Master of Beasts

Chapter 404: Cruelty

Pang Yiyin laughed as he looked at Xiao Yang, who was slowly pulling away. Since he had revealed his identity, he would not be able to return to the Xueyue Empire alive anyway, so before he died, he would be able to hold his back. It is also a good choice.

"Dark bamboo soul!"

Pang Yi's hands were imprinted, and the dense black energy wriggled beside him, the black energy dissipated, and the body of the ghost bamboo soul gradually appeared. It looked at the sleepy Red Flame, and his face showed a dark and sceptical smile. .

"call out!"

The soles of the feet were black, and with a wave of the black bamboo in the hands of the ghost bamboo soul, a leaf flashed out above it, and immediately brought a fierce wind, and the sky and the earth violently shot towards the red flame.

The stern sound of breaking wind resounded endlessly.

Spiritual skill, Ye Wubane!

Facing the enveloping Ye Hai, Chi Yan rubbed his eyes, and then casually waved his sharp claws. A few deep yellow lights flashed in the air, and suddenly, the leaves of the bamboo leaves were counted. Split from the middle.

"how is this possible!"

Pang Yi's breathing was stagnant, and the strength that Chi Yan showed just now had actually reached Tier 5!

He clearly remembered that Chi Yan was only Tier 3 not long ago, but after only a few days of separation, he actually made such a big breakthrough!

"Even if it is Tier 5, my Underworld Soul is not necessarily weaker than you!"

Gritting his teeth fiercely, Pang Yi sternly said: "Bamboo thorn formation, pierce it into a blood sieve for me!"

Hearing the words, the ghost of bamboo suddenly fell to the ground, and its eyes looked at Chi Yan with sorrow. The black bamboo in his hand plunged into the soil with a scream, and the dark lines spread rapidly from the edge of the black bamboo. Xiang Chi Yan.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and the tail of the red flame slapped the ground. The figure rose to mid-air, and the sharp pointed bamboo broke out of the ground where it was just now. The slender bamboo body was surrounded by endless black energy.


The bamboo body split open, revealing the snow-white spikes that looked like a sharp sword. This sharpness, even if a Tier 5 lord-level spirit beast fell on it, it would be difficult to be unharmed.

"The battle is good, but unfortunately, it's not very useful." Xiao Yang said lightly.

Chi Yan's figure fell. Just when it was about to fall on the spikes, its figure suddenly spun up, as if turned into a hot whirlwind. The spikes below burned quickly. Not long after, it was sharp. The tip is torn apart.

With the soles of his feet lightly treaded, Chi Yan fell gracefully on the smooth bamboo body, and looked lazily at Underworld Bamboo Soul. This expression was undoubtedly full of provocation.

With chills in his eyes, Pang Yi clenched his fists tightly. He didn't expect Xiao Yang's spirit beast to be so difficult to entangle. If it weren't for the weird flame, he had full confidence just now that he could use a bamboo thorn array to kill it. Seriously injured.

"You are at this level?" Xiao Yang's mouth was slightly lifted, and a faint smile appeared on his face. However, this expression fell in Pang Yi's eyes as if it were a great mockery.

"Don't be too smug!"

Pang Yi screamed, and in his shout, he was full of killing intent: "If you can take this trick, I will automatically admit defeat, the ghost of the ghost, the soul of the crack!"


With the soles of the feet on the ground, the black bamboo in the hands of the soul of the ghost bamboo lightly stretched horizontally, and then its fingers slowly drew across the bamboo body. It was at this time that there was violent turbulence.

Soul Splitting Tianhuan, a high-lord-level spiritual skill, is a spiritual skill that can only be understood when the ghost bamboo soul is at the fifth level, and can kill the enemy in an instant.

However, in these seemingly ordinary black qi, a small amount of black underworld qi was mixed, and this was Pang Yi's real killer move.

Thinking of the appearance of Mo Feng when Hei Mingqi was strong, Pang Yi's heart was sneered. From the beginning, he didn't intend to die with Xiao Yang, but to cut both Xiao Yang and You Li. kill!

Hei Mingqi, but it can corrode all existence!


With a fierce wave of the black bamboo in the hand of the ghost bamboo spirit, a dark black light of about ten feet suddenly swept across the space. The ground below was decayed, and even the spiritual power was eroded!

Even Saint Yangyan has no resistance in front of the weird Hei Mingqi!

"Xiao Yang, I will take your life away. When I return to the Tingfeng Tower, I will remember your kindness!" Pang Yi laughed, his expression quite cheerful.

Putting it to death and resurrecting, this made him admire him incomparably in his heart.

"Do you think that just a little bit of dark energy can kill me?" Xiao Yang looked at the huge light cut that swept across, his face calm, and immediately turned his palm, a pitch-black bead appeared in his palm. in.

Seeing that, it was Hei Mingzhu.


In Pang Yi's shocked gaze, a majestic suction burst out from the Black Underworld Orb, and immediately sucked out the Black Underworld Qi in the light cut!

"Black Mingzhu!" Pang Yi looked at the Black Mingzhu that had drawn the black Mingqi into it, his complexion changed drastically, and a cold chill spread to his whole body.

His biggest hole card is gone...


The gorgeous crystal flower stretched out in front of Chi Yan, directly blocking the light and resisting it down. Then it stepped on top of the crystal flower, and its body was slightly bent, like an arrow from the string, rushing towards the bamboo. soul.

The fast-stretching tail of the fire wound it tightly, and then slammed it down toward the ground!


A huge muffled sound sounded, and the body of the ghost bamboo soul was directly embedded in the ground, and the earth fell apart.

Pang Yi's mind buzzed as he looked at the torn apart Underworld Soul, he only now knew how worthless his own ranking of 15th on the Bing Bing List was.

The era when he was rampant among the young generation is over.


Throwing the ghost bamboo soul in the tail aside at random, Chi Yan's figure flashed, burning the palms and claws of the holy sun, lightly printed on Pang Yi's chest, and then suddenly turned over and fell lightly Back to Xiao Yang's shoulder.

"There are still three breaths when you can say your last words." Xiao Yang said quietly.

"You will die, all will die, none of them can return to the Xueyue Empire!" Pang Yi's face roared like crazy, but the next moment, his roar suddenly stopped.

Several sharp Yanjing pillars drilled out of his body, and wisps of blood dripped down the long pillar.

With a flick of his finger, a cluster of Sacred Sun Flame burst out, instantly burning Pang Yi's body into a pile of ashes.

He clapped his hands casually, and a touch of relief flashed across Xiao Yang's face. The bomb buried beside him was finally removed.

And just as he was about to turn around and leave, a piece of light cyan talisman paper suddenly drifted down from where Pang Yi had disappeared, and was immediately swept by the breeze, and fell into his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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