Master of Beasts

Chapter 334: reward

Xiao Yang reverberated in the ancient mountains with a somewhat cold voice, but the surrounding powerhouses did not waver at all, still looking fierce in their eyes. [No pop-up novel network]

What about the spirit beasts that control the Sacred Sun Flame, there are so many of them, and they rushed forward, even the fourth-order high lord-level spirit beasts would have to be bitten off.

"Hey, angry?"

When the young man surnamed Lu saw that he was exposed, not only did he not fear, but he laughed arrogantly: "If you didn't have me, you would really run away, boy, I have to say, your luck is really bad. "

"Jie Jie..."

Y Sen’s voice sounded beside the young man surnamed Lu. A snow-white skull-shaped spirit beast slowly stepped out. In its empty D’s eye sockets, there were two waves of green fire that were beating, as if they were sensational. Staring at Xiao Yang.

The palm of its skeleton shook, and a group of dark green flames suddenly rose up, and the surrounding air seemed slightly distorted.

Ghost fire skeleton, second-order high lord spirit beast, fire attribute.

With the ghost fire skeletons beside him, the smile on the face of the young man surnamed Lu was even more confident. Just ten days ago, he used all his resources to smash the ghost fire skeletons from medium to advanced. This improvement is extremely huge.

Therefore, even in the face of Chi Yan who possesses the Sacred Sun Flame, he is not afraid.

"Follow me, as long as you kill this kid, Sheng Yangyan will have our share!" The young man surnamed Lu shouted with a sneer, while the ghost fire skull beside him stepped on the sole of his foot. The mud splashed and rushed straight towards Chi Yan.

The soaring dark green flame turned into a flying firebird, which was held in the palm of the palm and shot out fiercely.

Driven by the young man surnamed Lu, the eyes of everyone around him flashed with cold light, and the large swarms of spirit beasts brought the rushing sound of breaking wind, covering the sky over the red flames.

"Haha, fight with my Lu Tao, you are still too tender." The young man surnamed Lu raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and the expression on his face looked ruthless and proud.


The firebird in the hand of the ghost fire skull rapidly enlarged in the eyes, and the red flame's figure moved, like an arrow drawn, three sharp tails, burning a hot deep yellow flame, and lightning flashed past the ghost fire skull. .

The soles of the feet are lightly treaded, and they fall to the ground gracefully, and the three slender tails of the red flames stretch out in the air recklessly, domineering and majestic.

The space is slightly quiet.

The flying ghost fire skull suddenly stopped the movement of its feet. Its white teeth trembled slightly, and then a crack visible in the R eye emerged from the waist, making the upper half of its body act inertially. Down, went straight out.

The break is as smooth as a mirror.


The upper body of the ghost fire skull fell on Xiao Yang's feet, and the firebird in his hand gradually extinguished, but the white teeth were still slightly open and closed, as if extremely unwilling.


The soles of the feet were lifted, and the dark yellow flames filled up. Xiao Yang looked at the frightened young Lu surnamed indifferently. He immediately stepped on his feet. Under this force, the upper body of the ghost fire skeleton shattered into a pile of bone **** .

"Hurry up, everyone, he's a vicious person, he won't let you go!" The young man surnamed Lu tremblingly shouted. Although he was extremely frightened in his heart, he still tried to incite everyone and attack Xiao Yang.

After all, the spiritual door was damaged, and the speed of his escape would never be faster than Xiao Yang's Chi Yan, as long as he became confused, he could take the opportunity to slip away.

At this time, he no longer dared to think about Chi Yan's holy sun. The ghost fire skeleton that was killed just now had completely proved the strength of this flame.

Spirit beasts of the same rank, can't take a move!

However, the development of the matter went beyond his expectation. Looking at the half of the body of the ghost fire skeleton standing there, no matter the spiritual master or the strong spiritual master, they all took a step back with fear, even the young man surnamed Lu. The ghost fire skeletons were all killed in a straightforward manner. Even if they were to go together, it was just a delay in their death.

Taking the initiative to show weakness, perhaps Xiao Yang can still see this and let them make a living.

"You are going up soon, I am dead, and the next one to die is you!" Seeing everyone indifferent, the young man surnamed Lu suddenly panicked. The face that was still smiling before, was full of fear at this time. .


Two faint words came out from Xiao Yang's mouth, Chi Yan's body flashed and appeared in front of the young man surnamed Lu who was so soulless, burning with Sheng Yangyan's paws, and swiping across his chest without any hindrance.

Almost in an instant, the blood R on the chest of the young man surnamed Lu disappeared cleanly. Through it, you could even see the trees behind.

The body of the second-order spirit master, in front of Sheng Yangyan, was as fragile as snow that had encountered flames, and instantly melted.

Looking down at the vacant chest, the young man surnamed Lu looked at Xiao Yang unwillingly, and fell to the ground with a bang.

Before he died, all he felt was regret.

However, this regret was not about encouraging everyone to take action against Xiao Yang, but regretting not coming a few days earlier. In that case, the terrifying and overbearing Holy Sun Flame was controlled by his ghost fire skeleton.

With shattered steps, Chi Yan waved three slender tails of fire and came to Xiao Yang's side. With his black jewel-like eyes, just a light sweep, the heads of those spirit beasts quickly lowered.

The IQ of the spirit beasts is not much weaker than that of the spirit masters. The scene of killing the ghost fire skeletons between Chi Yan's claws just now has left them with unforgettable memories.

That kind of memory is fear.

The throat rolled lightly, and everyone backed away unanimously, with great regret in their hearts. They would rather never show up here today.

Sheng Yangyan, they saw it, but they only got a lifelong psychological shadow of Y.

"Did I let you go."

Xiao Yang's faint voice suddenly resounded, and the hundreds of figures who had retreated were all frozen there in an instant did not dare to move.

"The Kong Boundary Stone is left, and your life can be taken away."

Xiao Yang glanced at the people indifferently, and the sound he uttered made everyone's face pale in an instant. The items in their void stone were all their savings over the past few years.

"I don't want to say it a second time."

As Xiao Yang's cold voice sounded, Chi Yan's three fire tails stretched out, and on each of the fire tails, the holy sun flame spread rapidly, making the surrounding air slightly illusory.

R glanced at each other painfully. The empty boundary stones were piled up in front of Xiao Yang. The empty boundary stones looked like a hill, which looked particularly attractive.

With a wave of his palm, Xiao Yang gathered all the Kongjie Stones in his eyes like a knife. The huge number was full of packages that he carried with him.

Facing the distressed people, he smiled and arched his hands, Xiao Yang turned around casually, as long as he went to the elders' pavilion and donated these items, he was one step closer to the 100,000 contribution value!

(End of this chapter)

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