Ye Wan had just walked out of the studio when he received the call from Jia Lintao.

Behind him was the unquenched applause from the crew, and Ye Wan's role as Hou Yue was officially completed.

Looking at the words "Guide Jia" on the screen of the mobile phone, Ye Wan deeply suspected that Jia Lintao had arranged spies in the crew, otherwise, how could the time be so precise?

Turning back again, she was facing Rong Hui who was smiling.

Ye Wan:…

"Director Jia..."

"You're done, haven't you? Then we can put the fourth phase of the recording on the agenda?"

"??? Then when are you going to record?"

"Choosing a day is worse than hitting the day, let's go, you finish today, and the crew will definitely arrange a finishing banquet for you tonight. Go back to the imperial capital tomorrow, and prepare well for the final exam of the emperor. After the exam on the 15th, come and record on the 16th, how about you? , is it clearly arranged for you?"

"...Director Jia, you're really a talent for variety show directors. Why don't you change jobs and become an agent in my studio! I'll pay you twice as much as Bluestar TV pays you!"

"!! Then, I think you agree! Bye!"



Hearing the busy tone on the other end of the phone, Ye Wan shook her head and laughed.

As expected by Jia Lintao, the filming mission of the day ended, and the crew arranged a dinner.

It was said to be a dinner party, but everyone knew that this was a banquet for Ye Wan.

Although Ye Wan is only the second female, she has a good temperament and a good personality. She is conscientious and dedicated when filming. After filming, it seems that she needs to go wherever she needs to go, not to mention the luxurious and considerate afternoon tea and supper she had in the crew.

Everyone was a little reluctant to know that Ye Wan was done.

At the end of a meal, everyone toasted and drank together, and the sad mood was brought out so naturally.

"Fat brother, don't do this..."

Looking at the props teacher who wiped away tears, Ye Wan smiled and said, "You are a strong man in my heart. I will easily treat you as a sister if you are like this!"

The fat man laughed.

Ye Wan waved at everyone, "Although I'm gone, my exploration bus will still come every day. My love for you is all in afternoon tea and supper."

The crowd laughed.

Ye Wan bowed deeply and turned to leave the banquet hall.

The car went straight to Hengcheng Airport.

The imperial capital is much colder than Hengcheng. When Ye Wan walked out of the airport lobby, the goose feathers were snowing, but the coldness in the air was inexplicably familiar and kind.

Maybach drove to the old house of the Lu family, Ye Wan looked at the bright lights outside the window and couldn't help but be full of doubts, "Is today a special day?"

It's been a week since Christmas.

New Year's Eve is also over.

Looking at the time, it's already zero o'clock, but the shopping malls on both sides of the road are full of people at a glance, as if the shopping malls are doing all-night shopping.

A mall like this, normal.

You can't go shopping in every mall, can you?

Lu Changchuan laughed, "Tonight, no, it's last night, the day of the release of "The Beautiful Shuang Ji"."

Ye Wan:! !

Once the filming is in a state of disconnection, whether or not it is possible to contact the person depends entirely on luck.

Xie Sanqiu seemed to know Ye Wan's personality very well, and did not seek her out for the movie promotion.

The original plan before filming was to hit the Spring Festival stalls, but I don't know if I had confidence in the movie or in my own brand. Xie Sanqiu moved the schedule forward to the weekend of the first week of the New Year.

And yesterday, the stunning Shuang Ji was released.

Ye Wan blinked and looked back at Lu Changchuan, "Husband, shall we go to the movies?"

The car drove into the underground parking lot of one of the shopping malls and got off fully armed.

The scarf covered his face.

The hat covered his eyes.

Even so, Ye Wan still followed far behind, for fear of being recognized by the sharp-eyed Wan Feng who "recognized her even when she turned into ashes".

A few minutes later, the two were turned away at the cinema box office.

"Sir, I'm sorry..."

The ticket seller looked at Lu Changchuan apologetically, "The tickets for the next three days are all sold out."

Ye Wan:…

(End of this chapter)

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