Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 991: Goodbye Shiyu

Wei Wei hesitated for a moment, Jiang Heng was still using the power of time and slowly began to reverse the time picture of this person.

Time began to pass quickly, because there was one time, so Jiang Heng moved to the time screen one hundred and twenty years later very accurately and quickly.

In the picture, the person was suddenly pierced between the eyebrows with a flying knife, and died immediately, but the objects around him have not changed for a long time.

There were originally two storage rings beside him, a storage bag that described a kit, a long sword and a wine gourd.

But now these things are all gone.

Jiang Heng watched quietly, and found that the things on this person still existed a hundred thousand years after his death.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng's forehead could not help but sweat.

He knew exactly what that meant.

Someone has been here one step ahead of time!

Jiang Heng was shocked, and then slowly moved the screen to the last few days.

Soon, a figure appeared next to the corpse as it was the day before. The person squatted down and picked up the objects on the ground very familiarly.

This person turned his back to the screen, so that Jiang Heng could not see his face.

But this person is a naive child with the appearance of a boy, with an upside-down bun and a very decent small and delicate Taoist robe, which looks like a Taoist pupil.

The man seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly turned his head, revealing a face of a boy carved in powder and jade. At this moment, his strange eyes suddenly seemed to have a whirlpool emerging, and there was no sign of contact with him. Jiang Heng looked at each other.

Jiang Heng thought that this person was attracted by something behind him at that time, but at the next moment, something like a sharp cone suddenly pierced into Jiang Heng's soul.

The severe pain caused him to withdraw the display directly, covering his eyes and grinning.


A severe pain that penetrates deep into the bone marrow and soul.

Pain is still the same thing, but what makes Jiang Heng palpitate is that he has a little impression of this person. This person is none other than one of the twelfth palace masters of the temples who appeared in the hegemonic battlefield before. Tier demigod Shiyu!

"How could this person appear here, just a day ago, he was in this place?"

Jiang Heng looked at the place where the previous picture appeared in horror, his face was uncertain for a while.

At the same time, a figure who was looking for something in the alchemy room in the atrium of the Tianzong of Wuji Dao suddenly paused.

This person is obviously Shi Yu, his appearance is quite young, it is his past body.

Past, future, present, three bodies. Although he strayed into Sanshen Mountain at that time and was tricked by Jian Wushen, he also lost a body in Jian Wushen's hands.

But now that he has three bodies, it obviously took a lot of money to recover.

"Someone has come in, and they are all juniors who practice the Way of Time. Could it be that the remains of the Lord of Time and Space have been discovered by others?"

Shi Yu rubbed his chin. He came here this time because he studied many ancient books and found a shocking clue.

The master of time and space, a great master of time and space in ancient times.

Ordinary demigods don't know the word master.

It is also a rank set by some high-ranking and powerful people who learned from past ancient books. ,

The so-called master is the existence of the level of ancient gods, such as the batch of original gods are all of this level.

In fact, the true God of today and the true God of ancient times are two different concepts.

Although both sides have almost eternal lifespans as long as the Dao they mastered, the environment in the ancient times was different. The gods of that period were powerful existences who truly mastered the entire Dao without sharing any rules.

This is also the way without omissions, and this is called the master.

But today's true gods are acquired through cultivation, and their congenital conditions are far inferior to the original true gods. The original true gods are more like the evolution of the Dao itself.

Today's true gods seem to have mastered a great way, but in fact they are just a collection of laws that were left behind in the universe after the ancient gods fell.

No matter how much you restore the scattered things, you can't restore them to their original appearance.

Therefore, it is difficult for today's true gods to reach the realm of dominance in ancient times.

Unless you practice the double law and step into the realm of the true **** at the same time.

And this master of time and space is such a master who has cultivated time and space to the realm of a true **** through acquired cultivation.

In this regard, Shi Yu searched through a large number of ancient books and classics collected in many ruins before finding the description of the Lord of Time and Space.

It is said that this master of time and space is a powerful existence born in the middle of ancient times, and does not belong to the original group of true gods.

At the end of ancient times, the gods of time and space fought each other and fell due to different ideas, which also caused the authority of time and space to be lost to the universe.

And this master of time and space is the existence of inheriting these two original gods.

This person is unparalleled in talent, and belonged to the overlord level existence in the middle and late ancient times, and in the late ancient times, during the war of the gods, he formed an alliance with the mother goddess of life who was also the overlord.

This is also the reason why the relics of the Lord of Time and Space and the Goddess of Life are next to each other.

It is not who is subordinate to who, but the relationship of mutual alliance.

"If it wasn't for the relic of the Mother of Life, I wouldn't be able to lock the relic of the Lord of Time and Space here."

Shi Yu was a little secretly proud. He found some clues from some ancient books before, knowing that the two parties were in an alliance, and he came here this time to try his luck.

I never thought that luck would be so good, and I found this lost ancient ruins directly.

The master of time and space, this great existence with the body of the future is comparable to the innate.

"I will inherit everything from the Lord of Time and Space and become the second master of the new era. I am the Lord of Time and Space!"

Shi Yu muttered to himself excitedly, his eyes glowed coldly, "No one can stop me from getting the inheritance!"

Thinking back to what he had just perceived, with a thought in his mind, a figure walked out of his body, it was an incarnation outside his body.

"Find him! Then kill him!"

The cold voice resounded, the avatar nodded, and went straight back to the way it came from.

In the ruins of the master of time and space, Shi Yu did not dare to open the time tunnel easily. This kind of trickery might touch some powerful organs.

"But at that time, the division of realms was really varied, and the master realm could also be called the real fairyland."

After ordering the avatar, Shi Yu refocused on the handwriting in his hand.

This is a handwritten note of the elder of the alchemy room. It roughly records some of this person's past and daily life in the form of a diary, but the concept of time is vague for practitioners, so the records are also very confusing. Once in a hundred years, it may also be recorded every tens of thousands of years.

But the information in this manuscript gave Shi Yu a deeper understanding of the Tianzong of Wuji Dao.

In ancient times, every kingdom of God and sect described their realm differently.

Perhaps in the Tianzong of Wuji Dao, the definition of a master is a real fairyland, but in the country of the Mother Goddess of Life, it is a mythical realm.

Moreover, there was no distinction between true gods and masters in ancient times.

It is roughly divided into original and acquired.

At the same time, after realizing Shi Yu's existence, Jiang Heng also became more vigilant.

"I don't know if that person recognizes me. I guess he doesn't remember me. After all, I didn't really meet this person before."

Jiang Heng felt that it was unlikely that the other party would recognize him. After all, he only learned about Shi Yu later by inquiring about Shi Yu's appearance.

Previously, I only knew that someone like Yu sometimes appeared during the Hegemony battlefield.

"However, this person dismissed the storage equipment of ordinary disciples, but directly took away the storage equipment of these unusual disciples. Could it be that this person knew something about this ruin before? Or did he just do it here? here."

Jiang Heng had some guesses. After all, compared to here, it seems that the core area of ​​the Mother Goddess of Life is more attractive.

At best, this place can only be regarded as a small cave in the ruins.

"Did this person enter this place by accident, or did he premeditate?"

This is very important. The former opponent may not have too much killing intent towards him, but if it is the latter, the opponent may extremely want to get rid of him.

After all, if the other party knows exactly what this place is, then this person will never want outsiders like Jiang Heng to get involved in this place.

If it is the former, then the other party is the same as Jiang Heng. Although he feels that this place is becoming more and more unusual, he will not pay too much attention to Jiang Heng. After all, everything here is still unknown, and it may be better for one more person to trigger the formation here. Some.

Jiang Heng doesn't guess these things, he needs to beware of this person no matter what.

"The existence of the eighth level is really troublesome."

Jiang Heng rubbed the center of his brows, feeling that if he really bumped into Shi Yu, he would most likely be cold.

"The space here is abnormal. It's unrealistic to move outside in one go. At most, you can only move a short distance. But this place is weird. I can't easily move it unless it is absolutely necessary."

Jiang Heng took a deep breath, feeling that his road ahead was very difficult!

What Jiang Heng and Shi Yu didn't know was that several other teams also happened to appear at the Tianzong Mountain Gate of Wuji Dao at this time.

Looking at this apparently well-preserved Zongmen mansion, the twenty or so people present all showed greed.

The twenty people here are four teams of top adventurers.

At the highest level, there was even one person who exuded a seventh-level aura, and the average level of more than 20 people was around the fourth or fifth level.

The captains of the other three teams also have Tier 6 strengths, so it can be said that these are four extremely powerful teams.

If this was before, the Adventurer's Union would never have so many powerful adventurer teams.

That is to say, the relics appeared, and other forces in the universe sent strong people to settle in. For the convenience of action, they registered adventurer teams one after another.

Right now, among the four adventurer teams, one is the team of the Temple of Gods, the other is the team of the Great Zhou Empire, and the other two are from two powerful neutral forces.

Their four teams were originally preparing to enter the core area.

Because not long ago, the killing formation at the gate of the core area of ​​the Mother Goddess ruins was cracked.

This naturally caused a lot of fights and conflicts, so the two forces, the Temple of the Gods and the Great Zhou Empire, took the lead in pinching each other, and the two fought to the sky above the long river that ran through the entire ruins of the Mother Goddess.

And then it just came here.

The reason for the other two teams coming here is the same, but they are the subordinate forces of Da Zhou and the Gods respectively, so the eldest brother and the younger brothers came here one after another.

Moreover, they had a fight when they came here not long ago, and both sides were injured. Fortunately, after discovering that this place was abnormal, the two sides decided to stop and explore first.

"Hehe, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it! I thought I missed the remains of the mother god, but I never thought that another village would be brightened." The representative captain of the temple, an aged seventh-rank demigod, grinned sinisterly. .

The name of this person is Zan Lao, and he is a seventh-order demigod with an age of about thirty-five million years.

This appearance is also very old, an old face is loosely built, with many age spots, and the wrinkles on the face can kill flies. White eyebrows and white beard, the white hair on the top of the head is extremely sparse, and you can see the bare Mediterranean Sea.

But this old man is very particular about festivities, wearing a big red wedding gown, those who don't know it thought this is the bridegroom official who came from somewhere.

"Burn old man, your seventh level is too watery. Although I can't beat you, you don't want to kill me. Otherwise, you and I will stop for the time being and go in to find the treasure first.

I think the place here is not small, you and I are separated, how about no one bothering anyone? "

The representative captain of the Great Zhou Empire spoke. This man was covered in dark blue skin and was unusually burly, holding a thick hammer. He looked just like the burly giant spirit god.

"The young man just got into a fight and didn't know how to let this old man, I can't resist your hammers at my age."

Zan Lao waved his hands as if he could die at any moment.

The burly man rolled his eyes, and said in a low voice, "You really know how to open your eyes and talk nonsense, no matter how old you are, you are still a seventh-rank powerhouse, you have a **** domain, even if you stand still, I can't do anything to you, right? "

"Okay, let's go according to our ability, let's go!"

Zan Lao didn't want to take over After greeting the subordinates around him, he went to the mountain gate.

Just as soon as he stepped in, someone suddenly screamed, and an arm fell off.

Immediately afterwards, the arm of the other person fell off.

"The power of space!"

The half-asleep and half-awake pupils of the buried old man suddenly opened wide, and there was excitement in them.

An old and sophisticated monster like him knows what this means. The existence of top laws means that the value of the ruins here is of great significance!

"Haha! Good! Good!"

With a wave of Zan Boss's hand, an invisible force quickly defeated the power of space that struck again nearby.

The space returned to calm. These space powers have been consumed by Jiang Heng many times, and now they are reluctant to sneak attack some middle-level strong men who are not physically strong.

Zan Lao is very confident. After all, this is the backhand left by the ancient times. How much power can he have? Now it seems that he should make a fortune by himself.

In the eyes of Zan Lao, the ancient sect ruins in front of him already belonged to him.

As for those guys from the Great Zhou Empire.

"Hmph, let these guys help me collect the treasures first, and when I leave, I'll catch them all in one go!"

Zan Lao snorted coldly in his heart.

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