Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 965: overall level 3

"In this way, high-ranking powerhouses have their own abilities to change the characteristics of the regional environment, and to a certain extent, they can already slightly affect the operation of the rules of the universe."

Jiang Heng felt that his guess should be close to ten.

After a little thought, he gritted his teeth again, and said secretly: "It seems that I have been too obsessed with the way of refining weapons and formations recently. Rather than envying others, it is better to make myself stronger."

After talking with Bai Lao for a while, Jiang Heng found an independent quiet room to accumulate this viewing experience alone, while comparing his own realm and perception, and on the other hand, he also took all the remaining Golden Body Pills for conversion Become a real strength.

Watching the battle today, in terms of the physical body, you can see the powerful demeanor of the beast king, a seventh-level physical body powerhouse, which is of great reference significance for Jiang Heng.

"Although what this Beastmaster seems to have mastered is not only the pure physical body, but also some kind of strange beast law, which is something special that I have never seen before. But there is no doubt that the combination of these two roads is very important for the power of the physical body. The increase is extremely terrifying."

Thinking back to the scenes I saw today, the performance of the Beastmaster is definitely amazing. Maybe the method is a bit simple, but in terms of strength, the Beastmaster is indeed terrifying.

"It would be great if I could get a drop of blood essence from the Beastmaster."

Jiang Heng felt that it was a pity. If he could get the blood essence, he could imitate the opponent's powerful form through the Brahma Martial Saint Physique, which could be regarded as strengthening his own trump card.

Shaking his head, Jiang Heng began to formally practice.

"It hasn't been long since I broke through to the second level of the demigod last time, but it only took me a hundred years to break through that time, and the remaining four hundred years have been spent on accumulating cultivation and stabilizing the realm. Now I want to break through to the third level in one breath Although it is somewhat difficult, it is not impossible to have so many golden body pills to complement each other.

Furthermore, when I forged Niwang Armor before, the hammering method tempered my physical body almost to this level and it was close to a perfect state. The rules are much simpler. "

Jiang Heng thought for a moment and felt that the time for him to break through to the third level might have come.

If it is a normal situation, Jiang Heng doesn't mind delaying it for thousands of years and tens of thousands of years. It will be more beneficial than harmful for the future to be more stable.

But cultivation has never been something that you can step into the level of a true **** step by step with steady progress.

Fight for everything, fight with people, fight with heaven and earth, and fight with the will of the universe!

"The attitudes of Ji Yinghou and Beastmaster are unclear, and my time is running out."

Jiang Heng sighed secretly, although he knew that even if he stepped into the third rank, he would be like an ant in the face of the seventh-rank high-ranking powerhouse, but a little more strength would be of great benefit to his belief and confidence.

No more hesitation. Jiang Heng began to pour one Golden Body Pill into his stomach one after another. Every time he threw one, his body would increase a lot, but as time went by, Jiang Heng took more and more Golden Body Pills. It was also found that the increase of this thing's own strength became smaller and smaller.

Also known as drug resistance.

"Now that I have taken nearly fifty golden body pills, the increase of the golden body pills to the physical body is already less than one-tenth of the original. If this continues, it will certainly increase my strength, but this is already too much. Not worth it."

Jiang Heng sighed secretly, although the Golden Body Pill was already considered an excellent pill for tempering the body with extremely low resistance to physical martial arts, it was still not enough to look at.

Jiang Heng wondered if he should contact Luo Mingming to see if he could buy some other body quenching pills from him.

Just pondering for a while, Jiang Heng felt a thin line across his mind and slapped his head violently.

"How did I forget it."

This time, Jiang Heng didn't continue to swallow the elixir, but directly sank his mind and manipulated and touched the strange disc that had been suspended in his dantian with his spiritual thoughts.

He suddenly remembered, didn't this thing have developed a new function at that time.

With the touch of divine sense, this thing seemed to feel something, as if it was woken up by a fly after sleeping for a long time, and it moved impatiently.

And Jiang Heng only felt that his soul was being swung away, as if he had been slapped hard by a big hand.

This made Jiang Heng even more happy. This thing is really conscious, but it's normal.

With his current attainments in formation art refining, he can't see how this thing is forged, let alone see through the mystery of the formation pattern formed on the opponent's surface.

It can be seen from this that the level of this thing has far exceeded the level of ordinary high-ranking semi-divine weapons. It may be a true divine tool, or it may be an existence beyond that level.

Jiang Heng didn't know about this, so he could only use clumsy methods to try to wake up the other party again.

As Jiang Heng harassed him tirelessly, the other party seemed to be angry, and began to rotate slowly. The texture on the surface of the compass shone slightly, and the complex structure in the middle began to rotate rapidly.

Along with the rotation, a strong and suffocating suction force stirred up the situation in the dantian.

In just one breath, Jiang Heng felt that the power of law, energy and blood in his body were declining exponentially as a whole, and even the soul was rapidly declining.

It seems that the location of the compass is a flood outlet in Jiang Heng's body, and all energy, matter and power in Jiang Heng's body are vented along the compass.

This thing is like a black hole with no bottom line. After only five breaths, Jiang Heng felt heavy breathing and dizzy.

This is a state where all the strength of the whole body has entered a state of extreme exhaustion.

The four laws in the body, space, time, air way, and physical way have been exhausted, especially the spirit, energy and spirit.

At the sixth breath, Jiang Heng felt that after the other party couldn't absorb any substance in his body, it seemed that the angry child who still couldn't get vent, started to devour Jiang Heng's life force.

All of a sudden, Jiang Heng felt an inexplicable energy in his body that was being consumed rapidly. This is life and longevity!

Feeling so far, Jiang Heng wanted to stop him, but when he tilted his head, his vision went dark and he passed out immediately.

I don't know how long it has passed, but when Jiang Heng woke up again, he found himself terribly weak.

His whole body was as exhausted as if he had gone through several times of dehydration and tens of thousands of life-and-death struggles.

After losing the strength of the boss, Jiang Heng propped himself up and let himself lean against the wall. Only then did he have the time to breathe heavily, and at the same time, he felt his brain buzzing.

Not only was his whole body extremely weak, but even his soul was exhausted.

He wanted to check his condition, but felt weak, so he tilted his head and fell asleep again.

When Yoyo woke up again, Jiang Heng felt that his body had regained some strength, and his mental state was also a little better.

"Why is this thing so domineering this time? Could it be that I offended you?"

Jiang Heng was a little depressed, the other party hadn't been so domineering last time. This time, it was enough to drain all the energy in his body, and even a lot of life and longevity were taken away.

After a little perception, Jiang Heng found that he had lost about 800,000 years of lifespan out of thin air.

Shouyuan is a rather mysterious thing, and it is impossible to perceive the specific amount, but it can somewhat perceive the approximate age and lifespan of oneself.

Just like Jiang Heng now feels that he is really the same age as the one he pretended to be on the surface, even if he doesn't have to pretend, he is still 800,000 years old.


Jiang Heng felt it carefully, and suddenly found that his cultivation base had stepped into the third-order level in one breath, which was very stable and did not feel vain at all.

For a third-order demigod, 800,000 years old is not considered an advanced age, but a middle-aged person.

Since Shouyuan didn't have to worry about it for the time being, Jiang Heng began to feel his current situation carefully.

The new function of the compass has been tried by himself before. It is similar to an efficient purification mechanism, which can absorb all the abilities in his body for purification.

At this time, with Jiang Heng's investigation, there was a new definition of the purification ability of this thing.


His mother is strong and terrifying.

The previous purification of the compass was only applied to the power of law, but this time it was different. Jiang Heng felt that although the strength of his soul had not transformed to the fourth level, it was definitely the most stable level among the third level, as tough as an entity.

With a thought, Jiang Heng's soul left his body, and he saw a real Jiang Heng walking out of his body.

All of a sudden, Jiang Heng changed from one to two, but one is the body and the other is the soul.

Jiang Heng moved a little bit, feeling that his current soul is really condensed, which can be called a masterpiece. If he doesn't use spiritual sense to perceive it, he would think that this is a living person with the naked eye.

With the current strength of the soul, Jiang Heng feels that he is more comfortable when using the soul-like magic weapon, and his control over the magic weapon is greatly enhanced.

After finishing his attempt on the soul, Jiang Heng turned to explore the power of the four laws in his body.

This look shocked again.

The powers of the four laws have all been purified and increased to varying degrees!

No! It should be said that there are ups and downs.

The ones that go up are the space way and the time way.

These two avenues have entered the third-order level at the same time. Not only these two avenues, which were originally only at the domain master level, have entered the demigod level, even the physical body and the air way have also entered the third-order level.

The four avenues formed a perfect balance at this moment.

"How did this happen? Could it be that the compass purified the power of my physical body, removed the attributes of the physical body, turned it into a blank attribute, and integrated it into the space and time?"

Jiang Heng was confused, he knew that the compass could eliminate the attributes of the avenue.

As early as the last time he tried this function, Jiang Heng discovered that the compass can remove the excess power of the physical body and distribute it to other avenues, and the purified physical body will be removed from its attribute characteristics, and simply integrated into other avenues with pure law strength .

It is equivalent to Jiang Heng, even if he only concentrates on improving the body Tao in the future, he can rely on the particularity of this compass to let the body Tao continue to distribute power to the rest of the road.

This undoubtedly reduces the difficulty for Jiang Heng to collect the two scarce avenues of space and time.

Otherwise, with the scarcity of time and space Tao in the outside world, Jiang Heng wants to raise it to the same level as the physical Tao step by step.

"The origin of the compass is definitely not simple. It can directly bypass the will of the universe and directly allow the two avenues of space and time in my body to step from the domain master to the demigod level at the same time, without going through any catastrophe!"

After recovering from the excitement, Jiang Heng discovered the incredibleness of this.

It is said that crossing the catastrophe did not exist in the age when the ancient gods were active, and there was no theory of calamity in the age of the ancient gods.

For those ancient gods, the way for them to step into the true **** is also very simple, that is, eat, sleep, eat, and eat, and slowly as the years go by, they will naturally step into the true **** level.

There is really a record of crossing the catastrophe, that is after the dusk of the gods, with the end of the battle of the gods.

After the few surviving ancient true gods were killed by their direct descendants, the universe seemed to have self-awareness. At this point, the catastrophe appeared.

At the beginning, the Heavenly Tribulation was still relatively chaotic, and the crossing of the Tribulation often came and went very abruptly, and there was no precise law.

But as the years passed, the law of crossing the catastrophe gradually came into being, that is, every time a monk boasted a high rank, there would be a catastrophe.

The biggest catastrophes are nothing more than these types, one is the catastrophe of domain masters to demigods.

The second category is when the middle rank enters the realm of high ranks, and when the ranks enter the realm of true gods.

By analogy, the last catastrophe is the most terrifying. It is said that the catastrophe one needs to face when stepping into the true **** is the true projection of cosmic consciousness.

Because once stepping into the true god, it means competing with the consciousness of the universe for part of the authority between heaven and earth. This is something that cannot be taken away from cosmic consciousness.

Jiang Heng also had his own guesses about this.

Jiang Heng felt that the reason why the ancient gods had no cosmic consciousness was because most of the power in the universe was controlled by those ancient gods.

It wasn't until the ancient gods died, that the consciousness of the universe had a greenhouse for the birth of consciousness.

"Being able to bypass cosmic consciousness, this thing should be at least the level of a true god."

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng remembered that this thing was a weird thing that appeared when he was reborn.

At that time, I thought this thing was the benefit of the time traveler, but now it seems that it is not.

"I remember that the Qinglan Realm was originally a place where part of the remains of an ancient **** That ancient **** was called the God of War. Could this be the relic of the God of War?"

Jiang Heng can only speculate about this, after all, it is impossible for the old God of War to come back alive and tell him everything.

Shaking his head, Jiang Heng ignored these too long-standing problems, and began to feel the condition of his body again.

"The strength of the physical body seems to have dropped a little. It seems that the law of the physical body has been divided a lot and there has been an irresistible decline. But it is definitely a surprise to let space and time step into the third level."

Now my physical strength has directly dropped to the third level, which is completely on par with the other three avenues.

Jiang Heng was not angry about this, and he was lucky.

"Such a good thing is indeed good, but the price is not small, the lifespan of 800,000 years. Judging from the lifespan of a third-order demigod whose limit is close to 3 million years, if I come here a few more times, I will die suddenly on the spot.

And every time the compass absorbs more and more strength, it has not absorbed life energy before, but this time it actually targets life energy.

Such cheats are okay to use once in a while, but if they are not guaranteed to be used many times, they will have to be pumped dry. "

Jiang Heng was not dazzled by the huge benefits and benefits, on the contrary he became extra vigilant.

Goldfinger is good, but it's just too boring.

Jiang Heng decided that he would not wake up the compass easily when he had not fully stepped into the fourth-order level.

Only after stepping into the fourth level can one's own lifespan usher in another explosive growth, so it can be regarded as having a bottom line.

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