Master of Beasts

Chapter 1307: Despicable Jiang Yin

Zhuo Yu is usually a bit arrogant, but he is by no means a fool. Xiao Yang could be able to kill the second-order spirit king at such an age, and he couldn't be a simple character.

Either it is an unborn family, or there is a powerful boss behind it.

If it is a casual cultivator, it is even more terrifying. This kind of person is extremely talented, and he doesn't know how many hole cards he has, and after killing someone, he can leave at any time. Who can stop it?

In this situation, Xiao Yang killed him, and he also died in vain!

"You don't have to go today."

On the twin fingers, the fire surging, Xiao Yang slowly walked towards Zhuo Yu, Zhuo Yu's heart trembled uncontrollably, "I am the son of Zhuo Jin in the Purple Flame Palace, and you kill me. , But it's a dead end after all."

"call out!"

Xiao Yang faintly raised his right hand, and immediately swiped it down. The flames of fire blasted from Zhuo Yu's right arm like a guillotine.

"Do not!"

When Zhuo Yu screamed, a **** arm flew into the sky.


Everyone's eyes were slightly stagnant.

At this time, Xiao Yang was considered to be with the Ziyan Mansion, and he couldn't stop dying.

"Why did you hit the target on Jiang Sheng and say." Xiao Yang said indifferently.

"I saw her beautiful for a while..."


The fire light fell again, and Zhuo Yu's cry was even more stern.

This time it was his left arm that was broken.

"I don't like listening to lies." Xiao Yang said coldly when Zhuo Yu wanted to open his mouth, "Your next sentence, if it is a lie, or if it is meaningless, I will cut off your legs."

"It's Jiang Yin, Jiang Yin!"

Without even thinking about it, Zhuo Yu yelled frantically.

He was scared.

Xiao Yang is the devil!

"Jiang Yin?" Jiang Sheng's face was blank. Isn't that his second uncle? Why did he get in touch with Zhuo Yu, and let Zhuo Yu pester her.

"Say." Xiao Yang looked directly at Zhuo Yu.

"Jiang Yin said that you and Jiang Sheng are obviously mentors and apprentices, but they live in the same room every day. Jiang Sheng, this woman, is as good a man as she can before meeting you." Zhuo Yu Vibrato.


There was an uproar, and everyone's eyes looked at Xiao Yang and Jiang Sheng, all changed.

The two of them are actually in such a relationship?

Miss Jiang family, so self-loving?

"Nonsense!" Jiang Sheng was shaking with anger.

Xiao Yang lives in the same room with her because she has been constantly pointing her to her, otherwise the speed of her breakthrough would be so terrifying, what kind of lewdness, nonsense!

As for everyone, it is even more ridiculous.

Before meeting Xiao Yang, apart from Jiang's family, she rarely had contact with strangers of the opposite sex.

How much his second uncle hated her, he slandered her so much.

"Jiang Yin?" A ray of cold light flashed in Xiao Yang's eyes.

It seems normal that Jiang Yin hates Jiang Sheng, but he has no right to hate him. It is him who suggested that Jiang Sheng be given to Xunfeng. He has been gloating over disasters, adding fuel and jealousy, lest the world will not be chaotic, it is his daughter, Jiang. Yunyan.

Some people are like this.

When dealing with others, you can use whatever means you want, but if the other party dared to resist or repeat what they did, you would be damned.

This kind of person, to put it bluntly, is owed.

"Continue." Xiao Yang's cold eyes fell on Zhuo Yu.

"Jiang Yin said, Jiang Sheng is a fifth-rank alchemist. If I marry her, there will be an infinite future. The status of Ziyan Mansion can also be rapidly improved in Jiujue City." Zhuo Yu said tremblingly.

Grade five alchemist?

Everyone was shocked again.

The youngest fifth-rank alchemist in Jiujue City was Huo Chizi, but Jiang Sheng's age was too much younger than when Huo Zhizi became the fifth-rank alchemist.

The record of Jiujuecheng needs to be changed!

Of course, the people who felt most shocked were those who knew Jiang Sheng. In their impression, Jiang Sheng's status in the Jiang family was so pitiful, how could he become a fifth-rank alchemist after not seeing him in a short period of time?

"carry on."

"Jiang Yin said, as long as I threaten this matter, Jiang Sheng, for the sake of his reputation, must marry if he doesn't marry. Once I have cooked rice and cooked rice, Jiang's family..."

Zhuo Yu's words stopped abruptly, and a thick horror rose on his face.


Something is wrong!

Xiao Yang has stayed at Jiang's house for so long, and he is still Jiang Sheng's master, Jiang family, it is impossible not to know his abilities, especially Jiang Yin.

Jiang Yin should have known for a long time that Xiao Yang has the ability to kill the second-order spirit king, why not tell him!

He finally understood.

He was treated as a pawn!

Jiang Yin's **** against Xiao Yang and Jiang Sheng!

He is dead, and his father Zhuo Jin will definitely not give up, he will face Xiao Yang's life and death.

Jiang Yin's purpose has been achieved!

"Do you understand now?"

With a transparent bug in his hand, slowly hovering towards the sky, Xiao Yang slowly said: "You are actually willing to be a pawn. Should you say that you are stupid or lustful."

"You leave here and marry me Jiang Sheng, let me use facts to prove that she is not an adulterous person on the night of my wedding. Wouldn't Jiang Yin's conspiracy be broken without attack." Zhuo Yu mustered his courage. Looking directly at Xiao Yang.

His covetous heart for Jiang Sheng has not yet annihilated.

A fifth grade alchemist's help to him is extremely powerful.

Moreover, he believed that his father's name could calm Xiao Yang.


Xiao Yang's expression was calm with a flick of his wrist. The rock shuttle flying out, scattered into hundreds of pieces, shot out.


The shards of Yansuo passed through, and Zhuo Yu stood blankly on the spot. His body was directly shot through the sieve, and the light in his eyes gradually dimmed.

"Idiot." Xiao Yang turned around and went to At this point, he still wanted to negotiate terms. People like Zhuo Yu either hadn't experienced it, or were arrogant to a certain level and lawless.

"Master." Jiang Sheng lowered his head, the eyes of the surrounding people looking at her and Xiao Yang were rather strange.

Regardless of whether what Zhuo Yu said was true or false, most of them believed it.

Reputation is extremely important to an unmarried girl.

If you can't wash it well, Jiang Sheng's whole life will be spent in discussions.

"Such a master and apprentice, haha."

"I also want to accept female disciples and enjoy bliss every day. Wouldn't it be nice?"

Someone sneered in a low voice, and the following words were even more presumptuous.

"Unfortunately, I don't have such a beautiful female disciple."

"It seems that I can only retreat and find a more common one, haha."

"You said, at that time, did they match up as a master and disciple, or as a husband and wife?"

"Hey, it must be a master and apprentice, that's so exciting."

"get out."

Xiao Yang's sharp eyes rolled, and the two snickering young men immediately closed their mouths, their expressions chilling.

Their voices were suppressed extremely low. As long as they no longer made any unusual behaviors, Xiao Yang would not have noticed that there were thousands of people present.

However, they did not know.

How terrifying is the perception of the seventh-rank alchemist.

"I let you get out!"

When Xiao Yang stepped on the sole of his foot, the hard street burst open, and a hideous crack spread out from under his feet, and people hurriedly avoided.

"how come!"

The two young men at the end of the crack had numb scalps.

How did Xiao Yang discover them?

The next two shifts will be very late, it is not recommended to wait

(End of this chapter)

Reading Yue, Reading Yue is wonderful!

(=Reading Yue)

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