Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 966: Prince of Nightmare

After resting in the quiet room for a long time, Jiang Heng adjusted his aura evenly and could cover up the aura of the breakthrough as much as possible before he pushed the door out.

When Jiang Heng walked out of the quiet room and came to the fifth floor to meet Bai Lao, he found that the other party looked at him in a strange way.

"Senior White, is there something on my face?"

"No, you don't know how long it took you to retreat this time, do you?"

"how long?"

Jiang Heng was suspicious, he really didn't know how long it took, and it didn't seem that long in his perception. The only thing I'm not sure about is how long it took me to fall asleep, which is uncertain.

"Three hundred and twenty-five years! You have been in seclusion for more than three hundred years, why are you making a breakthrough?"

Bai Lao has a fifth-level cultivation base, and even Jiang Heng can see through his cultivation base at close range even if he conceals it.

"Well, I broke through by luck, and I have stepped into the third level." Jiang Heng nodded with a smile, and at the same time added in his heart that the four avenues have stepped into the third level at the same time.

"That's not bad!" Bai Lao also nodded with a smile, and he found that he liked Jiang Heng more and more now.

Jiang Heng was originally the young man he valued. As Jiang Heng's skill in crafting became more and more advanced, Bai Lao was actually somewhat worried about Jiang Heng's age.

The breath of life exposed by Jiang Heng through the disguise mask before was already 800,000 years old. Now that Jiang Heng has stepped into the third level, his lifespan has increased a lot. With Jiang Heng's talent for refining, he feels that he still has a chance to become a master of refining in the future.

"But you have missed a lot of interesting things in this retreat, kid."

"Interesting things?"

Seeing Jiang Heng's doubts, Bai Lao smiled and narrated what happened in the past three hundred years.

The trend of the war has gradually heated up, and now the super-dimensional kingdom of God has decided to negotiate peace with the southern border, and it is said that it plans to hold a peace talks meeting recently.

Jiang Heng felt a little surprised by this, and couldn't help asking about the details of what happened in the past few hundred years.

Bai Lao took the trouble to explain that in the past three hundred years, nearly a thousand high-ranking battles broke out between the two sides. Although the high-ranking powerhouses on both sides did not appear to fall, the subordinates suffered heavy losses.

Regardless of the fact that the omnic armies of the Super-Dimensional God Kingdom are all metal armies that can be mass-produced, they only need to invest in a certain amount of data carriers to become powerful fighters one by one.

However, under the continuous input of soldiers, even the super-dimensional kingdom of God has to consider the losses. It is not in line with the way of thinking of the super-dimensional kingdom of God to continue to consume without being able to advance or retreat.

So this is the upcoming peace talks.

Although Jiang Heng was somewhat surprised by this, he also felt that it was somewhat unexpected.

After all, the attitude of the Chaodimensional God Kingdom has always been relatively tough. It is clear that it wants to set foot in the plane of the main universe, and bite off a large piece of fat in the southern border of the Great Zhou Empire, so as to slowly expand in the main universe step by step. The voice of the plane.

Jiang Heng now also knows why Bai Lao is smiling.

One of the three major powers in the universe, such as the super-dimensional kingdom of God, can be subdued, no matter what, it is something that all the children of the southern border can be proud of.

"I heard that the person in charge of the peace talks this time is His Royal Highness. The old man remembers that the last time he saw His Royal Highness was when he was young. Now hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and he has become a big man in his own right."

Bai Lao stroked his beard with a look of nostalgia.

Now that he has understood the changes in the situation in the Southern Territory and the Chaowei Divine Kingdom, Jiang Heng is not very interested in His Royal Highness.

It was nothing more than some political games, and Jiang Heng didn't have the ability or interest to participate in it, so he simply didn't bother to pay attention to it.

Seeing Jiang Heng's lack of interest, Bai Lao smiled mysteriously and said, "Don't you care less, kid.

It is rare for the son to come out, and it is said that His Royal Highness has obtained the power of the commander in chief of the battle from the prince.

Although this power is only temporary, it also represents a signal. It shows that the prince has begun to gradually delegate power to His Royal Highness.

Do you know what that means? "


Jiang Heng was not very interested, and his response was rather perfunctory.

"What else can it mean, don't you know? This is an opportunity to get close to the power center of the southern border in the future!

Now His Royal Highness is determined to hold a martial arts competition on the front line, at which time all legions can recommend strong men under a million years old to participate.

His Royal Highness said that he would choose one from the low position and one from the middle position to serve as his personal bodyguards. "

Seeing that Jiang Heng was still indifferent, Bai Lao hated that iron could not be made into steel, but he still kindly reminded: "Although Ji Yuanhou was named Marquis because of his illustrious military exploits two million years ago. But he used to be the prince's Confidant guard. Do you understand now?"

Jiang Heng understood that Bai Lao wanted him to embrace the thigh of the future prince as soon as possible.

"And once you have the title of following His Royal Highness, there will be many conveniences in the future. Like many master craftsmen and formation engravers in the palace, they all followed the prince in their early years.

If you can follow His Royal Highness, then if you want to ask those old guys in the palace to give advice, can they still refuse? "

Bai Lao talked about the various benefits, and he also sincerely considered Jiang Heng.

After all, although he himself followed Ji Yinghou, he still misses the days when he followed the prince very much. Although in the palace, occasionally some treasures needed by the nobles need to be refined. But most of the time he can be regarded as detached, and he doesn't need to travel around like he is now.

The resources of the entire southern border are even more readily available.

Although Bai Lao said that spit stars are flying everywhere, but Jiang Heng is not sad about those benefits and conveniences. However, I really have some ideas about following His Royal Highness.

"Now Jiyinghou and Beastmaster don't know their attitude towards me. Maybe it's not bad to switch to His Royal Highness."

Jiang Heng pondered for a while, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was indeed safe, and His Royal Highness and the prince were a family. There is almost no difference between serving the prince himself and serving His Royal Highness.

"With my current strength, I don't have any problem getting the low-ranked demigod, and following His Royal Highness can indeed save me a lot of trouble."

After pondering for a while, Jiang Heng felt that this matter was really promising.

After chatting again, Jiang Heng gradually learned more comprehensive information.

According to Bai Lao's description, His Royal Highness Shizi's fleet will arrive at the front line in five days, and in seven days it should be the military exercise conference.

Each legion can recommend ten places to participate in the game.

Now there are nearly ten legions stationed on the front line, so there are fifty participants in each of the low-rank and mid-rank contests.

It's just that Jiang Heng is a little bit in trouble, because the recommendation quota is only recommended by the head of the army.

The head of the Jiying Legion is naturally Jiying Hou.

Jiang Heng couldn't help frowning when he thought of the Hou Ye who had a strange attitude towards him.

"Are you worried about the number of recommended places? Don't worry, the old man will discuss this matter with Lord Hou. Besides, Lord Hou has seen your strength before. I believe Lord Hou will be happy to do this favor."

Bai Lao didn't care about it at all. In his opinion, a good seed like Jiang Heng would probably satisfy any conditions for Ji Yinghou.

Jiang Heng didn't have much hope for this, but he never expected that Elder Bai would tell him three days later that Master Hou had already promised the recommendation.

This made Jiang Heng a little suspicious.

"Isn't Ji Yinghou and the guy who wants to assassinate me not in the same group?"

Regarding this guess, Jiang Heng has been deeply buried in his heart, and he doesn't even reveal the slightest to the outside.

On the fifth day, Jiang Heng followed the legion to participate in the ceremony to welcome His Royal Highness.

In order to show off their might to His Royal Highness, almost all of the ten legions spliced ​​together the port garrisons temporarily this time to form a huge landmass.

At the same time, all the members of the legion were neatly arranged to accept the inspection of the people from the fleet slowly approaching from a distance.

"That is His Royal Highness's car, a starry sky behemoth with space attributes!"

Following the direction Bai Lao pointed at, Jiang Heng saw a huge ferocious beast surrounded by the fleet in the distance. The giant beast was like a meandering giant snake, wandering in the void, and he couldn't see what it was doing. Swimming quickly, but the opponent's figure is like a slide, and it will move a long distance in the blink of an eye.

"The demigod-level giant beast is still such a rare attribute. It is said that it was the prince himself who killed it, and captured the cubs and raised them for nearly a million years before they have the loyalty they have today!"

Silently remembering Bai Lao's words in his heart, Jiang Heng also noticed that there was a small palace with bright lights above the giant beast, and a tall and straight young man stood on the outer platform of the palace.

The appearance of this person is seven or eight points similar to that of Nan Wang. Although he is a little immature, he can still see a lot of Nan Wang's heroism. A pair of sword eyebrows that are almost the same as Nan Wang are very eye-catching.

At the same time, he also noticed that there was this purple Shutong between the eyebrows, and the Shutong was also scanning all the soldiers present.

"Don't stare at the devil boy of His Royal Highness!"

Old Bai whispered a voice transmission reminder.

"Magic boy?"

"His Royal Highness is the son of the prince and the queen of the demon clan! You may not have heard much about the demon clan, but this clan is a super powerful clan in the four-dimensional plane!

They call themselves the Kingdom of Demons and Demons, and they can be regarded as one of the three major forces in the four-dimensional plane. There are nearly 100,000 demigod-level clansmen in the clan all year round.

Her Majesty the Queen has a high position.

Most of the void gold obtained from the four-dimensional world in our southern border is obtained through the relationship with the demon clan. "

It's no wonder that the Southern Border Army can so generously use void gold to smelt it like a god-killing cannon.

Jiang Heng understood, and at the same time secretly surprised, the top powerhouses in this universe are really chaotic.

This is no longer intermarriage with another race, but intermarriage with another world.

Jiang Heng secretly admires Nanwang Lu Ziye.

And at this time, I don't know if it's Jiang Heng's illusion, the vertical child of His Royal Highness suddenly swept Jiang Heng.

With the four eyes facing each other, a feeling of swollen head hit, and the figure seemed to be a little unsteady.

It was Bai Lao who was on the side supporting Jiang Heng so that he would not fall to the ground.

"I told you not to look into the eyes of His Royal Highness! The magic eye can take away the soul. It is extremely aimed at the soul, and it will cause great damage to the soul instead of looking at it for too long!"

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Elder Bai solemnly warns, not to mention that Jiang Heng will no longer look at His Royal Highness.

His mother is too weird.

"Those eyes are a bit weird! My soul is not too weak, but I still almost fell into a hallucination."

Jiang Heng was startled secretly, even though he had been careless just now, he was not on guard, let alone opened his heart.

But just such a casual glance by the other party can have such an effect, which makes Jiang Heng's fear of His Royal Highness rise several steps.

"What is the state of His Royal Highness?"

There seemed to be a shielding force field near the other party, and Jiang Heng knew that he could not rashly investigate the cultivation level of a royal highness on such occasions, so he could only ask Bai Lao.

"I don't know the specific realm of His Royal Highness, but I just heard that His Royal Highness was already at the peak of the third rank as early as 100,000 years ago, and now I think he has stepped into the middle level."

Bai Lao stroking his beard was also slightly pondering.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng grinned, wondering if this guy is still recruiting guards?

And Jiang Heng also noticed that the other party already had guards beside him, a burly man with at least a sixth-order armor stomach like an iron tower.

This big man does not seem to be an ordinary person, he has eight arms, and his exposed muscles are full of extreme explosive power.

On the other side of His Royal Highness, there is a pale and thin gloomy with long hair hanging down the back of his head, and a pair of dead fish eyes looking around from time to time.

With the two guards, Jiang Heng can only guess from the burly man that he may be good at the physical body or the ability related to it. As for the other, it is not at all clear.

The state of the two guards is not easy to detect, as for the soldiers escorting along the way, they did not hide their breath.

Jiang Heng felt clearly about this, they were all low-ranking first-order demigod soldiers with a unified realm.

These soldiers made Jiang Heng look sideways, because these guys are like puppets, their eyes and posture are always motionless. If there are not some people in the positions who have to move, I am afraid that Jiang Heng will think that they are all puppets .

More importantly, the breaths of these people are very similar.

It's like a thousand brothers who are connected by blood.

That's right, His Royal Highness's entourage is only a thousand people.

"Don't look too much, these are the imperial guards of the royal palace! They look like living people, but they are actually dead soldiers who have their spirits taken away and refined with special medicine. They can form the most perfect battle formation, They are not afraid of death, and with the same number of people, their combat power is almost equal to that of Ji Yuanhou's army!"

Bai Lao reminded again, as if he was afraid that Jiang Heng would provoke some kind of moth again.

Regarding Bai Lao's statement, Jiang Heng has actually seen it in some ancient books.

It is said that during the Old Zhou Dynasty, some great nobles of the Old Zhou Empire especially liked to use this method to cultivate the imperial guards.

When Jiang Heng saw this method for the first time, he only thought it was cruel, but he didn't expect that the habit of the old Zhou Dynasty was still preserved in today's southern border.

"You don't think that the prince is cruel and heartless, do you?"

Seemingly guessing what Jiang Heng was thinking, Bai Lao said unhappily.

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