Master of Beasts

Chapter 406: Wan Ming Cave

Qiu Zhong spreads out in front of Wanming Cave with a little cold voice, making many people's faces a little surprised.

Although many of the people present did not belong to the Guiyu City, the reputation of Qiu Zhonghei Gujiao was too loud. For most people, the eighth-order spiritual master was beyond expectation.

As for Gu Wangchuan, many people also understand that after hearing the meaning of Qiu Zhong's words, this person was actually killed?

"Senior Qiu, are you asking too much?" Xiao Yang smiled coldly.

Xiao Yang's words spread, and everyone's expressions are quite wonderful. This is an eighth-order spiritual master, a junior, how dare to talk to him like this?

"Hehe, boy, don't think that if you use some crooked ways to kill Cao Xi by luck, you will have the capital of arrogance."

A young man in white walked out from behind Qiu Zhong. He glanced at Xiao Yang sarcastically, and said faintly, "You are not qualified yet."

Xiao Yang squinted his eyes slightly, and the surrounding crowd shrank suddenly, their faces full of disbelief.

Almost no one of them knew about the news of Cao Xi's fall. This eighth-order spiritual master often wandered around in the surrounding towns, so many people had a certain impression of him.

Cao Yan, but the elder of the Nine Wind Gate, and Qin Feng, the master of the Nine Wind Gate, was only one step away from the strong Lingpan. With such a background, Cao Yan died in the hands of a young man?

This is really unimaginable.

"Then what do you think is the qualification?" Xiao Yang looked at the white-clothed youth with calm eyes, without the slightest sign of irritation in his words.

"You can take the next trick from my crystal lion claws, and talk about these things again, otherwise, no matter how much you talk about it, it won't help." The young man smiled.

"It's the Black Skeleton Cult's Chu Hua. At a young age, he broke through to the fifth-order spiritual master. He has extraordinary potential. If he is placed in Xuan Phoenix City, he will have the strength to compete for the Holy Light!"

"Fifth-tier spiritual master strong, my God, when I was in his grade, I was just a seventh-tier spiritual master."

Looking at the smiling young man in white, there was an uproar around him. Although in the towns around the Nether Light Empire, there are endless spiritual masters, but most people have just broken through the spiritual master.

The fifth-order spirit master, even among them, can be regarded as top-notch.

"Tier 5 Spirit Lord, do you think you are very powerful?" Xiao Yang looked at Chu Hua lightly. Perhaps his talent is good in the Nether Light Empire, but if you want to rely on this, you want to step on him. It can only be said that he found the wrong person.

"I don't think it, but it's better than you." Chu Hua smiled. Although Xiao Yang didn't show his strength, according to Qiu Zhong, he was just a Tier 3 spiritual master. This talent really couldn't get him. eye.

Of course, at this moment, he instinctively ignored the age gap between the two.


Just as Chi Yan spread its sharp claws, and just about to fly out, Wan Ming Cave, which had been calm, suddenly rioted, and a burst of black energy spurted out of it. Although it was not black underworld, it looked like that. , Is also extremely scary.

The billowing black air rose into the air, and the stone wall above was smeared in pitch black. The vegetation growing there suddenly withered, as if it had lost all its vitality.

The gushing black air lasted for about a comfortable time before it slowly stopped. In the Ten Thousand Underworld Cave, it also became clean. Just like Fang Yan said, at this time, it is indeed the most suitable time to enter the Ten Thousand Underworld Cave. .


The many spiritual masters who stopped here, seeing such a scene, all showed ecstasy, rushing into the cave crazily. Compared to the confrontation between Xiao Yang and Chu Hua, it is obviously a treasure in the Ten Thousand Nether Cave. To attract them.

"a bunch of idiots."

Looking at the rioting crowd, Chu Hua curled his lips in disdain, and immediately looked at Xiao Yang with a faint smile: "Good luck, but, in the Ten Thousand Dark Caverns, don't run into me, otherwise, you will definitely Regret for offending me Black Skull Sect."

He glanced at Xiao Yang with cold eyes, Qiu Zhong also turned around. He wanted to get the Black Underworld Pearl, not for the King of the Nights, but only wanted to use that majestic spiritual power to make the Underworld Dragon break through the Lingfang.

As long as he can become a strong Lingpan, let alone Xiao Yang, even the Youli standing next to him will not be regarded by him at all.

"Let's go in too."

Looking at the backs of Qiu Zhong and the others, Xiao Yang didn't have the slightest fear on his face. Instead, there was some expectation. I don't know if the two black pearl beads will encounter unexpected changes when they meet.

From the outside, Wanming Cave is very ordinary, but once you enter it, you will see that there is actually another cave in it.

Numerous tortuous passages are distributed in the Ten Thousand Nether Caves. After hesitating for a while, many spiritual masters chose a passage to enter, but the strange thing is that after entering the passage, they can’t hear it at all. The sound in the other channels is only the clear footsteps echoing in this channel.

Taking a look at the Suohunzhen, Xiao Yang frowned slightly, and the sharp needle tip was wobbly in two directions ~ even the one in Youli's hand.


After pondering for a while, Xiao Yang chose the opposite channel to Qiu Zhong and the others. At this time, he could only trust his instincts.

"Unexpectedly, there are many people entering this passage."

Looking at a pair of young men and women in front, You Li's eyes flickered slightly, it is not difficult to see that the relationship between the men and women is very unusual.

The young man, laughing endlessly, seemed to be trying his best to please the woman next to him.

Swiping his gaze slowly, Xiao Yang was surprised to see that there were small stone chambers around the stone wall of the passage, but they were empty and there was nothing in them.

"Perhaps, some people got on board first." Xiao Yang smiled lightly.

I don't know how long Wanming Cave has existed. Even if there were any treasures on the periphery of this cave, it would have been taken away long ago.

"It's Zijin Dan!"

Suddenly, the woman in front of her cried out in surprise, her fingers tightly pointing at a stone chamber, in which a purple-gold pill was suspended.

"Unexpectedly, there are really treasures." You Li said in surprise.

"If you have one, you can't enter. All the surrounding stone chambers have been raided, but only it has hidden objects. It must be a place of execution." Xiao Yang shook his head slightly.


The young man in front of him turned his head, glanced at Xiao Yang sarcastically, and sneered: "Don't think that everyone is like you, timid and fearful, even if the opportunity is right in front of you, you don't dare to fight for it."

"That's, maybe, I want to trick us away, and then go in and get the pill by myself." The woman was also attached.

After speaking, the two hurried into the stone room, for fear that Xiao Yang and You Li would take the lead.

(End of this chapter)

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