I was seeing the star in the barrage with the avatar of the deity.

[Guan Beibei: Don't sympathize with sister, sister is willing to be the leg pendant of sister Wan! Take my late sister away! 】

[Ruan Xingchen: For me, the program has been unilaterally renamed Sister Wan’s big cubs and cubs. Who is not yet a baby? Who doesn't want to experience the feeling of being spoiled by Sister Wan? Anyway I think! ! 】

[Xi Moxin: Although I'm the oldest, I'm called Sister Wan, so the Wanfeng shouldn't mind, right? The super invincible cute evening winds of the universe! 】

[Tan Shuanghua: Lock the third issue, let you witness how Sister Wan conquered the hearts of all of us! In addition, the levers retreat! ! 】

The four female stars appeared as if they had negotiated with each other when they gathered together on a large scale.

Lever speechless.

Fans of the show have cat's claws scratching in their hearts, wondering what happened in the third episode.

The evening wind surged up enthusiastically.

As if in the blink of an eye, the barrage was densely covered in layers.

Not only the speeches of Guan Beibei's four people can't be seen, but also other people's barrage can't be seen.

The entire screen exaggerated again to kill patients with intensive phobia.

The show came to an abrupt end.

"What happened? I just went to the bathroom, what about my show?"

"No, at the end of each episode of the last season, didn't we cut a guest to make an embarrassing highlight to remind us that the show is about to end? Why is this season gone? You were too caught off guard! Bad review!"

"I don't care, I want the third issue, right away, right away! @爱女大战"

"I just like watching the ladies and sisters fall in love with each other. I love this show! I'll go to the Weibo Aite program group and ask them to cut it faster!"

"What to cut? Wouldn't it be better to just release the original film? We have had several times the happiness, and the program team has reduced the workload several times. Is it a win-win situation?"

Tens of millions of show fans rushed to Weibo.

So, in just over ten minutes, the cute baby battle with the Christmas special, Ye Wan's sister Li Max, blind date and love little fairy and other fancy entries rushed to the top of the hot search.

Not to mention that it has already ranked No. 1 in the ratings of the popular variety show list.

Jia Lintao's mood is so beautiful: hehe, you won!

In the hotel of the film and television city, Ye Wan turned off the TV, turned on the computer and entered the live broadcast room.

"Babies, I..." Here we go!




Bang bang!

Before the words were finished, the fireworks exploded one after another.

One after another, 15 seconds of fireworks spread all over the screen, and the dazzling splendor was accompanied by almost identical special effects sounds, which almost covered Ye Wan's voice.

[User "Sister Wan's leg pendant Guan Beibei" sent a dream carnival to the anchor "Flying First Beauty". 】

[The user "Acridine, the star fairy who wants to be favored by the late sister", sent the dream carnival to the anchor "Flying No. 1 Beauty". 】

[User "Universe Super Invincible Cute Wanfeng No10086" sent a dream carnival to the anchor "Flying First Beauty". 】

[User "Sister Hua, who was subdued by Sister Wan", sent the dream carnival x2 to the anchor "Flying No. 1 Beauty". 】

At a glance, the logo is clear, and you don't have to guess who it is.

Ye Wan couldn't help but laugh, "Thank you Bei..."

"Sister Hua, you're going too far? Didn't you say everyone has a dream carnival? Why do you want to give away two? You seem like we are stingy! File a unilateral complaint!"

"Heh, woman, we have seen your subtlety all at once, so are you going to start rolling in?"

"I didn't expect you to be such a sister Hua!"

"You can't wrong me like this!! We just promised to give a dream carnival~www.readwn.com~ I didn't say how many!"

"Wow, the four fairy sisters are here. Sure enough, my goddess is charming. Brothers and sisters, line up to welcome!"

"Wanjie Imperial City No. 1 group welcomes the four fairy sisters..."

"Wanjie Hengcheng group leader, 108 penguin group and 99 satellite group all members welcome the four fairies..."

"Sister Wan, Yancheng..."

Confirmed eyes, this live broadcast room does not need a host.

Ye Wan:…

(End of this chapter)

High-speed text handwriting Biqu library, Mrs. Lu, Madam, she became popular in the whole entertainment circle chapter list through live broadcast https://

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