Master of Beasts

Chapter 1325: Attitude change

"Impossible, impossible...It's impossible..." Di Kuan kept shaking his head, his expression frightened, and he seemed to be a little broken.

What did he do!

He actually faced one, the alchemy was inferior to his fifth-rank alchemy master, slave-faced maidservant?

That's ridiculous!

His deeds will definitely become a joke of the Dandian. For the sake of face, it is already kind for the Dandian not to punish him, so how can he reuse him?

His life is over!

"Master Xiao, I am clumsy. I have offended you before. Please forgive me."

"We were all deceived by two **** Di Kuan and Ning Xiu!"

"Master Xiao's alchemy talent is impressive."

The attitude of the alchemists has undergone a 180-degree change. The alchemists who previously trusted Xiao Yang showed their faces, while others bowed their heads in shame, including several famous sixth-rank masters. .


Poison Pill.

Being able to refine one of them is enough to make them look up.

What's more, there are still two kinds!

"Xiao Yang, save me." Ning Xiu looked at Xiao Yang as if asking for help. Now there is only one person who can save him. Even if the elder of the Dandian comes, it is useless.

Xiao Yang turned a deaf ear.

Jiu Ningxiu?

Unless he has a pit in his head.

"Don't struggle."

Carrying Ning Xiu into the sky, the sixth-order spirit king rushed to the outside of the city with murderous intent: "Master Ning, I am waiting for you to tell me the method of refining the poison pill. If you can't say anything, I Just feed you the poisonous insects."

Ning Xiu was frightened.

He had heard some information about this sixth-order spirit king before, and his favorite was to cultivate a few poisonous insects brought back from Beimingjue.

He must die miserably!

Over the square.

A breaking wind sounded.

In the Pill Hall, an old man in a flaming red robe came quickly and fell in the middle of the crowd.

It is Huo Liezi.

"Poison Pill! Where is the Poison Pill!"

As soon as he landed, Huo Liezi glanced at everyone excitedly, his body trembling a little.

Absolute pill, poison pill.

These two medicines, which only existed in the legend, appeared in the Southern Territory on the same day. One can imagine his excitement and disbelief.

"Sure enough, it is a poison pill!"

Picking up the pill displayed in the wooden frame, Huo Liezi's eyes were frenzied, and at the same time a bit distressed: "I knew that there was a poisonous pill here, and the old man would stop wrangling with the Patriarch of the four major families. I regret that I am dead!"

As soon as he heard the news in the Dandian, he rushed over immediately, leaving only the ignorant four masters, staying in the main hall of the Dandian, at a loss.

"Who made this poison pill? Who!"

Huo Liezi eagerly scanned the crowd, feeling surging. When his gaze swept across Xiao Yang, he swept over by himself.

How could he have imagined that the two legendary medicines were all made by one person.

"Old man Huo."

An alchemist who knew Huo Liezi smiled bitterly: "The poison pill in your hand is this little friend...Oh no, the master made two of them on the spot just now."

Huo Liezi's face was instantly dull.

Is it made by Xiao Yang?

Are the nearest alchemists of the Northern Territory all monsters?

"Senior Huo Liezi, meet again." Xiao Yang smiled and nodded, neither humble nor overbearing.

"Senior said, I can't afford it."

With a rolling throat, Huo Liezi recovered from the shock and sighed: "I didn't invite you to join the Dandian again before. It was my dereliction of duty and the loss of the Dandian. Now I invite you again. Are you willing?"

"Senior's kindness is accepted." Xiao Yang still refused.


Even though he knew this would be the case, Huo Liezi was still a little unwilling: "If you agree to join the Dandian, the future palace lord of the Dandian, you will be the most powerful competitor, alas."

The hearts of all alchemists shook fiercely.

Huo Liezi's evaluation of Xiao Yang is so high?

This is half a foot, the person who has stepped into the seventh grade alchemist!


As if thinking of something, Huo Liezi stared at Xiao Yang with burning eyes: "I seemed to hear that your disciple Jiang Sheng has also refined a poison pill. Is she willing to join the pill hall?"

"Don't be too busy to refuse."

"As long as she joins the alchemy hall now, not to mention that she is on an equal footing with me, the privileges she has will at least override all the elders. In the future, as long as she is promoted to a sixth-rank alchemist, she will be the vacant deputy hall master of the alchemy hall. of!"

The sound of cold breath, one after another.

Vice-Hallmaster of Dandian!

This is the highest glory besides Huo Chizi.

Beside the wooden stand, Di Kuan's face instantly stiffened. He had just seen Jiang Sheng's strength, but he had offended her to death. If Jiang Sheng agreed, he would have no good fruit!

"What do you mean." Xiao Yang smiled and lowered his gaze, looking at Jiang Sheng.

"Master, you take me out of Jiujue City, I won't cause you trouble." Jiang Sheng's autumn-like eyes trembled slightly, rippling like ripples, and people couldn't bear to refuse.

Xiao Yang shook his head slightly.

He accepted disciples only on a whim. He walked the mainland on his own, and it was difficult to guarantee that he would be safe, let alone bring another spiritual emperor.

"I agree."

Seeing Xiao Yang shook his head, Jiang Sheng's eyes were a little sad, and he immediately looked at Huo Liezi: "However, I have a request."

"Speak." Huo Liezi was overjoyed.

There is no shortage of powerful alchemists.

What's missing is Jiang Sheng, an alchemist who can refine rare pill.

In his heart, the value of Jiang Sheng is greater than that of all sixth-rank alchemists in Jiujue City!

"Pill Hall, there is a prison tower, right."

As soon as Jiang Sheng's cold voice came out, Di Kuan's face was extremely pale, and a very bad premonition rose from his heart.

Prison Towers, alchemists who have committed unforgivable sins, will all be imprisoned. They will refine alchemy day and night, sell the spiritual jade they obtained, and make atonement for their own faults.

In the prison tower, there is also a special profession.

That's the sweeper!

As long as there is no clean elder who is a tower sweeper, there are more or less mistakes in his body. As long as he enters the prison tower, he will never come out again in his life!

"Yes." Huo Liezi nodded.

"This person is named Di Kuan."

Pointing at Di Kuan a little bit, Jiang Sheng said coldly: "Ning Xiu pretended to be my master before, saying that the poison pill was made by him, and insulted my master. Di Kuan instead of finding out the truth, he insulted along with him How to solve this problem several times to get my master out of the alchemy."

Huo Liezi's eyes were cold.

He doesn't even have the right to let any alchemist get out of the alchemy, unless it is a wicked person who is not tolerated by the Southern Territory Kuan, you are so majestic. "Huo Liezi said slowly.

"Deputy Hall Master!"

His legs softened and knelt on the ground with a bang. Di Kuan pleaded, "I know I was wrong. Please give me a chance to reform. Please, I don't want to go to the prison tower."

"Not negotiable."

Huo Liezi snorted coldly: "The reason why you were demoted was because you abused your private power. Instead of repenting, you did the same. You can report to the prison tower."

Di Kuan was limp on the ground like a ball of mud.

His fate is not much better than Ning's repair.


With a look of sadness in his eyes, Di Kuan stood up desperately, and just about to walk to the prison tower, a faint voice suddenly rang.

"and so on."

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