Master of Beasts

Chapter 405: Waiting

The pale cyan rune paper, engraved with complex and prosperous runes, has a simple atmosphere, permeating it, as if it has gone through a long time.

"The sound transmission note?" You Li raised her eyebrows in surprise.

The sound transmission talisman is a talisman that can be made only by some master refiners. It can be used for long-distance sound transmission. However, this method of making talisman seals was lost thousands of years ago. Therefore, the leftover sound transmission talisman , Is also one of the few, in the entire Xueyue Empire, there are only dozens of them.

Moreover, after pouring the spiritual power into it, the talisman seal will burn out and can no longer be used. Therefore, this one-time consumable is even more precious.

"It seems that the guy Mofeng didn't hear the news that I was killed in person. I'm afraid that he would not even sleep well." Xiao Yang smiled coldly, he didn't believe that such a precious seal was Pang. Yi's own collection.


With the infusion of Xiao Yang's spiritual power, mysterious lines appeared on the sound transmission talisman, and after an instant, a cluster of dark blue flames burned from the bottom of the talisman with a bang.

"Pang Yi, Xiao Yang is dead?"

After a little silence, there was a shout of surprise from inside Fu Zhuan. Listening to this sound, it was the original owner of the Tingfeng Tower, and the Mo Feng was undoubtedly.

"Mo Feng, you seem to want me to die." Xiao Yang smiled.

Hearing Xiao Yang's voice, the other side of Fu Zhuan suddenly calmed down. After a long while, there was a hoarse voice that slowly sounded.

"It turned out to be you. Since the sound transmission note is in your hands, then Pang Yi should be dead already."

"Even Hei Mingqi can be obtained, I have to say, you listen to the wind tower, the exhibition is very good." Xiao Yang smiled lightly and said.

"I didn't expect you to be so lucky." Mo Feng sighed.

"Wash your neck and wait. I'll go back to Snow Wind City, and I will find you first." A faint arc appeared at the corner of Xiao Yang's mouth, and his patience with ink wind had reached its limit.

"I am waiting……"

The sound transmission note burned and disappeared, and the sound of the ink wind drifted away with the wind, which contained an undisguised chill.

Rubbing his fingers gently, the last bit of ashes fell on the ground, and Xiao Yang's eyes were slightly narrowed. Since Mo Feng can insert nails by his side, it would be the same in Youguang Empire.

There are two days left before entering the Wanming Cave.

During this period of time, Xiao Yang and You Li found a secluded place, concentrating on securing the spiritual power in the body. After all, Kong Lingluo had just broken through, and the breath was still a little vain.

As for the Bafang Ye, according to Ge Hai, it is in the collection of a third-rank alchemist. However, that alchemist is currently in retreat, and Xiao Yang didn’t take the liberty to bother. Anyway, it’s only ten years away from him. That's it, Xiao Yang can still afford to wait at this little time.

In the lonely valley, it was exceptionally calm.

In this calm, there was some news that Zuo Qingshi and Fang Han had broken through to the seventh-order spirit master, which made Xiao Yang a little surprised.

You know, after reaching the fifth level, the spiritual master wants to break through. The difficulty is not comparable to the past. It usually takes a year or two to get through to the first level.

Even some people may be stuck here forever, unable to deposit.

Therefore, Xiao Yang was really shocked when he heard the news of Zuo Qingshi and Fang Han's breakthrough.

"I thought that after breaking through to the fifth-order spirit master, I could hit the front position of the ice list. I didn't expect that the cultivation level of these people was more terrifying than mine." Xiao Yang rubbed his face with his palm and smiled bitterly.

"Zuo Qingshi, Fang Han and others, the talents for cultivation are already extremely high, and there are a lot of resources behind. You can break through to the fifth-order spirit master at this age, which is already very good." You Li smiled. Tao.

Hearing this, Xiao Yang nodded slightly.

Although he can defeat He Xuan who is a seventh-order spirit master, if he goes to Zuo Qingshi and others, his chances of winning will be greatly reduced, and he may even be defeated.

After all, Xiao Yang wouldn't be able to use Kongling Luo to fight against them.

The two days passed quickly in a quiet retreat.

In the early morning, when the first rays of morning light fell, Xiao Yang and You Li both turned into two streams of light, leaving here with a rush of breaking wind.

And the location they went to was exactly the direction where Wan Ming Cave was located.

"what happened!"

Staying in mid-air, Xiao Yang looked at the dense crowd around Wanming Cave, and couldn't help frowning. The news that Hei Mingzhu was in the cave or he knew from Fang Yan's mouth. How could these people be possible? know.

"Go on and ask." You Li's pretty face is still calm. Although there are a large number of people here, there are not many that can pose a threat to Xiao Yang. As for her, there is no need to put these people in her eyes.

"Friend, can you ask, what are you gathering here for?" Xiao Yang smiled and walked towards a second-tier spirit master, and soon a third-tier pill was vaguely stuffed into his hand.

Looking at the pill in his, the second-order spiritual master suddenly opened his eyes and smiled. This kind of pill, even for him, is usually difficult to get one, because the price is really expensive.

"A few days ago, there was news that a lot of treasures were born in this Ten Thousand Nether Cave, so we came here to try our luck."

Hearing this, Xiao Yang let out a sigh of relief in his heart, his eyes flashed slightly.

Treasures may be in the Ten Thousand Underworld Cave, but the black underworld in it comes and goes without a trace. When an ordinary person encounters it, there will be no scum that will be eroded.

It's not so much luck, it's better to die.

"Then do you know what Hei Mingqi is?" Xiao Yang then asked.

However, not only the second-order spiritual master, but the others also have a face of doubt. They only know that if you enter the Ten Thousand Underworld Cave, you may get treasures. As for the black underworld, they have never heard of it .

"Someone is setting up a situation." Xiao Yang returned to You Li, a cold light flashed in his eyes. Apart from someone deliberately letting these people be cannon fodder, he couldn't think of a second possibility.

If these people know that their lord-level strength is as fragile as thin paper in front of Hei Mingqi, I don't know how many others can maintain the current appearance of talking and laughing.

"The people from the Black Skull Cult are here!"

At this moment, the crowd suddenly became agitated, and a black light roared from the sky, for it was the terrifying-looking Bone Dragon, Qiu Zhong with a cold face, standing on it quietly.

The next moment, his gaze rolled, his cold eyes stared at Xiao Yang and You Li, his voice came out of his mouth word by word.

"Unexpectedly, you would actually appear here, Gu Wangchuan, died in your hands."

(End of this chapter)

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