A small-scale feast, beginning at noon and ending in the evening.

The gorgeous sunset light dyed half of the sky red, and the entire Chinese courtyard was shrouded in a layer of orange light, adding a bit of romantic haze.

Mr. Lu, who claims to have quit drinking for many years, raised his glass from the moment Lu Changchuan and Ye Wan toasted him, and then threatened to make an exception today.

Not only that, but Mr. Lu also asked the old housekeeper to go to his wine cellar and move out the barrel of monkey wine that he was only willing to smell.

With a bucket of monkey wine, Mr. Lu, Mr. Qin, Mr. Luo, and Boss Dai, complimented the children and grandchildren who were successful, and complained about those who didn't make it. Thinking about it back then, they drank like a fairy.

Seeing that the four of them were about to drink to the ground, Madam Lu didn't persuade them. She held Madam Luo in one hand and Lu Cheng in the other, and they went back to the yard to talk.

When Lu Changchuan sent off Dad Jiang, President Xie, and Qin Chizhou, and then turned around, he saw Ye Wan sitting in a chair under the porch, hugging the porch next to him, "Lu Changchuan, why are your shoulders so hard?"


Shaking his head and laughing, Lu Changchuan walked to Ye Wan in a few steps and hugged the little woman.

"Lu Changchuan, slow down..."

Ye Wan reached out and patted him, and then fell softly into his neck, "I'm so dizzy!... It must have been hit by happiness on the waist and knocked unconscious!"

A cup of Ye Wan poured, I drank several cups today.

When she toasted her grandfather and grandmother and was about to take the first sip, Lu Changchuan stretched out his hand, but the girl insisted on not allowing it.

It's more of a small wedding than a celebratory family dinner.

Since it's a wedding banquet, there's no such thing as having someone drink for her.

So, I want to have a drink for my grandfather and grandmother, and I want a drink for Qin Lao, but I can't treat Lao Lao and Dai boss differently, and also have a drink.

Jiang's father and mother insisted against it, and Ye Wan stopped drinking after that.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I'd be unconscious by now.

"Lu Changchuan..."

Dizzy, but there is still a trace of reason left, Ye Wan said softly with a breath of wine: "When I dreamed of my parents that night, I told them. I said that I was married, and that my husband's name was Lu Changchuan, also told them that Lu Changchuan is a very good man."

"Lu Changchuan, you have to treat me well, otherwise, my parents will come to you!"

"it is good!"

Lu Changchuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Lu Changchuan, I offer three chapters of the law."

"Okay! You can make 300 chapters of the law."

"Lu Changchuan, you must be the man behind Sister Wan, and you can't affect her career."

"it is good……"

"Husband, I want to vomit..."


After a lot of tossing, when Lu Changchuan carried Ye Wan back to the bed, Ye Wan had already taken a shower and blew his hair, and the whole person was fragrant.

As for Lu Changchuan, how embarrassed he was.

Water marks on the white shirt and trousers.

There is also Ye Wan's lipstick print on the chest.

Looking at the unconscious little woman who had done bad things but was already asleep, Lu Changchuan shook his head and smiled~www.readwn.com~ covered her with the quilt, turned off the bedside lamp, turned around and went into the bathroom.

The rushing water stopped, Lu Changchuan dried his hair and lay back on the bed, seeing Ye Wan sleeping peacefully.

The seaweed-like long hair was spread on the lake green pillow, and the little woman was as beautiful as a deep sea monster floating on the sea.

Just looking at her like this, he was full of satisfaction.

Lu Changchuan leaned over and placed a light kiss on her brow, "Good night, Mrs. Lu..."

------off topic-----

Happy weekend guys~~~


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