Master of Beasts

Chapter 1326: Sundae

The speaker was Xiao Yang, who had never spoken.

"Master Xiao, you want to plead for me?"

His eyes suddenly brightened, and Di Kuan eagerly said: "Ning Xiu gave me six five-rank pill prescriptions and one sixth-rank pill prescription. Please help me beg for mercy, and I will give you all!"

Di Kuan was really scared.

The dark life of Prison Tower is enough to drive a normal person crazy!

As long as he can't enter the prison tower, Xiao Yang will let him be a dog, he is willing!

"When did I say that I would plead for you."

Xiao Yang glanced at Di Kuan inexplicably, "I seem to have said, you let me roll a few times, and you rolled all over on the ground."

Di Kuan's face suddenly became gray.

Xiao Yang did say this.

At that time, he only regarded Xiao Yang as a joke, and he had always had the mentality of revenge, so he insulted Xiao Yang without any mercy and was extremely vicious.

Retribution, come so fast.

"Is there anything else?" Huo Liezi frowned and said nothing.

Di Kuan made the sins by himself and solved it by himself.

"I get off."

Knowing that he couldn't turn over again, Di Kuan gave a miserable laugh, like a wild dog that had been defeated, slowly rolling across the ground, and the alchemists around him just watched indifferently.

Di Kuan was too much before, and they are obvious to all.

Deserve it!

"Master Huo Liezi, I am willing to join the Dandian." Jiang Sheng took a deep breath and said solemnly.

If you have the strength, you can let others go.

If the strength is not strong enough, it is yourself who will get rid of.

The impact of this incident on her was too great.

"Good, good!"

Huo Liezi laughed: "This elder coat of arms, you accept, as long as you encounter danger, a ninth-order spirit king will immediately appear next to you."

Heraldry is silvery white.

The mouths of the alchemists couldn't help but feel a little dry.

Some of them are not without the qualifications to become the elders of the Pill Hall, but they are both elders, and they are also divided into superiors and inferiors. There were only three holders of the silver crest in the entire Pill Hall.

Jiang Sheng, the fourth one!

"Thank you, Master Huo Liezi."

Taking the coat of arms politely, Jiang Sheng wore it on the right side of his shirt. His long hair fell like a waterfall, and the silver coat of arms was looming on the inside.

It is not Jiang Sheng deliberately hiding.

Her hairstyle is like this.


A crisp bell ringing suddenly sounded.

"Dandian, it's about to start."

Looking at the distance, Huo Liezi smiled and said, "Master Xiao, with your alchemy, you don't actually need to participate in the first and second rounds of selection. Do you want me..."

"No need." Xiao Yang said.

It's just a selection, just participate, it won't be a long time.

"Alright." Huo Liezi nodded with a smile.

Things like opening the back door are always unpleasant, even though Xiao Yang's alchemy is a bit terrifyingly powerful.

Xiao Yang's refusal was just in line with his appetite.

The rules must be followed.

"When I saw it today, I realized that there are people outside the world, and there are days outside the world, Master Xiao, I have seen it in the next."

"See you on Dantai."

"It is an honour to be able to practice alchemy with Master Xiao."

After some compliments, the alchemists dispersed.

There are two rounds of selection of alchemy. Only after passing, can they compete with the powerful alchemist and win a place in the alchemy seat.

Looking at the alchemist who was dismissed respectfully, Jiang Sheng was full of emotion.

Is this what her master is capable of.

Inside, there are a few great alchemists who even Jiang Xu must respect.

It was the first time since the fall of her old Patriarch, she was so close to these famous alchemists. Before that, she could only watch from a distance.

"Don't think so much."

Xiao Yang rubbed Jiang Sheng's head and chuckled softly: "You will be treated like this in the future. Even one day, the seven-rank alchemist will bow his head. The alchemy of the Southern Territory is far from reaching the level of the alchemy. peak."

"What is the peak of the alchemy?" Jiang Sheng raised his head blankly.

"I don't know." Xiao Yang shook his head.

"Even Master doesn't know." Jiang Sheng was a little disbelief.

In her heart, Xiao Yang, who knows how to refine Absolute Pill and Poison Pill, is omnipotent.

"So far, no one has spied on it." Xiao Yang's voice was accompanied by a slight sigh. It was better than the Medicine Emperor, and he had not completely broken the pill.

He still has a long way to go in the future.

In front of Dandian Square, there is a huge stone platform.

Around the stone platform, the wide audience was overcrowded. In addition to the alchemist, many powerful people also rushed here to watch the once-in-a-decade event.

"Master Xiao, Jiang Sheng, you are back."

As soon as he saw Xiao Yang and Jiang Sheng, Jiang Xu stood up hurriedly, with a clear hint of ingratiation in his voice. In addition to Xiao Yang, Jiang Sheng also included Jiang Xu.

What happened at Dan's meeting passed into his ears intact.

Absolute pill, poison pill!

Xiao Yang actually knew how to refine these two kinds of pills.

This is a huge surprise for him!

Of course, the bigger surprise is Jiang Sheng.

No matter how strong Xiao Yang was, he would be an outsider after all, but Jiang Sheng was a native of the Jiang family, with a silver coat of arms, Jiang Xu couldn't even think about it, but Jiang Sheng got it.

Even if this time, there is really no competition for the seat of the alchemist, relying on the position in the alchemy palace, the Jiang family can still linger for a few more years.


Looking at the white hair on Jiang Xu's temples, Jiang Sheng suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. Jiang Xu was really bad to her before and even agreed to give her to Xunfeng, but it was for the Jiang family after all.

In Jiang Xu's eyes, the Jiang family is bigger than everything.

Because of the fall of his old Patriarch, Jiang Xu is still unmarried, and all his energy is devoted to Jiang's family.

For the Jiang family, now she still put down her posture and pleased her a junior.

After all, he is also a poor man.

Thinking of this, Jiang Sheng's last bit of hatred towards Jiang Xu slowly dissipated.

"Jiang Sheng, what happened before was my negligence." Jiang Xu was ashamed.

The Jiang family treated Jiang Sheng like this, and Jiang Sheng was willing to recognize him as the head of the family.

What did he do before.

"Patriarch does not have to say any more." Jiang Sheng shook his head.

She didn't want to remember the past, nor did she want to remember it again.

"sit down."

Xiao Yang said, Jiang Xu was about to be amnesty, and quickly sat down, as if Xiao Yang was the head of the Jiang and he was just an ordinary servant.

"This position, is that Sundanese?"

Xiao Yang raised his eyebrows slightly, and a vacant seat was placed slightly back on his right.

The placement of this seat fully demonstrates Jiang Xu's respect for him.

The person in this chair is only worthy of behind him.


Jiang Xu nodded nonchalantly: "Master Xiao, you are not clear about the rules of the alchemy. When you are competing for the seat of the alchemist, if you need to cooperate with the master Xunfeng, please feel aggrieved."

"It's okay." Xiao Yang didn't care.

Whatever Dandian's rules are, he will come.

As soon as Xiao Yang's voice fell, an angry voice suddenly came from the side.

"My position is not at the forefront?"

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