Master of Beasts

Chapter 1306: Slash


"Two people, wait a minute."

Xiao Yang had just turned around, and Zhuo Yu's smiling voice rang, causing a cold light to flash in his eyes.

Before entering the shop, he felt the existence of Zhuo Yu, but he didn't bother to pay attention to it. Unexpectedly, Zhuo Yu would dare to stop them.

"What's the matter." Xiao Yang looked over indifferently.

"In the next Ziyan Mansion, Zhuo Yu, see that your excellency is extraordinary, I wonder if you can appreciate the light, come to my Ziyan Mansion?" Zhuo Yu smiled and said the three words Ziyan Mansion quite loudly.

Upon seeing this, a trace of pity emerged in the hearts of many people.

As long as you are not a fool, you can see that Zhuo Yu's goal is Jiang Sheng.

This little girl is miserable.

"Get out of the way." Xiao Yang said calmly.

Zhuo Yu frowned slightly, and his eyes suddenly darkened: "Your Excellency, don't give up your face, in the city of Jiujue, no one who dares not to give face to Ziyan Mansion will have a good end."

If you said that you were hiding a knife in your smile, it was already an obvious threat.

Zhuo Yu is a dude in the end, with no city in his chest, and only a little excitement makes him show his true shape.


Seeing Zhuo Yu tearing his face, Xiao Yang stepped on his foot, and the tyrannical ripples of spiritual power spread, and Zhuo Yu Zhen retreated several tens of feet, and then he stabilised after a few steps back.

"Master, how do you deal with him."

The guard behind Zhuo Yu looked at Xiao Yang coldly.

"Toast and not eat fine wine. If that's the case, kill him, but don't move that beautiful woman. The newly born five-rank alchemist from the Jiang family has a noble status. I have never played this class of women."

Jiang Sheng's expression was sullen, and Xiao Yang's eyes narrowed slightly.

Something is wrong.

Zhuo Yu just found out, he felt a kind of obvious purpose, so that, it revealed something even more clearly, even Jiang Sheng's identity was inquired clearly, this group of people in Ziyan Mansion, obviously not Temporary intention.

"Master, let's ignore them." Jiang Sheng suppressed the anger in his heart forcibly.

The palace lord of Ziyan Mansion is a Tier 4 spirit king, and he is also a dual source spirit master. He once played against a fifth rank spirit king undefeated, and Xiao Yang would probably be in danger if he confronted him.

"That's it." Xiao Yang murmured in his heart.

Kill someone with a knife?

It seems that it is not limited to times.

"Fighting is strictly forbidden in the Baiyue Chamber of Commerce. Those who violate the rules will hang upside down to show the public, but they will be shot dead on the spot." The cold voice came from nowhere, making the faces of the people behind Zhuo Yu weak.

The Baiyue Chamber of Commerce is the name of this large shop. It is said that behind them, there is the shadow of the Pill Hall. It is not a wise move to offend them in the city of Jiujue.

"Such a young fifth-rank alchemist, pressed under him, must really enjoy it, I am waiting for you outside." Zhuo Yu's aggressive eyes swept Jiang Sheng up and down, laughed, turned and walked out.

He didn't know that the sickle of death had already hung on his head.


Jiang Sheng’s face was full of resentment, but despite this, she still persuaded: “The gentleman takes revenge, it’s not too late for ten years. You don’t have to worry about him. Let’s go back to Jiang’s house and tell the owner of the matter. Dealing with it by means, a small Ziyan Mansion is not qualified to be arrogant in front of the Jiang family."

"It's just a bunch of choppy."

Xiao Yang smiled, ignoring Jiang Sheng's obstruction, and walked out behind Zhuo Yu.

"Little beauty, don't worry, I will take care of you and make you refreshed."

Looking at Jiang Sheng walking out of the shop, Zhuo Yu became more and more impatient. He had never possessed such a woman: "Do it, kill that man!"

"Can I ask who you are instigated, or instigated." Xiao Yang looked at Zhuo Yu and asked.

"Nothing to do with you."


Zhuo Yu's grinning laughter fell, and black flames rose from the sky behind him. In each flame, there was a withered spirit beast, with his arms hanging down, and bandages tightly wrapped around his body. , Revealing a one-eyed, as if just crawling out of the cemetery.

Ghouls, spirit beasts with fire attributes.

Among these ghouls, the weakest is the first-order throne level, and the strongest is the second-order. These lineups are more than enough to protect a Zhuo Yu.

Unfortunately, what he met today was Xiao Yang.


Looking at Xiao Yang beside Jiang Sheng, bloodthirsty sneers appeared in the eyes of those people. Countless black fireballs smashed down towards Xiao Yang, like meteors from the sky.

"Boom boom boom!"

The black fireball instantly covered Xiao Yang, bursting open one after another in the muffled sound of dongdong, and that space immediately turned into a black fire wave.

"I said, don't hurt that beauty, I haven't played yet!" Zhuo Yu looked anxious.

Under this kind of offensive, I'm afraid that Jiang Sheng beside Xiao Yang will have to die without a whole body.

The black fire slowly dispersed.


Looking at the scene on the street, many people who watched the excitement took a deep breath, with a face full of incredible, calm Xiao Yang, black robe floating, a white flame, light flowing.



The face of the guard of Ziyan Mansion suddenly changed.

Kicked to the iron plate!

With pure spiritual skills, such a powerful offensive can be hardened, the spirit beasts in Xiao Yang's spiritual gate are at least the third-order high throne level, or even stronger.

They didn't guess Although Chi Yan is only Tier 1, because of its special flame and the blessing of the Throne Origin, it can easily challenge even Tier 3 high throne level spirit beasts.


Stepping on the sky behind Xiao Yang, the nine soft fire tails of the red flame, like a peacock opening a screen, suddenly spread, and on each of the fire tails, there is a white flame burning, gorgeous and shocking.


With his head slightly lowered, Chi Yan indifferently looked down at the guards of the Ziyan Mansion. His figure flashed, spanning a distance of thousands of meters, and the spreading tail of the fire suddenly rolled nine corpses into the air and lifted it high. .

Being tightly entangled by Chi Yan's fire tail, those corpse-burning ghosts struggled frantically, and the black fire on their bodies spewed desperately, but the flames on Chi Yan's body were completely unmoved.

The palms and claws were slightly wrong, Chi Yan's nine fire tails, with force at the same time, the nine corpses that were tightly entangled, bursting in succession like fireworks.

"Boom boom boom!"

The black fire of the nine regiments rose, and the guards of the Ziyan Mansion were full of amazement. The strength of this Firefox was more powerful than they expected!


Crushing nine corpse-burning ghosts, Chi Yan's figure swirled, and his long tail was like a sharp blade, quickly passing, the guards of Ziyan Mansion, immediately like wheat cut by a knife, fell softly, at the throat. The blood line is quite conspicuous.

Only for a moment.

The guards of Ziyan Mansion are all perished!

Killing the guards of Ziyan Mansion, Chi Yan did not immediately kill Zhuo Yu, but fell on the ground, slowly rotating around him, and the nine soft fire tails turned, as if forming a white vortex.

"Your Mightiness!"

Surrounded by Chi Yan, Zhuo Yu's eyes trembled fiercely: "There is so much disrespect today, please forgive me, I will leave now."

(End of this chapter)

Reading Yue, Reading Yue is wonderful!

(=Reading Yue)

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