Master of Beasts

Chapter 1297: Di Kuan


Looking at the light on the magic ring of the town, Xiao Yang was delighted, and quickly passed along the direction of increasing brightness of the light. After a while, a majestic building stood in front of him.


Suddenly, several silhouettes rising into the sky hovered in front of him, hindering him from continuing to approach.

"Who are you!" The middle-aged man headed sharply shouted.

"I don't have any bad intentions, I just want to find out what place is here." Xiao Yang's tone was rather modest.

"I ask who you are. If you talk nonsense, you will be treated as criminals, and there will be no mercy!" The middle-aged man was aggressive, showing sharpness.

Xiao Yang narrowed his eyes slightly.

He thinks that his attitude is fine, but the middle-aged man is a bit too much to want to kill him when he disagrees.


Xiao Yang turned around coldly, and Huo Wing flapped.

Since this person can't speak well, why should he continue to stay here, look at the other's face, and this middle-aged person has just broken through to the Spirit King, and even the aura on his body is a bit vain.

"Guilty? There really is a problem!"

The middle-aged man snorted coldly: "You two, take him down to me and send him to the Xing Hall for a good interrogation."

"Don't tell the purpose, don't want to leave alive."

"A barbarian from the Northern Territory."


The two young men behind the middle-aged man swiftly flew out. In the opened spiritual door, two figures in golden armor, holding long spears, stab Xiao Yang in the back.

Started without mercy.

Look at the appearance of the two spirit beasts, they are metal spirit beasts, golden feather spirit generals.

"court death!"

Xiao Yang's face suddenly cooled, and the snow-colored arc flashed across, and the two Jin Yulings broke the spears, vomiting blood and flew upside down. Xue Youmei stood on Xiaoyang Xiaoyang with a sharp snow spear, pointing diagonally below.

"Dare to fight back?" The middle-aged man looked gloomy.

For so many years, anyone who has seen him is not polite, for fear of offending him, even if he is wronged, he must be honest and go to the Xingtang.

Even when they come out, they are mostly inhuman.

This gives the middle-aged people a sense of superiority in their hands.

And Xiao Yang, how dare to resist?


In the voice of the middle-aged man, the golden spiritual gate opened, and the first-tier throne-level golden feather general, like a golden rainbow, rushed to the front of Xue Youmei with cold eyes.


The golden light soared on the pointed spear.

With this look, he was really planning to kill Xue Youmei!

The tip of the spear pierced straight out, Xue Youmei's beautiful eyes were slightly cold, and a snow-white little dragon wound up along the spear, rushing out with a bang.

Spiritual skills, cold soul and snow dragon formation!


The snow dragon burst, and snowflakes danced all over the sky.

The spear that Jin Yuling pierced out was cracked, and its body was also planted downwards, leaving a long line of blood along the way.

"The ninth-order imperial dome level, hit the throne level hard?" The middle-aged man's face was stiff.

This was the first time he saw this kind of thing!


Holding the spear in the palm of his hand, he tightened slightly, Xue Youmei shot down quickly, aiming at the palm of the Golden Feather Spirit General, and a beam of snow sprayed out.

"Dare you!" The middle-aged man was furious: "This is the site of the Pill Hall. If you dare to kill people here, you are the enemy of the entire Pill Hall!"


Looking at the angry middle-aged man in the distance, the corner of Xiao Yang's mouth evoked a sneer.

He thought it was a secret place, it turned out to be only the periphery of Pill Hall.

Besides, can't this be said?

Just now, the middle-aged man, because of a name of the place, labelled him as a conspiracy to kill him, but now he came to threaten him, which is ridiculous.


The pure white snow beam blasted on the chest of the Jinyu Spirit General, and imprinted it deeply on the ground. The anger on the middle-aged man's face suddenly soared.

Just when the falling snow beam was about to kill Jin Yu Ling.


Dozens of figures appeared out of nowhere around Xiao Yang, with a chill in his eyes, and an atmosphere of solemnity filled the world.

"come back."

Xiao Yang's faint voice came, and Xue Youmei flashed back, clenching her spear tightly.

"Kill him, kill him!" the middle-aged man roared.

These people are all Ke Qing from the alchemy hall, and everyone's strength is no less than the third-order spirit king. It is simply not too easy to deal with a Xiao Yang.

"Your strength is far from this." Ignoring the yelling middle-aged man, a Dandian guest, said coldly.

"Perhaps." Xiao Yang smiled.

The Tier 5 Spirit King, and he was the one who often licked his blood. No wonder he could feel his extraordinaryness. When he appeared, there were dozens of people.

"Kill him soon!" The middle-aged man still yelled.

"Come with us to the Xingtang. If you have no problem, I will let you go, but you have to deal with Elder Dandian. This matter needs another explanation." Ke Qing said slowly.

However, Xiao Yang didn't seem to listen to him, but stared at the Dandian with a smile on his face.

To be precise, it is the top layer of the Dandian.

There, an old man was also looking at him with a smile.

Of course, no one noticed this peculiar scene, so when he saw Xiao Yang he didn't answer, but instead looked at the pill hall and surrounded the strong man in Xiao Yang, his expression a little gloomy.


Dandian Keqing had just spoken, and a thunderous voice suddenly sounded: "Let him leave, our Dandian, when have we been so overbearing?"

"Can't let it go!" The middle-aged man was anxious.

"Excuse me for taking the liberty of waiting, please."

The strong Keqing men who surrounded Xiao Yang scattered, with solemn expressions, Xiao Yang nodded lightly to the old man at the top of the Dandian, and left in a hurry.

In the Pill Palace, there was only one person who could understand his true strength.

Seventh-rank alchemist, Huo Chizi!

"He hurt my spirit beast and almost killed it!"

The middle-aged man pointed at the guests angrily: "You eat the alchemy hall and those who use the alchemy hall, but even the elders of the alchemy hall can't protect you. Why do you want to wait!"

"If you have any comments, go to the Dandian to give feedback."

The strong Keqing who had just spoken with Xiao Yang said coldly: "We are blessed by the Dandian, but not by you. If you dare to talk to me like this, I want you to half your life."

The strong men left one after another, appeared out of thin air, and disappeared out of thin air. The face of the middle-aged man suddenly turned purple.

"Di At this time, a young man came out of the void and listened to the voice. It was the person who had just made the sound: "Master said that you are unfair and corrupted the image of the Dandian, and decided to temporarily remove As an elder, you have cleaned the Dandian for three years, and you will be responsible for maintaining order in the Dandian a few days later. "

After speaking, the young man turned and stepped back, without a word of nonsense.


The blue veins on the back of his hand violently, Di Kuan's body trembled angrily, but he did not dare to show dissatisfaction, because the young man just now was a personal biography of Huo Chizi.

"Boy, wait for me, don't let me meet you again!"

Glancing fiercely in the direction where Xiao Yang was leaving, Di Kuan stubbornly dropped to the ground, taking Jin Yuling back to the spiritual gate, and some of the elders in the dark laughed.

Maintaining the order of the Dandian is the job that the lowest-level elders can do.

This time Di Kuan had a big trouble!

(End of this chapter)

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