Master of Beasts

Chapter 323: Clean up

The violent spiritual power fluctuations in the sky gradually faded with the fall of the frozen tyrant. With a wave of her small hand, the vine that supported her body quickly retracted into the palm of her palm, and its figure also fell steadily. On the ground.

"You wait for me, today's revenge, the old man will avenge it in the future!"

He gave Xiao Yang a bitter look. Lin Yin knew that he had encountered hard stubble this time. He wiped off the blood stains that overflowed from the back of his mouth, and immediately fled to the outside of Balixiang. In the process of raiding, he still Don't forget to throw a ruthless sentence.

Seeing Lin Yin running away, Zhou Tong's eyes flashed, and just about to follow closely, an ice wing that was as sharp as a knife shot down from in front of him like lightning, deeply embedded in the ground.

There was a horrified shiver, Zhou Tong's stepped soles of feet instantly solidified in the air, and he dared not fall for a long time.

Facing Lin Yin, who was leaping out of the lane, Xiao Yang didn't even look at it. He still had that calm look.

Looking at the flickering lights in the distance, Lin Yin's eyes were filled with excitement. However, his body suddenly seemed to hit a hard wall, bounced back with a bang, and fell embarrassedly. Ground.

"what happened!"

With two old palms supporting the ground, Lin Yin looked at the front in horror. He just hit something, but there was no object in the air in front of him.

"Why don't you run away."

A faint voice came from behind, Lin Yin shuddered all over, and just about to turn his head, a sharp rock shuttle brought up a thin line of blood, which penetrated him mercilessly. throat.

The palm of his hand stretched out, and he took the fragmented rock shuttle that flew back. Xiao Yang's eyes turned slightly, and the pair of eyes without any emotion projected towards Zhou Tong.

"Xiao...Xiao Yang nephew, speaking of it, I am still your uncle. I was saved by your father back then. Without your father, there would be no me who I am today." Zhou Tong's voice trembled, and a flattering smile appeared on his face. .

It's okay not to say this. As soon as the voice fell, a cold light flashed across Xiao Yang's eyes. What is meant by that without his father, there would be no Zhou Tong today. It seems that what Bali Lane has done over the years is Xiao Lie. It's the same with one hand.

I'm afraid Xiao Lie never thought that the people he accidentally saved would grow into the scum like today.

"Sorry, you uncle, I don't want to recognize it." Xiao Yang faintly said, and there was a touch of coldness in his dark eyes.

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, Zhou Tong's face was blue and white, he was also a figure dominating one side anyway, this is the first time that he has treated a seventeen or eighteen-year-old with such a low attitude, and touched a gray nose. .

"If this is the case, then you go to die!"

Zhou Tong stared at Xiao Yang fiercely, and roared: "Everyone will give it to me. Even if he is a four-source spiritual master, it is impossible to defend all directions at the same time. Moreover, after the previous battle, his spiritual beasts will inevitably be consumed. Great, if we don't kill him, we will all die here today!"

Zhou Tong's sullen voice spread around, and the remaining spiritual masters, to say nothing, there are thousands of them. They looked at each other face to face, and immediately, there was a violent killing intent in their hearts.

After walking around in this gloomy Bali alley for so long, they are all cruel people, and naturally they clearly know the law of survival. Today, it is not Xiao Yang who died, or they died!


A voice filled with a strong killing intent rang out loudly, like a tidal wave of spirit beasts, surging towards Xiao Yang, and the ground under his feet seemed to be shaking again and again at this time.

Countless black shadows shrouded the sky and the earth, Xiao Yang in it, like a trace of flame in a rainstorm, looked exceptionally small.

In this posture that is completely fighting for life, even some powerful spiritual masters must temporarily avoid the edge, and if one is not careful, they may fall into it.

"A bunch of scum."

The countless spirit beasts that rushed down covered the moonlight above his head, leaving Xiao Yang in the darkness. He raised his head, holding the star dragon ball with a cold expression, and the dazzling thunder light jumped quickly on it, with a calm voice. , Said gently: "Kill you, no problem."

Looking at Xiao Yang, who was overwhelmed by many spirit beasts, Zhou Tong showed a vicious sneer on his face. However, the next moment, he was stunned to see the thick thunder, raging away wildly, the bodies of those spirit beasts. , Bang bang burst.

A black robe, fluttering in the wind, the thunder surrounded by Xiao Yang is like an inverted ball, which firmly protects him. The rain of blood flying in the sky did not even touch his body. .


As Xiao Yang held the Star Dragon Ball high, a more fierce thunderstorm swept away suddenly, and the surrounding houses within a hundred feet of radius were instantly annihilated, and the bodies of the spiritual masters and spirit beasts also disappeared.

That scene is like the objects in Xiao Yang's body, all evaporating from the sky and the earth, looking down from the sky, it is empty, with only a slender figure standing between the clean open spaces.

Looking at Xiao Yang's delicate face, Zhou Tong's body couldn't help but shudder, a deep despair enveloped his heart.

" are the devil!" Zhou Tong tremblingly looked at Xiao Yang as he was getting closer, his feet were soft, and he stepped back unconsciously.


With a sudden movement of his body, Xiao Yang's indifferent face was printed in Zhou Tong's eyes, and the raised right leg immediately kicked Zhou Tong's legs with fierce wind.


Two crisp bone cracks sounded. Just as Zhou Tong screamed, Xiao Yang pressed his face down, and the ground cracked. Then, a cold voice came into his ears. .

"Although I, Xiao Yang, is not a good person, but killing you scumbags is not a devil."

Feeling the pain on his face, Zhou Tong's mind was dizzy, and the intense pain made him almost faint. At this moment, he was horrified to find that his body was actually being held by Xiao Yang's shirt. Mention it.

"What do you want to do, if you want to kill or slash, just give Lao Tzu a happy one!" Zhou Tong roared with canthus.

"Don't worry, now is not the time to be a hero."

He slapped Zhou Tong casually, and the noise in his ears stopped. Xiao Yang's wings flicked behind him, and he flew away toward the room where Zhou Tong came out. There was surrounded by a light blue circle, which looked like Very conspicuous.


Throwing Zhou Tong's body into the room casually like throwing trash, Xiao Yang's wings dissipated, and as soon as he opened the door of the room, a charming figure rushed into his arms with an intoxicating fragrance.

(End of this chapter)

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