"Master, Madam, Young Master and Young Madam are here!"

The old butler's kindly communication sounded, and in the banquet hall, everyone who was chatting looked up and looked over.

Lu Changchuan in a suit.

The stunning Ye Wan.

At first glance, handsome men and women are very attractive, both in appearance and temperament.

"Changchuan, Xiaowan, congratulations!"

"Congratulations Jiuye, congratulations Xiaowan..."

"Sister Wan, brother-in-law, I wish you a hundred years of happiness!"

Blessings are endless.

Ye Wan looked back at Lu Changchuan and stepped into the banquet hall with his arm.

There are only 9 tables in the banquet hall that can accommodate more than 100 people.

On the main table sit the second elder of the Lu family, the second elder of the Luo family, the elder Qin, the boss Dai, and the father and mother Jiang.

On the other tables, Jiang Yuke and his wife brought Xiao Miao, Jiang Yuheng, Jiang Keer, Su Qingyan, Su Jingqiu, Xie Shenmin and the Xie family.

Qin Chizhou and Ai Xiaomi also arrived.

There was also Qiu Yuze, who was waving at her with a smiling face just now, and Lu Tingshan, who didn't like to crowd in crowded places, and others sitting on the table.

At first glance, they were all the people closest to her and Lu Changchuan.

"Late night..."

Lu Changchuan turned his head to Ye Wan's ear, "Do you know who I want to invite most?"

Ye Wan was startled.

Lu Changchuan said softly, "That cook in the Chinese restaurant!"

Ye Wan:! ! !

Although I really want to know who that person is, when did he appear by Wanwan's side, and what kind of past he had with Wanwan.

But Ye Wan didn't say it, and Lu Changchuan didn't ask.

But what Lu Changchuan didn't expect was that Rong Qian checked it slightly.

As a result, Chi Fei became "the cook in the Chinese restaurant".

Although I know that this must not be the man's true identity, but, being able to hug Wanwan and retreat, presumably the man's identity is not that simple.

Not to mention, his late night is a vest boss.

People are grouped into groups.

Those people around the vest boss, I am afraid none of them are simple.

When he thinks of this, Lu Changchuan will be thankful countless times that the person who finally entered Wanwan's heart is him, not someone else.

"Be careful!"

Ye Wan groaned in a low voice and squeezed his arm, "Elder Qin, look at you..."

When they came back to their senses, the two of them held wine glasses and started toasting from Mr. Qin.

Ye Wan's status as a star is destined to be impossible to hold a wedding in a short time.

So since returning to the imperial capital, Lu Changchuan has been planning to hold a small family banquet, which is to invite everyone to witness the beginning of his new life with Wanwan.

Apart from Er Lao and Lu Cheng and Lu Tingshan, the Lu family did not invite anyone else.

If star is there, there will be one more her.

In addition, Lu Changchuan did not notify any of the Lu family members.

Then there are the relatives and friends around Ye Wan who know their relationship.

Chatting and eating, the atmosphere in the banquet hall was indescribably peaceful.

Old Qin's eyes were full of smiles, but when he spoke, he was angrily, "I don't regret it! Back then, if I had started earlier, at this moment, Xiaoye Ye might even give birth to the youngest grandson of the Qin family..."

"Cough cough cough..."

Qin Chizhou coughed violently.

Not to mention the cautious Lu Changchuan.

Xiaomi is still sitting beside him.

Are the old man's words mocking him, or digging a hole for him?

Pulled back to his senses by the sound of coughing, Old Qin glared at Qin Chizhou angrily, "Cough what cough, your grandfather, I'm not old and confused. Seeing that everyone has brought Xiaoye Ye into the house, how about you? What are you and Xiaomi? Time to do something?"

? ? ?

In an instant, from the dust to the clouds, Qin Chizhou smugly glanced at Ai Mi, who shrank his neck silently like a little white rabbit, and sighed a long time, "Grandpa, you can't blame me! I confessed, and proposed marriage. I also begged, Ai Xiaomi doesn't look down on your grandson..."

"Shit! I'll keep you out of tune!"

Qin Lao glared at Qin Chizhou again~www.readwn.com~ When he looked at Ai Xiaomi, his smile rose, and he became an amiable old man, "Xiaomi, Chizhou is not in tune, don't rush to agree to him, okay Grind his temper! You are still young, you have time, spend him a few years!"

! ! !

A second ago, I was thinking about how Qin Laozhen would respond if she urged her to marry in front of so many people.

In a flash, Ai Xiaomi responded sweetly: "Okay, Grandpa, I remember it!"

Qin Chizhou:  …


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