Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 990: Back then

Now Jiang Heng is becoming more and more interested in Tianzong of Wuji Dao.

Even in ancient times, this sect is definitely not an unknown person. It has the laws of space and time at the same time, but the sect's resident is within the relic of the Mother Goddess of Life, which is very strange.

Looking at the plaque above the palace, Jiang Heng saw several flamboyant words.

"The Promise Hall!"

The style of the temple is a bit solemn and solemn, and the overall color is black and white, which looks a bit yin and yang.

Stepping into the area of ​​the main hall square, Jiang Heng was quickly attracted by the many corpses on the ground.

There are quite a few corpses lying here and there. At a glance, there are probably no fewer than a hundred of them. These people are all wearing uniform long robes and wearing simple buns. Each of these bodies had fatal wounds of varying magnitude.

"Are they all the remains of demigod-level powerhouses?" Jiang Heng noticed that the coagulated blood on the corpses was golden, and several of them had shown a semi-distorted trend.

"If the demigod level powerhouse is still alive, it stands to reason that he would not die so easily."

However, Jiang Heng found that these corpses only had fatal injuries on their bodies, and there seemed to be no other injuries.

"What happened back then?"

These people were obviously disciples of the Tianzong of Wuji Dao, but they died cleanly, and they still died in the hinterland of their own sect.

Jiang Heng carefully checked the objects on these corpses, and collected nearly dozens of storage rings in total, and some storage rings were broken.

Perhaps it was because this place was isolated from the outside world for so many years, not only did the corpses retain the appearance of not long after death, but even the things on them were also well preserved.

Not in a hurry to enter the palace to search, Jiang Heng began to search for many objects in the storage ring, hoping to find some information.

However, after browsing for about a quarter of an hour, Jiang Heng only found some pills needed for cultivation, as well as semi-divine weapons and some exercises.

The exercises are all the same, and there is a book called "Wuji Duotian Fortune Art" in it. This exercise should be the main exercise of Wuji Dao Tianzong. In addition, there are some relatively simple exercises, such as tempering the body, such as secret techniques and so on.

There are quite a few martial arts and martial arts, but they all seem to be ordinary basic martial arts.

Jiang Heng took a look at the Wuji Duotian Good Fortune Kung Fu, and found that it is a method of tempering the body, which is different from many current kung fu methods.

The practice of this ancient sect pays attention to absorbing the energy of all things, using one's own dantian as a melting pot to continuously extract energy and torment the physical body.

If it is an ordinary demigod who sees this skill, he will definitely take it as a treasure.

However, in Jiang Heng's opinion, it is still slightly inferior to other exercises such as the Beihe Great Zhou Tianxing Divine Art, but it cannot be denied that this exercise is definitely an excellent exercise for laying the foundation.

Perhaps this exercise is not as strong as the Beihe Great Zhoutian Star's magical power for increasing the physical body, but it is comparable to the Beihe Great Zhoutian Star's magical power for improving the foundation.

"Even I can practice this technique now, but the speed of cultivation of this technique will not be fast, and we should pay attention to a step-by-step process to slowly develop a strong foundation. It can be regarded as an extremely rare treasure."

Jiang Heng put away this "Wuji Duotian Fortune Art", and stored the many martial arts and martial arts in it into the storage ring.

As for the elixir and magic weapon Jiang Heng collected, they were also stored in separate categories, but Jiang Heng felt that it was unlikely that he would take the elixir.

In the past so many years, even if the time here is abnormal, who knows if this elixir can still be eaten.

However, these magical weapons still retain a lot of charm, and they only need to be cultivated for a while, and these treasures will return to their peak.

It is that these magic weapons are all third-tier magic weapons of the unified standard. Jiang Heng naturally despises them, but they are still a lot of wealth, and they can be used slowly in the future.

"Just didn't find any journals or biographies."

Jiang Heng was a little regretful, he didn't find any written records describing what happened that year.

In addition to martial arts and martial arts, these people also carried a copy of their mission reports, identity tokens and other miscellaneous items with them.

After putting away these storage rings, Jiang Heng began to explore the palace.

The situation inside the palace was not much better than outside, and there were also many corpses in disorder, all of which were piercing wounds that killed them with one blow.

But Jiang Heng is very clear that if this kind of penetrating injury is against a mortal, it will definitely kill him in one blow, but these are all demigod-level existences, how could this be so?

At this moment, what Jiang Heng came to should be the front hall here. The interior style of the front hall is quite spacious and bright. The top is not an eaves but an open-air square skylight. Lying quietly inside, the dragon corpse clearly had a hole in its head, and blood and broken bones could be seen.

It's also a one-hit kill.

Looking around, there were also several corpses around, Jiang Heng squatted down and carefully checked the traces of the corpses.

Jiang Heng wiped the wound and found that the blood had coagulated, and so was the blood inside.

The corpses of demigod-level powerhouses will not be easily corrupted. The corpses of demigod-level powerhouses will retain extremely strong activity for hundreds of years, and they can maintain a certain degree of integrity without protection for ten thousand years.

After that, the body of the demigod powerhouse will continue to undergo distortion and energy loss as time goes by.

"The time here is isolated from the outside world. In this way, maybe the time I came here may not be long before they fell!"

Jiang Heng suddenly thought of a possibility, thinking of this, his expression suddenly became serious.

The palm protruded slightly, hovered over the corpse, and immediately began to rotate counterclockwise like twisting a valve.

Countless gray and white rays of light converged in the palm of the hand, and strands of gray light began to wrap around the entire corpse at the same time, and soon changes began to emerge, and the time in the area where the corpse was located began to reverse rapidly.

When Jiang Heng's reversal time reached 10,000 years, the corpse in front of him was still just a corpse.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng gritted his teeth and started to rotate the valve again, time flowing backwards again.

Fifty thousand hundred thousand years!

Three hundred thousand million years!

This is also only affecting such a small area. If it is a reverse flow of time covering the entire hall, a reversal of time of 100,000 years may be Jiang Heng's current limit.

It is also true that Jiang Heng admires the power of isolating time here. This is not isolating a palace, but the entire Wuji Dao Tianzong. Its territory is not just a group of palaces, but a continuous Absolute hills and temples.

And it can be isolated from ancient times to the present. Jiang Heng, who can do this, feels that his understanding of time and Tao is beyond imagination.

At this time, when Jiang Heng's reversal time reached 1.2 million years, Jiang Heng began to slow down rapidly.

The picture in front of him began to change, because the time in the area where the corpse was located was only reversed, so the corpse had some changes at this time. Started to stand upside down, while the wound healed rapidly.

And the corpses began to come to life.

It should be said that Jiang Heng is just replaying everything that happened that year. He is not really reversing time.

Compared with the real time reversal, this tricky method saves time and effort.

Time Tao demigod often uses this method when chasing clues.

At this moment, Jiang Heng finally saw what it was that killed this person.

It was a small, exquisite but very sharp throwing knife with a strange shape!

The flying knife easily pierced the man's chest, jumped out from behind, and then rushed out of the screen without stopping, as if attacking and killing another person.

A real one hit kill!

Jiang Heng thought that the murderer might have used some soul-like ultimate moves before, but now it seems that the throwing knife is a huge problem.

"Is this a flying knife that breaks the body and destroys the soul? Such a vicious weapon!"

Jiang Heng sighed, but immediately caught a glimpse of the scene out of the corner of his eye, and unconsciously let out a light sigh from his mouth.

"this is...."

Jiang Heng quickly dialed the time node forward a little bit, and paused the throwing knife on the way.

The eyes began to carefully focus on the surface of the flying knife.

The flying knife looks very sharp like an eagle's beak. This flying knife seems to be used as a flying knife from the beginning, so there is almost nothing near the handle, and only a small part is used for holding.

And there are countless complicated and precise patterns on the surface of the flying knife, which may be just some tiny particles at first glance.

But if you look carefully, you can find out what kind of grains and patterns there are, these are the traces of countless dense pattern patterns.

Jiang Heng, who has already had a good attainment in the field of formation engraving master, thinks that his attainments in formation are not bad.

But what he saw really surprised him.

The density of the inscriptions made his scalp tingle, and every formation node was using links with each other, so Jiang Heng didn't dare to count them carefully.

But with a rough scan, it is estimated that there are at least a thousand inscriptions on it, and it is still a system of super giant formations.

And if these ultra-giant formations are disassembled, there are probably tens of thousands of small formations inside.

So many cumbersome formations can be engraved into such a small flying knife, Jiang Heng has to admire the superb skills of the people who forged this flying knife, they are definitely masters, even the most top-notch batch.

"Although I can't see the level of the flying knife, but it can withstand such a large number of formation inscriptions, its material itself is not bad, at least it must be at a high level, and these inscriptions are added. This flying knife is estimated to be in eight above grade."

Said to be above the eighth level, Jiang Heng subconsciously thought that this thing had reached the ninth level, and he was not surprised that some people even said it was a half-step true artifact.

"But who exactly is killing this place with such treasures?"

Jiang Heng was a little curious about the owner of the knife, but unfortunately he could only reverse the time in a small area, and he didn't see the owner of the flying knife on the screen.

The other party was flying knives in the air, even if Jiang Heng was hundreds of thousands of years away, it would not be surprising.

In this way, there is nothing to check.

But after thinking about it, Jiang Heng continued to dial the time forward, reversing the time point before this person was attacked.

In the picture, there is a picture of the deceased talking with people, and there seems to be a person standing outside the picture, which should be his brother.

Jiang Heng looked subconsciously at the corpse lying on the other side of the screen.

This is also the corpse that was very close to the corpse just now. In ancient times, these two were talking during their lifetime.

"Brother Hu Kui, I can't wait to leave the mountain gate without the instructions of the elders and venerables."

"It's really troublesome. I don't know what happened recently. Our Taoist sect has always been aloof from the world. Some time ago, I heard that Elder Hu Kui, who was traveling abroad, suddenly died, and his body was carried back."

"That's right! The elders and the master are very strict now. I heard that the elder Hu Kui's cultivation has reached the realm of reaching the sky, and he is only one step away from the only realm of true immortals.

Such a penetrating method even said that it fell and fell. "

This Hu Kui was talking with his fellow disciples, Jiang Heng listened quietly, and his brain quickly analyzed the content of their words.

"Tsk tsk, there are only ten people in the entire sect who have reached the heaven-reaching state like Elder Hu Kui. Now that one person has fallen, it is no wonder that the sect is extremely nervous now."

"That's right. After all, our Wuji Dao Tianzong has been indifferent to the world for countless years, and things like today have never happened. I'm afraid the head teacher will feel uncomfortable now."

"Brother Hu Kui, don't speak nonsense. You forgot that our realm has reached the rumored true fairyland, and he has a mysterious perception of the remarks about his deity."

Hearing this, Hu Kui suddenly became nervous, and hastily made a special ritual gesture with both hands, raised his head and closed his eyes as if praying: "It's extremely extreme! My disciple made a slip of the tongue, my disciple made a slip of the tongue!"

"Haha, okay, don't be so nervous, you and I are both disciples of the sect, and the old man who teaches him will not blame me."

The senior brother smiled and patted Hu Kui on the shoulder.

And at this moment, there were faint screams in the screen.

"Enemy attack enemy attack!!"

The screams accompanied by urgent shouts resounded in the distance.

Then the picture shows the flying knife approaching This disciple of the Wuji Dao Tianzong named Hu Kui died instantly.

After reading the entire content, Jiang Heng read it several times, and only withdrew the power of law after he found no other new discoveries.

"That is to say, they were all suddenly attacked and killed. During this period, the high-level officials of the Wuji Dao Tianzong may have noticed something."

It can only be inferred from limited information.

Once again, they searched for the storage rings and equipment on these people in the same way, and they were almost the same as those on the previous people.

"It seems that these people are also the bottom disciples of the sect."

Jiang Heng shook his head, the things in these people are similar and there is not much value at all.


Jiang Heng suddenly stopped, and came to one of the corpses and began to look at it.

The reason why this corpse attracted Jiang Heng's attention was that it was dressed differently from other ordinary disciples. These ordinary disciples of Wuji Dao Tianzong mostly wore black and white.

And this person is dressed in dark blue black clothes, which looks very eye-catching among these people.

However, there were no storage rings or even equipment treasures around this person, only an unbelievable corpse.

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