Master of Beasts

Chapter 322: Defeated

Ice Jade Festival, Yu Ice Butterfly has a chance to comprehend the spiritual skills only when the fourth-order high lord level, which can inject the ice cold spiritual power in the body into the bright ice crystals around the body, thereby expanding the ice crystals and turning them into connotations. Ice beads with terrifying destructive power.

And the mini ice butterfly sealed in the ice bead is exactly the shape of the imperial ice butterfly.

Looking up at the five huge ice beads slowly rotating around Yu Bingdie, Zhou Tong's eyelids couldn't help but jump. From there, he felt a fatal threat.

"Impossible, my ghost clothes are the strongest!"

Lowering his head, Zhou Tong's eyes were full of harshness: "Ghost clothing, use the evil ghost fire to kill the Royal Ice Butterfly!"

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

As the voice of Zhou's call fell, the ghosts on the Ghost Clothes and Soul Blade suddenly exploded one after another, and immediately gathered at the top of the Dao Blade, as if a burning wild fire was formed.

A breeze blew by, and the ghost fire shook slightly, but there was no hot temperature coming out, on the contrary, it was extremely cold.

The Fire of Yin Ming, although there is a word of fire in its name, it is a veritable dark attribute spirit skill, but its appearance is somewhat like a burning and rising flame.

"Unexpectedly, Zhou Tong can be forced to this step. This child must not be left, otherwise it will become a major disaster in the future." The cold in Lin Yin's eyes was flowing, and he had already developed a will to kill Xiao Yang.

Staring at the Yubing Butterfly surrounded by five ice beads, Guiyi's soul blade flicked, the ghost fire carrying the cold temperature suddenly whizzed out, a thin path of black ice crystals swept from it Everywhere was dragged out.

The cold and cold breath emanating from the ghost fire made Yu Bingdie’s eyes fluctuate slightly, and saw its wings flicked, and five huge ice beads whizzed up and hovered on top of its head. Rotating quickly, with a bang, greeted the wild ghost fire.


The ghost fire collided with the ice bead, and a deep and loud sound sounded. The first light blue ice bead was directly shattered by the bombardment, and the dark color of the ghost fire was instantly thinner.

Immediately afterwards, the second and third ice beads shattered one after another. However, the next moment, Zhou Tong’s expression suddenly changed, because he was horrified to see that after causing a crack in the fourth ice bead, that one The dark ghost fire, directly dissipated without a trace.


The remaining two ice beads swept across the sky, and hit the Ghost Yi's body mercilessly, and immediately exploded with a bang, like a firework-like ice fog, rapidly opening in all directions in mid-air.


In the solid ice fog, an embarrassed figure fell straight down, smashing five or six houses, and shook the ground below it directly into a deep pit.

Lying in the deep pit, Guiyi tremblingly raised the Soul Edge Sword in his hand, but the original sharp blade was already distorted by the energy generated by the explosion.

"Cut it!"

Hearing Xiao Yang's stern voice, Yu Bingdie swallowed the Hui Ling Pill in her mouth, and immediately her wings were brought together, transforming into a sharp ice moon, and burst down in anger.

"you dare!"

Lin Yin's cheeks trembled slightly, and the frozen tyrant entangled with the ethereal radish, his figure flashed, trying to stop the ice butterfly that swept down, but behind it, countless sharp canes, instantly covered the world. , Firmly blocked its path forward.


Yu Bingdie’s wings were slashed on the ghost clothing’s soul blade. After a stalemate, the soul blade made of gold and iron cracked in the eyes of countless horrified eyes, and Yu Bingdie The two wings that came together also fell down without any hindrance.

The pair of sharp ice wings passed through the body of the ghost clothes and embedded deeply into the ground, but there was no splash of blood. Many dark-attribute spirit beasts did not originally have a body.

With his mouth slightly open, the cloak behind the ghost clothing shattered, and along with its shattered body, annihilated in the distant air with the howling cold wind.

Only a broken soul blade and a spiritual core surrounded by black energy proved that it once existed in this world.

"Xiao Yang, I am also your uncle-level figure anyway, how can you play such a heavy hand!" Zhou Tong stared at Xiao Yang, his eyes filled with scarlet colors.

"Now you know?"

Xiao Yang smiled faintly: "When I joined Lin Yin to kill me just now, how come I didn't expect this."


Pulling out the wings inserted into the ground, Yu Bingdie once again rolled out five ice beads, although not as huge as before, but the destructive power contained in it is also not to be underestimated.

"Stop it, I am willing to withdraw from the dispute between you!" Lin Yin saw Yu Bingdie target the Frozen Tyrant, his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Faced with an ethereal flower, the ice-bound tyrant is a bit powerless, even if he uses all means, it is difficult to take advantage of it, not to mention that there is now an extra ice-fighting butterfly.

"Why didn't you quit before? It's too late." Xiao Yang glanced at Lin Yin faintly, and shouted sharply.

"Empty Lingluo, Biluohua!"

As soon as the words came out, Konglingluo quickly retracted the slender vine, and an aquamarine seed appeared out of thin air at its fingertips, and immediately it flicked its fingers and violently shot at the frozen tyrant.


When it flew into the air, the aquamarine seed squirmed for a while, and after a while, a deep crystal blue giant flower bloomed, and while rotating, it released powerful spiritual fluctuations.

"Since you won't let me live, even if I die, I will drag on you!"

Lin Yin roared with a grim expression: "The Frozen Don't pay attention to the two spirit beasts, use the ice seal to judge and directly kill their spiritual masters!"

Hearing that, the Frozen Tyrant hesitated slightly. Once it attacks Xiao Yang, it means that it will be attacked mercilessly by the opponent's spirit beast, and it may even be killed on the spot. This is why in the battle, the spirit beast does not Will directly attack the cause of the spiritual master.

This is completely dead end!

With his teeth clenched tightly together, the Frozen Tyrant slammed the empty Lingluo vines with a punch, and then looked towards Xiao Yang. The icy cold air poured out from its body, making the air within a hundred meters of it all around. There was a thick white mist.

The cold air condensed crazily, and the next moment, in front of the ice-bound tyrant, it condensed into an ice cross about ten meters wide, on which complex and mysterious lines were engraved.


The icy cold light erupted from the ice cross, and immediately suppressed Xiao Yang with the sound of oppressive wind. The momentum was extremely shocking.

And at the moment when the Frost Ice Cross just fell, the deep Biluo flower also rushed in, rotating and blasting up.

The sky-shattering explosion sounded, the Biluo flowers burst and opened, and the huge ice cross, starting from the low end, shattered steadily, and the fragmented ice crystals swayed in the air.


At the same time, countless aquamarine slender vines, glowing with sharp luster, penetrated the body of the frozen tyrant, and the five ice beads spinning around Yubingdie also bombarded its back.

The space was slightly silent. After a while, the ice armor covering the body of the frozen tyrant shattered little by little, and finally burst into a mist of blood, which filled the air.

Looking at the falling ice-bound tyrant, Lin Yin and Zhou Tong's faces paled instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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