I caught a few lively pheasants and picked some wild fruits.

Not forgetting to visit the Monkey King.

Before the sun went down, Ye Wan rushed back to the valley with Liang Jingjing and Xu Jiahao.

A few chickens were thrown out, and chickens and tigers jumped in the valley.

With Ye Wan staring at him, the big cat didn't dare to jump too much. He moved for a short while, and went to grind his teeth on the big rock with a few dead chickens in his mouth.

When the sun rose from the east on the third day, Ye Wan opened his eyes and saw that the big cat had disappeared on the big rock.

Ye Wan knew that it was completely healed.

Sure enough, when the three of them cooked chicken and wild vegetable porridge for breakfast, the big cat came back with two fat rabbits in his mouth.

"Ah?? It's not my big hair, right?"

She completely forgot that Ye Wan caught two wild rabbits to stuff the cat's teeth the day before, and she also forgot that she suggested changing the cat's taste.

Seeing that the big cat was ready to forage now, Liang Jingjing seemed to remember her two rabbits.

Running over to check, Liang Jingjing came back with a wooden bowl contentedly.

All day, the three did not leave the valley.

Liang Jingjing is stupid, with a happy feeling of winning the show by lying down with Sister Wan.

Only Xu Jiahao faintly felt that something big was going to happen, but it had nothing to do with him, no matter how itchy he was, he would never propose to join in the fun.

In the live broadcast room, all day long, the picture didn't change much.

On weekdays, the number of online viewers will definitely fluctuate.

But today has been a whole day, and the data is like the lyrics: a big river has wide waves.

It hasn't changed from beginning to end.

And as the sky gets darker and darker, the number of people in the live broadcast room is increasing. It's like a square dance competition is about to be held in the big park in the city center, so if you like it or not, the crowd will occupy the favorable terrain early on.

"Director, Director... Will something go wrong?"

The director looked at Bian Jiayu with a stern face, and his expression was a little apprehensive.

Bian Jiayou frowned, uncertain.

Come on, it didn't happen, I don't know where to start.

But no matter what, intuition tells everyone that something big is going to happen.

This feeling of not knowing what to do in the end is really, irritating and exciting!

Seeing that everyone in the hall looked at him eagerly, with a look of surprise, "We won't get cold in this show."

Bian Jiayou suppressed the inexplicable feeling in his heart, and gave the director an angry look, "What happened?"

? ? ?

The director blinked, probably, vaguely, as if he understood what the director meant.

It's not out yet, isn't it?

When something goes wrong, it is time to rescue and stop the broadcast.

Anyway, before the accident, the years will be quiet!

"it's okay no problem…"

The director shook his head, his eyes fixed on the big screen.

The last orange light of the setting sun disappeared, and when night shrouded the earth, Ye Wan stood up and walked out with a calm face, "I'm going for a walk, you two stay at home and don't run around."

"Sister Wan, I..." To accompany you.

As soon as Liang Jingjing's words were out of her mouth, Xu Jiahao pulled her sleeves down.

Look at Ye Wan who has jumped out of the vine, and then look at the big cat who is following slowly.

At the right moment in my mind, the words that my sister said when she comforted the big cat that night, "Take care of the injury, the injury is healed, let's get the smashed place back!"

Liang Jingjing understood it later.

"Sister Wan, come on!...Big cat, go for the duck!!"

A crisp female voice echoed in the valley.


Liang Jingjing, do you know what it means to see through but not to speak?

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