Master of Beasts

Chapter 335: charming

The sky is like a cover, and in the early spring season, the sky is spotlessly clean, and the azure blue sky is like a tile-blue mirror, empty and quiet. [Reading the latest chapters]

Fanning the broad rocky wings, Xiao Yang swept across the sky against the biting cold wind, and the turbulent airflow swayed the hair on his forehead a little messy.

Sweeping his gaze downwards, a huge town appeared in his sight. Xiao Yang's figure twisted, his feet stomped in the sky, and he groaned slightly, summoning the Royal Ice Butterfly, and then wrapped the package containing the empty stone. Suspended on its wings, then took out dozens of air boundary stones from it, and dived down.

After a while, his figure appeared in the sky again, but the empty boundary stone in his hand had disappeared completely, and replaced by a gold coin card containing a huge amount of gold.

In this way, in the next few days, Xiao Yang ran through several cities and towns, and only then traded all the empty boundary stones in the parcel into gold coins.

"Finally solved it."

As he flew across the sky, Xiao Yang smiled happily. Now the value of the gold coin card in his hand is approximately equal to sixty blue soul pills. When replaced with a contribution value, it is exactly sixty thousand points. The extremely cold ice marrow of ten thousand contribution points does not seem to be that far away.

"Now, it's time to go back to the Elder's House. I heard that there is a psychic tower there. I will go and see what is magical about this psychic tower early in the morning."

With a faint smile, Xiao Yang's figure suddenly accelerated, and the energy trapped in the two wings of the rock dragged a long white mark in the sky.

Back in the elders' courtyard, Xiao Yang had dealt with all the things, and then dragged his exhaustion back to his mansion.


After Lin Qiong opened the magic circle around the mansion, Xiao Yang pushed open the door with trembling eyelids, dragged his stiff legs, and walked slowly toward his room.

Excessively tired, he didn't notice the strange color on Lin Qiong's face behind him.


Falling down on the bed, Xiao Yang hugged the soft bedding, and groaned comfortably. Although the secret method of transforming the wings of quicksand gave him the ability to fly in the air, the consumption rate of spiritual power was really terrifying, along the way In the middle, he didn't know how many Spirit Recovery Pills he had swallowed, and the excessive overdraft of spiritual power made him almost depressed.

Perhaps only when you reach the Lingpan, can you use the strength to freely gallop the world.

The palm of his hand casually grasped, and the place where Xiao Yang started, was slightly warm and smooth, as if he had touched the gel, which made people feel charming.

"Chi Yan, have you shed your hair?"

With the palm of his hand in the dark room, he grabbed a few more times, and Xiao Yang raised his eyebrows with his eyes slightly closed. The sleepiness in his mind greatly reduced his ability to think.


Sitting on the table, Chi Yan squeezed the pastry into his mouth. After a long while, he leaned back on the pastry tray and burped at Xiao Yang with a look of comfort and contentment.

Hearing the sound coming from behind, Xiao Yang's eyes suddenly opened, like an electric shock, he jumped from the bed, landed on the ground, and stepped back in succession.


There was a sharp shout, and Xiao Yang waved his palm, and several night feather fireflies that were shining light hovered in the room, and the cold brilliance radiated brightly illuminating the spacious room.

Looking at the scene on the bed, Xiao Yang's mouth twitched slightly, and his body, like a wooden sculpture, was stiff there.

Leaning on the wall at the edge of the bed, Ye Lan wore a blue shirt with picturesque eyebrows. The shirt that slid down to his shoulders revealed the snow-white skin that looked particularly attractive.

Of course, Xiao Yang didn't have the mood to appreciate all this, his gaze only stayed on Ye Lan's pretty face that was rather scary.

At this moment, the room where Ye Yuying was flying, fell into silence, and only the sound of Chi Yan's mouth slapped, unconsciously sounded.

His mouth moved slightly, and Xiao Yang's expression was a little unnatural. Only then did he understand what he was touching just now.

Moreover, I touched it several times in a row.

As the two looked at each other, an awkward atmosphere brewed in the air, but no one broke it.

"Ha ha……"

After a few breaths, the thick-skinned Xiao Yang smiled dryly at Ye Lan, and then shouted at the door: "Lin Qiong, die for Lao Tzu!"

A loud sound reverberated in the room. Lin Qiong, who was separated from several rooms, couldn't help but shivered, and immediately covered his head with a quilt, pretending that he hadn't heard it.

"Elder Xiao..."

The voice of fragile mosquitoes and flies came from Ye Lan's mouth, who was holding her legs. Her slender eyelashes were stained with some water vapor. All of this made her look extraordinarily weak.

"Just now, I'm sorry." Xiao Yang turned his head and smiled in a jealous smile, a little apologetic in the voice that came out.

Although he didn't know about it just now, what he did was to do it and find excuses to avoid it. That was a move that only counseling Bao could make.

With her thin red lips pressed gently, Ye Lan leaned against the snow-white wall, and suddenly took a breath, staring directly at Xiao Yang, her hand grasped the green shirt with a piece of skin, and lightly swiped it down. , A piece of smooth jade-like skin, just appeared in Xiao Yang's gaze.

Ye Lan's sudden behavior made Xiao Yang sluggish. For a while, he didn't know what reaction he should have. A faint fragrance filled the air.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, Chi Yan flicked his three little tails, and walked towards the door consciously, as if it gave Xiao Yang a great face.

"What are you doing."

Looking away without a trace, Xiao Yang said softly as he looked at the gently shaking tree branches outside the window.

"I know that Ye Lan is like this, it may be very low in your eyes, but it is better to devote yourself to a fourth-rank alchemist than a villain like Cui Li." Ye Lan bit his red lips tightly and said These words seemed to exhaust all the strength of the whole body.

Ye Lan's attitude of pear blossoms with rain I am afraid that few men in this world can withstand it, especially in Xiao Yang's age group.

Hearing the softness and helplessness in Ye Lan’s voice, Xiao Yang remained silent, and then slowly walked to the wooden window, yanked, and the cold wind roaring in made the fragrance in the room dissipate. Empty.

"The helpless self-protection method is not right or wrong. It's just that you have used the wrong method." Xiao Yang lightly clasped his fingers on the window lattice, and a faint voice came out.

Hearing this, Ye Lan's body trembled slightly, Zhen's head lowered, not daring to look directly at Xiao Yang's back.

"It's just a Cui Li. Even if you are afraid of Cui Ting behind him, you can have many methods. For example, use the gap between me and them to use some small tricks to let us fight first."

Turning his head, Xiao Yang said faintly: "And you are using this."

The sound coming into his ears caused Ye Lan to raise his head abruptly, and his eyes like autumn water were suddenly filled with deep panic.

(End of this chapter)

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