Master of Beasts

Chapter 1298: Pin 5 alchemist?

"It turns out that the Demon Suppressing Monument was in the Pill Hall, and it was set as one of the rewards of the Pill Hall. It's troublesome." The fire wing behind Xiao Yang took it away and fell in Jiang's house.

Dandian, he is bound to participate, and he is bound to win the Suppression Monument.

However, it will take a while.

When I thought that the Demon Suppression Monument was in the Pill Hall, but couldn't get it, Xiao Yang felt like a kitten in his heart, constantly scratching.

After all, he wanted to see and see, what exactly was the Devil Monument in the end.

For the next few days, it was calm.


Just when Xiao Yang stabilized the seventh-rank alchemist's breath, a muffled sound spread from the next room, and the corner of Xiao Yang's mouth was lightly picked.

Five grade alchemy master.

Jiang Sheng's talent on alchemy was really terrifying.

"Master, Master!"

Pushing open the door of Xiao Yang's room, Jiang Sheng held a pink flame in his right hand, and his pretty face was full of excitement: "I have become a fifth-rank alchemist, fifth-rank!"

"Not bad." Xiao Yang smiled and nodded: "What reward do you want, the pill, the pill cauldron, or the materials for alchemy, as long as you want, I will get it all for you."

This is the first time he accepts an apprentice, and it may be the only time, so naturally he will not be stingy.

It's just a pity that Jiang Sheng doesn't seem to appreciate it very much.

"Really rigid!"

Jiang Sheng murmured: "I almost wonder if you are the same as those old stubborns. There are only these things in your eyes, and you don't even know what the girl thinks."

"Then what do you want." Xiao Yang was full of black lines.

He is good at cultivating.

He is also good at alchemy.

As for getting along with girls... really inexperienced.

"Jiujue City is the Great Alchemy City. The bazaars here are ranked high in the entire Southern Territory. Some superpower disciples and elders often come to buy goods. I will show you. "A little hope appeared in Jiang Sheng's eyes.


After a moment of silence, Xiao Yang nodded slowly.

He suddenly regretted it and took Jiang Sheng as a disciple.

In the eyes of this girl, there was a pure relationship between master and apprentice, and there were obviously other sentiments that he had never expected when he accepted Jiang Sheng as a disciple.

Hope, as time goes by, Jiang Sheng can figure it out.

"Xunfeng Mansion came to visit, where is the Jiang family."

Just as Jiang Sheng was happily preparing, a group of men in white stopped in front of Jiang's house, and the voice that came out was cold and arrogant.

Xunfeng Mansion, the residence of Master Xunfeng.

These are all his servants.

But even if they were servants, their faces still had a haughty look, and they didn't put Jiang's family in their eyes. Who would let Jiang Xu's alchemy be inferior to Xunfeng.

"It turns out that it is from Xunfeng Mansion, who has missed far to welcome him."

"Please come in, please come in."

The elders of the Jiang family hurriedly greeted the subordinates of Xunfeng Mansion and received them with good tea and food. These subordinates of Xunfeng Mansion did not have the slightest sense of being a subordinate, and they all expressed a sense of command in every word and deed. , As if a group of Jiang's elders are the underlings.

"Where is Master Xunfeng's concubine."

After eating and drinking, the white-clothed youth picked his teeth and glanced at Jiang Huai obliquely.

This person, named Xie Hao, is the celebrity around Xunfeng. His appearance in Jiujue City often represents Xunfeng, and no one dares to offend him.

However, there are also rumors that Xunfeng likes male style. This Xie Hao is his male favorite. Those concubines who married Xunfeng were given to Xie Hao.

This matter was rumored to have noses and eyes, and most people in Jiujue City were tacitly tacitly aware.

Even if it is fake, they must treat it seriously.

Xie Hao must not provoke him.

"Just behind the yard." Jiang Huaibiao said with a smile.

"What's your name?" Xie Hao gave Jiang Huai a sideways look.

"Jiang Sheng."

As soon as Jiang Huai said this, the elder Jiang in the hall twitched his eyes. Is Jiang Huai crazy, he wants to sacrifice his daughter.

Is he not afraid to offend Xiao Yang?

"Take me over." Xie Hao stood up, Jiang Huai smiled diligently beside him like a dog.

"what happened!"

After the people from Xunfeng Mansion were taken away by Jiang Huai, a Jiang patriarch said anxiously: "Didn’t it be a good idea? Replace Jiang Sheng with Jiang Yunyan and let Master Xiao help Jiang’s family to compete for an alchemy seat. , Jiang Huai was caught in the door? Jiang Sheng, but his daughter!"

"Is it hard to think about."

Another elder Jiang said coldly: "For that idiot, he is an alchemist, and it is worth his fawning. No matter how strong Master Xiao is, he will be an outsider after all. He can't help him. It's better to take this opportunity to foul with Jiang Yunyan. In case Jiang's family will be inherited by Jiang Yunyan in the future, it will be convenient for him."


"This bastard!"

"It's so cold-blooded!"

Some elders scolded.

Sometimes, although they are also very selfish, they are also the ones who proposed to exchange Jiang Sheng for Xunfeng, but no matter how cold-blooded they are, they will not hand over their daughters.

Moreover, it is to please a junior.

I simply lost the Jiang family's face!

"What should I do, should I tell the Patriarch?"

"Let's go take a look first."

With a sigh, Mr. Jiang hurried to the backyard where Jiang Sheng and Xiao Yang lived.

At this moment.

In the courtyard.

"Jiang Sheng!"

Staring at Jiang Sheng fiercely, Jiang Yunyan gritted his teeth like a shrew: "Don't think that if you cling to Xiao Yang, you can make the family give up on me. How can your value be compared to me, waste!"

"Don't be afraid to tell you, your father Jiang Huai is bringing people from Xunfeng Mansion over. He personally told me to marry you, haha!"

In the second half of the conversation, Jiang Yunyan laughed, quite cheerful.

How about Jiang Sheng becoming Xiao Yang's disciple?

How can Xiao Yang be compared with Xunfeng.

She didn't believe it, Xiao Yang dared to grab someone from Xunfeng.

"My father? No, I only have a mother, not a father."

After shaking his body a few times, there was a trace of pain on Jiang Sheng's face: "You are really vicious."

"Why, did I poke it in the pain?" Jiang Yunyan smiled triumphantly.

The final winner is her!

"Tell you, I have already broken through to the fourth grade alchemy master, so your father has to cheat me down. I hope you will be happy and happy when you arrive at Xunfeng Mansion. Don't die too early." Jiang Yunyan laughed wildly. , A group of crimson fire, rising from the palm of his right hand.

Fourth grade pill fire!

"It's a Grade Four!" Jiang Huai, who brought Xie Hao and others, was excited and breathing heavily. This time, he was right!

"Which is Jiang Sheng." Xie Hao's eyes lit up.

That fourth-rank is okay.

But the opposite is better!

"This is my daughter, and I will give it to Master Xunfeng today. He can dispose of it at will, regardless of her feelings." Jiang Huai pointed at Jiang Sheng and smiled flatteringly.

"Don't hurry up?" Jiang Yunyan raised his chin triumphantly.

"Fourth Grade Alchemist?"

Without any expression on his face, Jiang Sheng's slender right hand flicked, and a pink flame rose from it, surging endlessly.


The pill fire in Jiang Yunyan's hand was instantly extinguished, and her expression changed from gloating to misfortune to amazement and disbelief.

"Fifth Grade Pill Fire?"

"Are you a fifth grade alchemist?"

(End of this chapter)

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