

More than half an hour later, when Ye Wan stopped again, not only Liang Jingjing and Xu Jiahao were stunned, but even the barrage was much less shocked.

The fallen leaves and weeds broke off the branches, and the ground was a mess.

A few gray-black animals that looked like wolves and dogs had no breath at all.

And those heads, without exception, died miserably.

"This... the fighting was fierce enough!"

"I finally know why the big cat was injured! One to many, the big cat is so heroic!"

"Fuck, this is a wolf, right? Wolf is a second-class protected animal, right? Although it is illegal to hunt and kill protected animals, but if Ye Wan is killed by a big cat, it is not illegal for Ye Wan to pick up a bargain, right?"

"Eating a bite of wolf meat, I don't know if the three of them count as the first person in China. But, it's not too much to say that the first person in the entertainment industry?"

"I don't know what wolf meat tastes like."

"It's definitely better than Second Senior Brother's meat!"


She motioned Liang Jingjing and Xu Jiahao not to approach, Ye Wan checked them one by one, and then nodded to indicate that it was all right.

The eyes were smooth and the hair on the scalp was shiny, but the stomach was shriveled like a wolf that hadn't eaten for a few days. Ye Wan lowered his head again, and there was a flash of cruelty between his eyebrows.

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